Fantasy: Intelligence MAX/C23 I Know
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Fantasy: Intelligence MAX/C23 I Know
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C23 I Know

Lo Chen did not say anything, he just wanted to see what else Lo Wushuang could say.

Seeing that, even Lo Wushuang, who had a good temper, could not hold it in anymore.

"Chen, after the Family Competition this time, don't leave the Lo family."

After saying that, Lo Wushuang could not help but look at Lo Chen, but Lo Chen only sneered at her.

"No need, after the Family Competition this time, I have my own plans."

After saying that, Lo Wushuang snorted coldly and left without caring about the food on the table.

Yu Yuvlian looked at Lo Wushuang's back and seemed to be somewhat resentful.

"Your father finally came here, Chen, why are you doing this?"

Lo Chen did not believe that Yu Yuvlian could not see that Lo Wushuang did not love her at all, but Yu Yuvlian was indeed quite foolish.

She had been loving this scumbag father of hers all this time, so Lo Chen just apologized to her in a soft voice.

As a person who had lived two lives, he cherished this rare family love very much.

Yu Yuvlian looked at Lo Chen and said hesitantly, "Chen, are you really not going back to the Lo family?"

Hearing that, Lo Chen looked at Yu Yuvlian and said, "Mother, I still have some things to do after the Family Competition. You should go back to the Lo family first. It's not very safe here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Yuvlian looked at Lo Chen and did not expect that Lo Chen would hate Lo Wushuang so much.

"Alright … Alright."

Yu Yuvlian sighed lightly, and there was a trace of unwillingness in her eyes.

Lo Chen looked at Yu Yuvlian's appearance and felt a little uncomfortable. He simply said, "When I come back, I will naturally go to the Lo family to pay my respects to mother."

Hearing this, Yu Yuvlian slowly relaxed her brows and nodded at Lo Chen.

"Mother, let me do it."

Seeing that Yu Yuvlian wanted to clean up the table, Lo Chen stood up and said softly.

Then, without caring what Yu Yuvlian was thinking, he picked up the bowls and chopsticks and gave Yu Yuvlian a back view.

Yu Yuvlian looked at Lo Chen's back and could not help but sigh. Then, she said, "Chen has really grown up."

After saying that, Yu Yuvlian revealed a gratified expression.

Lo Chen naturally did not see this scene, and even if he did, he probably wouldn't say anything.

After Lo Wushuang returned to the Lo family, she was naturally extremely angry. She suddenly slammed the table and said coldly, "As expected, a woman from a small family. The children she brought are so uncultured!"

Compared to Lo Wushuang's anger, Lo Hao stood by the side indifferently.

He knew that Lo Chen had already become the current genius of the Lo family. No matter how angry Lo Wushuang was, she would definitely not implicate Lo Chen.

He was also a little genius, so it could only be said that Lo Wushuang could only vent her anger on his crippled brother, Lo Ding!

His poor and stupid brother, he could have messed with anyone, but he had to mess with someone he could not afford to mess with.

Lo Hao could see the situation clearly. One of them wanted to kill him, and the other wanted to cripple him!

It was obvious that it was easier to save him if he wanted to kill him, but it was obviously more difficult to save him if he wanted to cripple him.

Lo Ding was crippled, but he was not saved, but Lo Chen was not!

"Lo Hao, go and see if that trash is dead or not!"

Lo Wushuang's current mood could be said to have become extremely irritated, and this sentence was extremely serious.

"As the saying goes, a tiger does not eat its cubs. Lo Wushuang, you are quite ruthless!"

After saying this, Lo Ding's mother, who was obviously from his mother's clan, walked in.

"Bitch, who told you to attack Chen in the Family Competition today?"

Hearing this, Lo Ding's mother immediately laughed, "Chen?"

"Hahahaha, this is called intimate."

After saying that, Lo Ding's mother said with a slightly sinister tone, "Lo Wushuang, don't forget, Ding is also your son!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Lo Wushuang instantly became silent. It wasn't that he didn't want to care about Lo Ding, but Lo Ding's heart had been damaged, and it was almost impossible for him to recover!

"I know, so what do you want me to do!"

Lo Wushuang looked at Lo Ding's mother coldly, but this time, there was a trace of guilt in her eyes.

"Your arrogance and disobedience are also your responsibility, so...!"


Lo Wushuang directly waved her hand to interrupt Lo Ding's mother's words. She looked at Lo Ding's mother with a hint of irritation in her eyes.

"You have to know that if the Dao Heart is damaged, this cultivator will be crippled, and there is no possibility of saving him!"

Hearing this, Lo Ding's mother's face lit up, and she hurriedly ran in front of Lo Wushuang and said, "No, Ding Er is still alive. I know someone who can save Ding Er!"

After saying this, Lo Wushuang's expression instantly changed, and the gaze she looked at Lo Ding's mother with became cold.

"You have to know that although his Dao Heart is damaged now, it's not to the point that he will become a devil that people chase after every day. If you do that, you will only destroy him!"

When Lo Ding's mother heard Lo Wushuang's words, her expression instantly turned miserable.

"I … How could I not know? But I have no choice!"

As she spoke, Lo Ding's mother covered her head and squatted on the ground, looking extremely helpless.

"Give up on Ding Er. In two years, I will make him a rich man, and he will live a life without worries."

When Lo Ding's mother heard this, it was as if she had gone mad. The gaze she looked at Lo Wushuang with had completely turned into disappointment.

"I didn't ask you to kill Lo Chen and give the Holy Bone to Ding Er. I didn't expect you to still be unwilling to help Ding Er."

Speaking up to this point, Lo Ding's mother's face was filled with determination, "Since that's the case, then I won't force it. I want to bring Ding Er back to my mother!"

Lo Wushuang narrowed her eyes slightly, and a few elders of the Lo family immediately appeared behind her.

"Little girl, your mother is your mother after all. If you go back now, don't think that our Lo family is bullying you."

Lo Ding's mother glanced at the elder and simply said, "Could it be that I can still stay in the Lo family!"

Hearing this, the elders of the Lo family were silent for a moment before lowering their heads.

This was the truth. After all, the Lo family did not welcome trash.

Although Lo Ding's mother could rely on her mother to protect Lo Ding for a while, she could not protect Lo Ding for a lifetime!

As long as Lo Ding's mother died, Lo Ding's situation would be much worse than Lo Chen's!

After all, Lo Chen was a fool and did not know anything. No one was willing to bully a fool!

However, Lo Ding was not a fool. Instead, he was extremely smart and had a high level of comprehension. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been cultivated by the Lo family at such an age!

However, it was also because of this that the people who were bullied by Lo Ding this time would also come back!

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