Female CEO's Super Beautician/C15 Mysterious Area B
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Female CEO's Super Beautician/C15 Mysterious Area B
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C15 Mysterious Area B

President Zhang led Chen Ke up to the eighth floor. The eighth floor looked like the office of their leader, but it was different from the ordinary office of a company. The office here was also a bit elegant.

President Zhang led Chen Ke into one of the rooms. Chen Ke looked up and saw a sign on the door: General Manager's Office.

"Sit down." President Zhang said to Chen Ke as he sat in front of his desk.

Chen Ke sat on the soft sofa. The soft sofa made Chen Ke feel like it was a trap.

President Zhang couldn't help but size up Chen Ke once again. This made Chen Ke feel very unnatural.

"Did teacher ask you to come?" President Zhang asked.

Chen Ke nodded.

"Didn't teacher say anything else?" President Zhang asked.

"Nope." Chen Ke said, "He just asked me to apply and said that you would take over, so he didn't say anything else."

President Zhang nodded as if he had thought of something.

"Then that's it," President Zhang said. "You'll be coming to work at seven o'clock this evening. The working hours will be from seven in the evening to three in the morning."

"What about the work?" Chen Ke said, "I heard that all the body builders are women, is that true?"

President Zhang laughed. "I can only say that most of the body builders are female, but not all of them are male body builders. You need to train first. When you come back tonight, I'll arrange for a teacher to teach you.

At 7 PM, Chen Ke punctually arrived at Yongning Avenue. At this time, the neon lights were already flashing, and the wonderful nightlife of the city had already begun.

When Chen Ke arrived, the hall was no longer as deserted as it was during the day. There were people shuttling back and forth, several women conversing with the waiter at the front desk, and a few women sitting on the sofas in the hall, talking and smoking.

From the way these women dressed, it could be seen that they were either rich or noble.

President Zhang also sat among these women and chatted with them. It was obvious that she was very good at finding common topics with them and was extremely happy.

Seeing Chen Ke walk in, he then greeted those women and walked over.

President Zhang assigned Chen Ke to a technician called Lee Lee and told Chen Ke, "From now on, everything here will be decided by Lee Lee."

Chen Ke nodded and looked at the woman in front of him. This woman was the same as President Zhang, she had a plump body with a curvy body, making people want to go to bed with her, but it was only because of this that people would not think of love.

Lee Lee seemed to be mentally prepared for her male disciple, so she was not surprised. However, in Chen Ke's eyes, she was very warm to others, but she had an arrogant attitude. From the start of their contact, she had been cold and indifferent.

"I'll call you Teacher Li. What are we going to learn today, Teacher Li?" Chen Ke asked.

"I'm very busy today, so I don't have time to teach you anything. Go around first, but remember, the area can be visited, but only if the door is open. You can't go there. Remember?" Lee Lee said.

"Area?" This is the area, where is that area? " Chen Ke asked.

"Area … Area is …" Aiya, nevermind, don't cause trouble for me, I'll find someone to take you with me, don't get me into trouble. " Lee Lee said impatiently.

She made a phone call and then jogged over to him. He was quite pretty, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a handsome face, about 1.89 meters tall, and very bright. He looked like one of the celebrities in Korean dramas.

The boy ran over and asked Lee Lee with a smile, "Sister Li, what are you looking for me for?"

Seeing his expression, Lee Lee had a completely different reaction to Chen Ke as she smiled and said, "Xiao Nan, this is the new Chen Ke. Take him around, get to know him, but don't wander around, do you understand?"

Xiao Nan understood tacitly, "Got it, Sister Li. When will Sister Li look after me? Introduce a few to me?"

"Take care of my ass!" Lee Lee said, "Take it easy too. Don't focus on earning money. Be careful of your life."

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Sister Li, you still don't know?" Xiao Nan laughed.

"Scram!" Lee Lee also said with a smile. Before she left, she reminded Xiao Nan, "Don't forget, don't bring him to the district."

