Fantasy: Intelligence MAX/C22 Time to Go Back to the Lo Family.
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Fantasy: Intelligence MAX/C22 Time to Go Back to the Lo Family.
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C22 Time to Go Back to the Lo Family.

"Bastard, just you wait!"

After saying that, Lo Ding's mother fiercely glanced at the Elder who was guarding the arena, and carried the broken heart of Lo Ding as she walked down the arena.

"Little Lo Chen, you have to be careful of this slut. The family that she relies on is not any worse than the Lo family."

This sentence had a deeper meaning, but Lo Chen respectfully cupped his hands towards the Elder.

Lo Chen was not a person who could not differentiate between right and wrong. One had to know that the Elder who was guarding the arena had saved him, so the Elder could accept this bow!

"Young Master Chen, you …"

Before Lo Gaang could finish speaking, Lo Chen looked at Lo Gaang and sneered, "Housekeeper Lo, don't forget that you are just a servant!"

After saying that, Lo Gaang's expression instantly changed, and there was a trace of shock in his eyes!

"Thank you, Young Master Chen, for your reminder. I understand."

At this moment, Lo Gaang no longer dared to reprimand Lo Chen.

Firstly, Lo Ding did not beat Lo Chen, and it was under the premise of cheating.

This meant that his support for the Fourth Young Master's bloodline was invalid!

Secondly, if Lo Chen continued to maintain this state, not to mention the top three, it was possible for him to be the first!

No matter where he started, Lo Chen was not someone that Lo Gaang could afford to offend.

"Clan Master, you have to punish that bastard!"

Hearing this, Lo Gaang turned around and looked at Lo Ding's mother who was kneeling beside Lo Wushuang.

"Lo Ding deserved it. He actually consumed the Blood Explosion Pill without permission."

Blood Explosion Pill?

Lo Chen looked at Lo Wushuang meaningfully. This should be the pill that Lo Ding had just used.

"The round of eighteen to nine is over. The person who drew lots will be the empty seat!"

The round of nine to four meant that there would definitely be one person who would be the empty seat!

Lo Chen curled his lips indifferently. Of course, if he was really lucky, then it would definitely be the empty seat!

After everyone had finished drawing their lots, Lo Chen took the last ball of paper!

There was a big zero on it!

Just as Lo Chen was wondering what the zero meant, he heard Lo Wushuang's steady voice.

"There are a total of five numbers on the ball of paper. Other than the zero, there are other numbers!"

When he heard this, Lo Chen looked at the ball of paper in his hand and raised his eyebrows. Then, he threw the ball of paper to Lo Wushuang, indicating that he was zero!

Lo Chen left, but Lo Ding's mother did not leave. Instead, she looked at Lo Chen with a hint of hatred in her eyes.

"Lo Wushuang, if you don't make a move, then I will use the power of my mother's family to kill this bastard!"

Lo Wushuang raised her eyebrows and looked at Lo Ding's mother with a hint of disdain.

"Let me tell you, Lo Chen is now the genius disciple of the Lo family. Not to mention you, even if your father, that old man, comes, he won't be able to interfere!"

Lo Wushuang's unyielding attitude had truly surprised Lo Ding's mother.

After all, this was the first time Lo Wushuang had such a strong attitude.

Even so, Lo Ding's mother still fiercely glanced at Lo Chen's back and slowly left the competition grounds of the family.

However, Lo Chen did not know about all of this. He just leisurely returned to his own home.

"Mother, I'm back!"

After saying that, Yu Yuvlian walked out of the house and looked at Lo Chen as he touched his head with a hint of pity.

"Chen, how did it go today? Are you tired?"

When Lo Chen heard this, a warm feeling quietly flowed through his heart as he looked at Yu Yuvlian and shook his head.

"I'm not tired. I crippled my fourth brother, Lo Ding, today!"

Lo Chen was calm and indifferent. When he said this, there was no ripple in his heart.

"You … You crippled your fourth brother?"

Yu Yuvlian clearly did not expect Lo Chen to be so decisive that he would cripple Lo Ding in the Family Competition!

However, in the next second, Yu Yuvlian's expression returned to normal. She looked at Lo Chen and smiled, "I don't understand the matters in the family, but Mother supports you."

Lo Chen smiled and did not say anything. Instead, he looked at the house and said, "Mother, what did you do today? Why is it so fragrant?"

Yu Yuvlian laughed. She was a little helpless towards Lo Chen's childish reason of changing the topic.

"Today's dishes are all what you like to eat. Quickly wash your hands and eat."


Seeing that Yu Yuvlian did not continue, Lo Chen let out a sigh of relief. After washing his hands, he started to eat on the table.

"Chen, eat slowly."

When Lo Chen heard this, he was slightly stunned for a moment before nodding at Yu Yuvlian again.


The mother and son did not say anything and continued to eat, but it seemed especially warm.

At this moment, there was a commotion at the door of the house, causing Lo Chen to frown.

"Who is it?"

A lump of doubt appeared in Lo Chen's mind, but he shook his head and did not continue to think about it.

"Chen, let me take a look at you."

Before Lo Chen could ask who it was, he heard Lo Wushuang's voice.

How could Lo Chen not know that this was Lo Wushuang?

Lo Chen simply smiled and said to Yu Yuvlian that he had finished eating, then left the table.

When Yu Yuvlian saw Lo Wushuang, she seemed a little excited, but in the next second, she returned to normal.

"Yuvlian, you … You have worked so hard all these years alone."

The most common lie in the world was the one you said when you were flirting with each other!

Of course, this Lo Wushuang was a correct example.

"Why are you here?"

Lo Chen took out a portion of rice from the pot and placed it in front of Lo Wushuang.

"I … I came to see you."

How unwilling was he to say this?

If he was willing, Yu Yuvlian would not have lived with Lo Chen outside for so many years.

Lo Chen did not speak, he just calmly looked at Lo Wushuang. If it wasn't for the fact that Yu Yuvlian still remembered this kind of heartless man.

Lo Chen probably wouldn't even look at Lo Wushuang, and Lo Wushuang could not help but smile when she looked at Lo Chen.

"Master, let's not talk about this. You must have something important to do, just say it."

Hearing this, Lo Wushuang looked at Lo Chen with some hesitation, "Chen, you have gone too far today."

Hearing this, Lo Chen shook his head. Although he had guessed that Lo Wushuang had come to denounce him, he did not expect Lo Wushuang to not hide anything at all.

"Then how do you want to punish me, Master?"

Lo Chen's attitude could be said to have reached a certain level, which made Lo Wushuang a little embarrassed.

No one would have thought that Lo Chen would be so tough, to actually talk to Lo Wushuang like this.

Although Lo Wushuang was a little angry, she suppressed her anger and said to Lo Chen, "Chen, I believe you know that your fourth brother's mother is not any worse than the Lo family, and his grandfather loves Lo Ding the most."

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