Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C9 The Seductive Beauty Disturbed the Prince's Performance
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Fantasy: I Am The Great Antagonist/C9 The Seductive Beauty Disturbed the Prince's Performance
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C9 The Seductive Beauty Disturbed the Prince's Performance

At this moment, Chiang Qiushui could no longer maintain the composure she once had; an inexplicable emotion was stirring within her heart.

It was undeniable that Chiang Qiushui possessed a flawless beauty.

Her features were delicate and lovely, her eyes as clear as autumn waters, her eyebrows like fine brushwork.

Her lips, a teasing half-smile, her slender fingers like tender shoots, her waist as supple as a willow.

Even her pale green gown couldn't conceal her exquisite figure.

As she moved, each step blossomed like a lotus, with her long, graceful legs occasionally glimpsed beneath the hem of her skirt.

She was, without question, a rare beauty.

Few men could keep their cool in the presence of such a woman, and even Yim Wuxie had to acknowledge this truth within himself.

Yet, at this very moment, it was Chiang Qiushui's heart that was more tumultuous, filled with uncertainty and trepidation.

From a young age, countless men had sought her favor.

Even Xiao Chen, in her presence, was as flustered as a child.

But Yim Wuxie was different.

He remained utterly indifferent, not even laying a finger on her the night her father had sent her to his chamber.

It was as if she held no allure for this man at all.

Women often desire the men who can conquer them.

Those who fawned over her, no matter how much they offered, never truly captured her esteem.

"Holy Maiden?"

A voice, rich and magnetic, snapped Chiang Qiushui out of her reverie.

"The Holy Maiden has not yet answered my question."

A blush tinged Chiang Qiushui's cheeks as she averted her gaze from Yim Wuxie, replying in a gentle tone,

"Qiushui has come to apologize for the recent incident."

Yim Wuxie, his eyes open and seated in a composed posture on the bed, inquired smoothly,

"Oh? Please elaborate. What wrong has the Holy Maiden committed?"

"The matter concerning Xiao Chen arose because of me, causing you undue difficulty. It was improper of me, and I hope you can look past my previous ignorance and forgive Qiushui."

Chiang Qiushui didn't hesitate to share with Yim Wuxie how she and Xiao Chen met, and the depth of Xiao Chen's affection for her. It would be foolish to conceal the truth from someone who already knows everything. Doing so would not only be underestimating oneself but also insulting the intelligence of the other person.

Hence, the right approach was to be transparent and keep nothing hidden. It must be acknowledged that Chiang Qiushui's emotional intelligence was impressively high. Yim Wuxie couldn't help but admire such a meticulous, intelligent, and vivacious woman. She was far more appealing to men than those who were merely pretty faces without substance.

An intrigued look crossed Yim Wuxie's face. "Hmm, this woman is quite intriguing."

In the battle that had just passed, Yim Wuxie had demonstrated his overwhelming strength to the entire Chiang family, along with the formidable forces that stood behind him. Having the power to bring Xiao Chen crashing down from the heavens, he could just as easily obliterate any faction he disapproved of, the Chiang family included.

Should Yim Wuxie become the Chiang family's patron, their standing in the Central Region would become unassailable. Chiang Qiushui, weighing her options, was far more reluctant to cross the man before her than the impetuous and fiery Xiao Chen.

At this moment, Yim Wuxie regarded Chiang Qiushui with a semblance of admiration. Pure admiration, of course. And yet, there was the undeniable desire for her as well—a man's desire.

"Ding! Chiang Qiushui's personality has shifted, her favorability towards the host has increased, Xiao Chen's destiny value has decreased by 100 points, and the host's villain value has increased by 1000 points," the system's voice chimed in Yim Wuxie's ears, prompting him to squint thoughtfully.

The system was infallible in its truth. Therefore, Chiang Qiushui's disdain for him must have lessened. But this was not enough—not by a long shot. It took both a firm hand and a sweet reward to truly win a woman's unwavering loyalty.

With a mischievous curve to his lips, Yim Wuxie spoke with a playful tone, "You've shared quite a bit. Are you trying to pique my interest in you, hoping I'll spare Xiao Chen for your sake?"

His words were laced with a biting sarcasm, sparing no feelings.

Although Chiang Qiushui had braced herself for Yim Wuxie's reaction, his bluntness still caught her off guard. Her face drained of color as she quickly rose from her seat, offering a conciliatory bow.

"Qiushui is well aware that she's but a simple beauty, unworthy of your discerning eye. Yet, I assure you, my words come from a place of sincerity and hope for your understanding," she implored.

"Xiao Chen has risked the wrath of the entire Chiang family for your sake, and now he languishes in a dungeon, his fate unknown. Are you not concerned that your actions might render his devotion to you in vain?" Yim Wuxie's words stirred a tumult of feelings within her.

How could she remain unaffected? Chiang Qiushui was acutely aware of Xiao Chen's genuine affection for her. But with the well-being of the Chiang family resting on her shoulders, this was no time to indulge in personal sentiment.

"In the face of clan and sect, all else fades into insignificance," she declared, though it was evident that the words pained her deeply.

Observing Chiang Qiushui's demeanor, Yim Wuxie maintained a cool smile, but inwardly, he was already savoring his victory. To conquer a person's will, one must first besiege their heart. By her expression, Chiang Qiushui had already capitulated within.

"Ding! Chiang Qiushui's heart has yielded. Xiao Chen's destiny value is reduced by 50 points, while the host's villain value increases by 500 points."

Indeed, with this latest development, Xiao Chen's destiny value had been whittled down by over 3000 points. Yim Wuxie's aura of authority was overwhelming, often leaving others perplexed by his enigmatic nature. Unlike Xiao Chen, who was an open book, transparent in his affections, Yim Wuxie's inscrutability was, paradoxically, what many found alluring.

"You come to my room in the dead of night, unafraid of what I might do?" Yim Wuxie asked, his gaze piercing as he wore an expression that was deliberately hard to read.

Chiang Qiushui remained remarkably composed as she spoke with refined grace:

"I still have great faith in your character."

Her words unexpectedly coaxed a laugh from Yim Wuxie.

"Character? It's nothing more than a label others have slapped on. Who can predict what one might do when it truly matters?"

"You're not being sincere!"

Yim Wuxie uttered with a light huff.

Chiang Qiushui simply pressed her lips together, offering no reply.

Outside, the gentle breeze stirred the bamboo, creating a soft rustling, intermittently accompanied by the crisp chirping of insects.

"The hour grows late. Saintess, it's time for you to return."

Yim Wuxie rose to his feet, gliding past Chiang Qiushui to take his place at the doorway.

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