Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C8 The Cultivation Base of the System's Shopping Mall Broke Through
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C8 The Cultivation Base of the System's Shopping Mall Broke Through
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C8 The Cultivation Base of the System's Shopping Mall Broke Through

He rose to fame in a single battle!

Since Yim Wuxie clashed with Xiao Chen in the Chiang family's plaza, his renown has echoed across the Central Plains.

The entire region buzzes with the news of a formidable young man emerging from the Chiang family, boasting not just exceptional strength but also an impressive lineage.

Even Ming Yu, an elder from Medicine Valley, fell to his might. More astonishingly, the Origin Godfire, capable of vanquishing a peak Divine Profound adversary in a blink, proved ineffective against him.

Such fearsome power, coupled with a strong heritage.

At his tender age, Yim Wuxie has ascended to heights few in the vast Central Plains can claim to reach.

With this battle, the Yim family has reaffirmed their might to all in the Central Region.

Naturally, Yim Wuxie reaped considerable rewards, vanquishing his nemesis Xiao Chen and amassing a substantial villain value.

It's common knowledge that any item from the Item Shop could incite a frenzy among powers in the black market.

Some of the more advanced items are beyond valuation.

Currently, Yim Wuxie is in his study, meditatively perusing the shopping mall's interface.

"Heaven level cultivation techniques, cultivation experience, talent re-cultivation, exotic treasures, nuclear bombs, fighter jets..."

The System's mall is a veritable treasure trove. Though Yim Wuxie's villain value limits his choices, it's more than sufficient for his needs at the moment.

"Hmm, hold on, what's this?"

An item in the mall has caught Yim Wuxie's eye.

Seed Fragment of the Parallel Plane.

What could this be?

Filled with curiosity, Yim Wuxie delves into the item description.

"The Seed Fragment of the Parallel Plane, a shard of the complete Parallel Plane Seed, can yield the full seed when all fragments are gathered. This seed, once rooted and sprouted within the host, creates an inner world."

"Unaffected by external forces, this world is governed solely by the host, allowing complete control over time and the fabric of its reality. In essence, it's a domain entirely at the host's command."

This was an exceptionally rare gem, and Yim Wuxie's heart swelled with joy upon discovering it.

He had once heard whispers of such a treasure within the Chiang family, though it had always been just that—whispers. Legends told of many a powerful figure who would give their entire fortune for a chance to possess such an item.

In moments of peril, this treasure could very well be the difference between life and death. Escaping danger would be trivial, and unless one was a Saint or at the Great Emperor Realm, tearing through the fabric of space to find him would be futile.

Xiao Chen's mentor, Elder Ming Yu from Medicine Valley, had only managed to preserve a sliver of his soul before his body's destruction thanks to such a treasure, transferring it into an inner spatial sanctuary to bide his time for bodily reconstruction.

The price tag read 5,000 villain points.

A bit steep, Yim Wuxie mused, but for a treasure of this caliber, it was a fitting price.

He promptly confirmed the exchange.

With the remaining villain points, Yim Wuxie acquired several potent techniques for self-preservation, reserving the last of his points to enhance his cultivation.

The Holy Book of Heavenly Dao was one of the secret arts Yim Wuxie practiced. This technique promised accelerated progress in his cultivation journey, doubling efficiency.

Even in the upper realms, this technique was the envy of many. Now at the sixth level, Yim Wuxie stood out among his peers, a true exemplar of his generation.

The original owner, despite his remarkable talent, had been stalled at this stage for nearly half a year.

"If villain points can boost my cultivation, why not lend myself a hand and shatter this bottleneck?" he pondered.

With that thought, Yim Wuxie commanded the system.

"System, allocate all my remaining talent points to my cultivation experience!"

As his words echoed, a stream of crystalline, pure energy began to flow from the pit of Yim Wuxie's stomach, gently reaching every extremity of his being.

It was as if every cell in his brain was rejuvenated, brimming with new life.

Visions of the Holy Book of the Heavenly Dao's teachings danced before his eyes.

His mastery of the art advanced, breaking through to a new minor realm.

Suddenly, Yim Wuxie's body trembled.

A robust wave of energy radiated outward from his core.

The palace air crackled with the sound of thunderous explosions.

An overwhelming aura of authority spread, dominating the vicinity.

A hush fell over the nearby expanse, and the guards, tasked with protection, were now stricken with fear.

The two exchanged a glance, their faces etched with fear.

"What was that horrifying energy just now?"

"It was as if a Demon Lord were present in the hall."

"It felt like the oppressive force of someone breaking through to the second grade of the Heavenly Mystery Stage."

"Could it be that lord?"

"It's terrifying. To have achieved such pinnacle strength at such a young age…"

In the hall, Yim Wuxie's laughter rang out, wild with elation.

Power, immense power, the kind that could dominate everything and disdain all beings.

At this moment, his internal organs appeared as if they had been tempered, shining with a translucent purity and formidable strength.

Despite the fatigue of recent days, his breakthrough to the second grade of the Heavenly Mystery Stage left him feeling anything but tired. Instead, he felt as refreshed as if he had just taken a soothing bath upon waking.

But soon, a solemn expression returned to Yim Wuxie's face.

Currently, his cultivation was only at the second grade of the Heavenly Mystery Stage. Although he was a force to be reckoned with on his own, there were still countless places within the vast expanse of the Profound Realm that were beyond his reach.

Even with the system's assistance, the cost of advancing his cultivation technique was exorbitant. A mere advancement of a minor realm had depleted all his villain value.

It seemed that in addition to intensifying his own training, he needed to seek out more Destiny Children to reap.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

As Yim Wuxie was about to peruse the shopping mall for any new unlocked items, a series of knocks disrupted his train of thought.

"Who is it?" Yim Wuxie inquired, his tone icy.

"It's me, Chiang Qiushui. Young Master Yim, may I enter and have a word?"

Chiang Qiushui's voice, gentle as a spring breeze, floated through the door.

Yim Wuxie slowly opened his eyes, a cold smirk playing on his lips.

He didn't need to guess Chiang Qiushui's purpose; it was clear she had come to intercede on behalf of Xiao Chen.

Otherwise, why would she approach him, given his fearsome reputation? She would have steered clear instead of seeking him out.

Well, this might be an opportunity to smooth things over between them.

After all, Chiang Qiushui was quite the beauty.

Who doesn't appreciate the allure of a beautiful girl?

With that thought, Yim Wuxie's voice softened considerably as he spoke.

"Oh, it's Miss Qiushui. Please, come in."

Chiang Qiushui, upon hearing this, gently nudged the door open and stepped inside.

"I'm curious, what brings Miss Qiushui to my quarters?"

A warm smile played across Yim Wuxie's striking features, striking the perfect balance of cordiality.

His words left Chiang Qiushui somewhat disconcerted.

She had always pegged Yim Wuxie as a heartless demon, one who could take a life without batting an eye.

Yet, in this moment, the young man before her seemed to exude a hint of something unexpected.


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