Chen Ke did not understand their conversation at all. The previous words about taking care of some business were probably because Xiao Nan had a request from Lee Lee and needed Lee Lee to take care of some business. However, Wu Tie could not guess what it was.

What exactly is a district? What is the taboo?

If she didn't say it intentionally, Chen Ke wouldn't have thought of it. However, her words aroused Chen Ke's curiosity.

The handsome guy called Xiao Nan was ordered to bring Chen Ke around. It turned out that this place was much larger than Chen Ke had expected. All of the floors were rooms, but most of the doors were closed, so Chen Ke didn't know what was inside.

Occasionally, when there was an empty room with the door open, Chen Ke found that the interior was filled with very soft beds, beside it was a beautiful bath, the petals were floating, the environment was beautiful, and it made people want to take a bath. Around them was a bunch of containers filled with various colors of liquids.

"Why do you want to do this?" That handsome guy called Xiao Nan was very enthusiastic and asked a lot of innocuous questions from Chen Ke, which Chen Ke patiently answered.

Chen Ke couldn't say that he came here because he promised his teacher, so he found an excuse and said, "I didn't have any other skills. I heard that I made money here, so I came."

"That's pretty profitable, but it's not good for the body." Xiao Nan said.

"Not good for the body?" Chen Ke was a little puzzled, "You also do this?"

"Of course." Xiao Nan said, "I've been working for two years and I intend to earn enough money to open a hotpot restaurant, so I won't do it."

Chen Ke was even more confused. Didn't they say that there are no male body builders? Isn't this handsome guy in front of me?

"Then what are the general contents of our work?" Chen Ke asked.

Xiao Nan couldn't help but burst out laughing, "What can this job have to do? Sleep with those women? You don't even know what you're doing, yet you want to apply to be a young master? I think you're probably attracted by the salary and didn't even look at anything else before coming over, haha. "

Chen Ke finally understood that Xiao Nan was not a body builder, but the legendary 'young master'. He had only heard Wu Wei and the others mention it before, but he had never seen it before. Seeing it today is indeed different.

"Shouldn't you be at work now?" Chen Ke asked, "I won't hold you up, right?"

"My clients are always regular. When they come, they always make appointments. Don't worry." Xiao Nan said.

Actually, Chen Ke wanted to send Xiao Nan off the hook before sneaking off to the district to have a look.

"What was that area Sister Li was talking about just now?" "It seems very mysterious. What's in it?" Chen Ke feigned ignorance

Ye Zichen asked.

"This …" Xiao Nan said hesitantly, "Actually, I don't understand either. Logically speaking, since they already did so …"

There's no need to hide it, because sooner or later you'll go. "

"It seems to be some sort of secret location." Chen Ke said.

"An important matter. That is for outsiders. For us, it is not an important matter at all. That is where we work." However, since Sister Li had specifically instructed him to do so, he should have his reasons. Because we don't usually go there except when we're working. " Xiao Nan said apologetically, "You can understand that, right?"

"Oh, I see." Chen Ke said, "Then I better not go."

"Besides, you won't be able to get in." Xiao Nan pointed at a red door in the distance and said, "There's a password for that door. Unless you have someone you know, you definitely won't be able to enter."

Although Chen Ke said this, he was still very confused. Since it was only the place where these 'young masters' worked, then what was so strange about it. It was nothing more than a matter between a man and a woman, why were they so wary of him? There must be something amiss.

This aroused Chen Ke's curiosity.

Chen Ke didn't say anything on the surface. After strolling for a while, he pretended to be very tired and said, "Xiao Nan, I'm a bit tired. Xiao Nan, I'm a bit tired, you might still be working tonight, so don't walk around with me.

Xiao Nan did not doubt him at all and said, "Alright then, go look around yourself. I'll go back first. If you need anything, call me. Take down my phone number."

After Chen Ke made the call, Xiao Nan turned around and left.

Chen Ke thought that Xiao Nan still looked pretty good. He didn't seem to have any ulterior motives. If he stayed here in the future, it might be worth dating.

After confirming that Xiao Nan had left, Chen Ke then walked towards the mysterious door that led to the district.

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