Female CEO's Super Beautician/C11 Open Room
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Female CEO's Super Beautician/C11 Open Room
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C11 Open Room

Chen Ke was very nervous and remembered the first time he had asked for a room with Zhang Mengyao.

That time, he was more nervous than Zhang Mengyao. Although both of them had no experience, Chen Ke was especially nervous. He could only watch TV but could not see anything. He could only change the channel blindly.

When Mengyao came out, the two inexperienced men clumsily took a taste of the forbidden fruit.

From that time on, Chen Ke and Mengyao were truly together. They were naked, hugging each other and whispering intoxicating words of love in each other's ears.

At this time, Nana walked out, and the towel couldn't show her perfect figure. When she came out, she was a little shy, maybe she did it on purpose, but in Chen Ke's eyes, it looked exactly the same as the first time Mengyao came out of the shower.

Chen Ke felt a bit absent-minded, as if the woman in front of him had become Mengyao from college.

Nana stared at Chen Ke with an alluring expression as she slowly walked towards him. The towel slowly fell to the ground. Nana pounced and slowly sat on Chen Ke's body.

The hot kiss fell on Chen Ke's body and his passion was instantly ignited by that soft mouth. As he kissed, he whispered, "Mengyao …" Mengyao … "I love you …"

Nana was kissing him when she suddenly asked, "Who's Mengyao?"

It didn't matter if he stopped, Chen Ke's dream immediately came to an end. He immediately switched the woman on his body from Mengyao to the younger and more worldly looking face in front of him.

Chen Ke pushed her away and sat up.

"Big brother, what's wrong?" Nana asked, puzzled. "It's fine, why did you stop?"

"Nothing." Chen Ke expressionlessly put back the clothes that Nana pulled out one by one and said, "Do you have a cigarette?"

Nana took out a box of ladies' cigarettes from her bag and gave one to Chen Ke to light up. She looked at him and said, "Brother, what's wrong?"

Chen Ke smoked a few mouthfuls and said, "Don't ask anymore, I'll be going back first after smoking. Don't forget to check out when you leave tomorrow."

Nana said dejectedly, "It's already so late, you left me here by myself, how scared am I?"

"Such a luxurious hotel is very safe, you can sleep at ease." Chen Ke said.

"No!" Nana said coquettishly, "Big brother, don't leave me behind. I'm most afraid of being left alone. I'm begging you …"

Chen Ke didn't notice it at first, but when he turned around, Nana's eyes were actually sparkling and translucent. Chen Ke didn't notice it at first, but when he turned around, Nana's eyes were actually sparkling and translucent.

Nana immediately broke down in tears and smiled, "Really? Fine, fine, I promise you. Go to sleep tonight. But I have a small request. "

Chen Ke asked, "What request?"

Nana said, "Can I hold your hand and sleep or I'll be scared."

Chen Ke laughed and nodded.

As expected, Nana was very obedient and took his hand to sleep quietly, but Chen Ke couldn't fall asleep at all. This was the first time he spent the night with a girl other than Mengyao.

In the dark, Chen Ke suddenly heard Nana say, "Brother, in fact, I know what's wrong with you."

"Oh?" Chen Ke said, "Then tell me, what happened to me?"

"You," Nana said, "have a hurt in your heart, don't refute it, go to sleep."

Chen Ke smiled helplessly. Before long, he heard Nana's breathing become heavy as she fell asleep.

Actually, she was still young. Chen Ke thought.

Chen Ke thought about a lot of things. He didn't get any sleep during the night. After a long time, he suddenly fell asleep for some reason.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Chen Ke was suddenly woken up by a burst of rustling sounds. When Chen Ke woke up, he found that there was no one beside him. It was unknown when Nana had disappeared.

Chen Ke was surprised. He suddenly realized that Nana was squatting beside the table in her birthday suit, fiddling with something. It was Chen Ke's clothes.

Stealing things? Chen Ke thought, but he didn't disturb her. He narrowed his eyes and peeked at her to see what she was up to. Soon, Nana put down his clothes, tidied up her clothes, and went back to bed.

What did she take?

Chen Ke didn't see it clearly, but he was no longer sleepy. After a while, he noticed that Nana had fallen asleep again, so he quietly got up and went to the table to check his clothes. His wallet was there, his card was there, his car keys were also there, his phone was also there.

What did she take? Chen Ke thought for a long time and didn't think that other than these, there was nothing else of value.

Maybe she was just going to steal it, but then she found out and gave up on the idea.

This was the only explanation. Chen Ke thought, but he didn't dare to stay any longer. If he fell asleep and the girl changed her mind and stole his things, how could he take revenge?

Thinking about this, Chen Ke quietly put on his clothes, put the few hundred yuan notes in his wallet on the table, left them to Nana, and quietly closed the door.

Chen Ke didn't dare to park the Ferrari in his own neighborhood, so he found an upscale area and parked it there. Then he took a taxi home. Before dawn, he went back to sleep.

When he woke up, the sky was already bright. He was woken up by his phone, and in his dream, he heard someone's phone ringing, but no one answered. It was only when he woke up, feeling very impatient, that he realized the phone was ringing in his pocket.

He was surprised that no one else knew this number. It seemed like he was contacting him, so he quickly picked up the phone and said, "Hello, is this' Teacher '?"

What surprised him was that it was a woman who giggled. Chen Ke asked, "Who are you?"

"Who am I? "I'm your beautiful teacher, my good student haha …" He laughed over there.

Only then did Chen Ke realize that it was actually Nana!

"How do you know my number?" Chen Ke asked.

"I knew you were going to leave me and run away, so I left your number, you son of a bitch!" "You said that you won't leave me behind, but in the end you left me alone in the hotel. Are you even a man?!"

It turned out that she wasn't stealing things last night, but leaving his number. Then, he said, "I had something urgent to do this morning, so I wanted to leave. Seeing that you were sleeping soundly, I didn't have the heart to disturb you, so I left first."

"Even if that's the case, what do you mean by keeping several hundred yuan?" Nana was furious at the other end of the phone, "Who do you think I am? Besides, am I worth that little bit of money? "

"Oh, I only had some cash on me yesterday. If you find it too little, then give me your account number. I'll give you as much as you want." Chen Ke said.

Who would have thought that the other side would be even angrier, "Go and die! Some of them are amazing. I repeat, I'm not selling this girl! If you continue to insult me like this, I'll chop you to death in minutes! "

"Don't get excited, just treat it as the money I left for your breakfast." Chen Ke said, "I still have some matters to attend to. Let's not talk about them for now."

"Wait a moment!" Nana's tone suddenly softened. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be angry with you."

"I'm fine." Chen Ke said. Is there anything else? "

The other side didn't say anything for a long time. After a while, she said, "I …" Will I see you again in the future? "

"Maybe." Chen Ke said, "I don't know either.

"Then will you change the phone?" Nana asked.

"Nope." Chen Ke said, "But don't call me again."

Chen Ke hung up as he spoke.

He got up, washed up, went downstairs to eat something, organized his thoughts, and began his revenge.

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