Female CEO's Super Beautician/C20 A Mysterious Text Message
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Female CEO's Super Beautician/C20 A Mysterious Text Message
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C20 A Mysterious Text Message

Chen Ke didn't stay at Zhang Mengmeng's place for long after he finished his meal. He left a contact number and said that he had something on before he came out.

While driving the car and waiting for the red light to turn, Chen Ke took out his phone and looked at the photo on it. In the photo, Chen Ke and the girl called Zhang Mengmeng were smiling with their backs facing a table.

Chen Ke found the familiar number in the contact book and pressed Send. Soon, the photo was sent.

Chen Ke looked at the word 'sent' and smiled. This photo was enough to touch Zhao Mingqiang, whose nerves were already weak enough. He imagined how Zhao Mingqiang would fly into a rage when he saw this photo, and he felt really good about it!

With the lights turned green, Chen Ke stepped on the accelerator and the car sped away like an arrow leaving the bow, leaving the passerby with a look of disgust and envy.

Zhao Mingqiang stayed home honestly these few days and didn't go anywhere. He was in a terrible mood. For someone like him who treated money like his life, confiscating his property was as painful as taking his life. But there was nothing he could do. This time, Chen Ke had almost put him in prison.

In the past two days, the person that had supported him the most was his wife, Cao Huifang, the yellow-faced old woman whom he had always been annoyed with. However, ever since he had gotten into economic trouble, this old woman, who he had always disliked, had used all kinds of connections and spent a lot of money to ensure his safety. These days, she had always been by his side, trying to persuade him to think things through.

It was no wonder that everyone said that he should not disappoint his wife, it seemed that he was indeed like that. Therefore, he repeatedly swore that from now on, he would love his wife and never leave her.

A man's oath must have been spoken at such a time.

At first, Zhao Mingqiang felt peaceful and warm with Cao Huifang, but after a few days, he became a bit bored. He was used to living a life of luxury, so he couldn't stay at home. Zhang Mengmeng and Zhang Mengyao called him every day.

But not long after, he started to think about Zhang Mengmeng. Although he knew clearly in his heart that she liked his money, from the first time he saw her, he knew that he couldn't leave her. She was just like his girlfriend in university, Zhao Xue. Her every gesture and smile was carved out of the same mold.

He thought that he would never be able to see Zhao Xue again in this lifetime. He never expected that God would be kind to him, allowing 'Zhao Xue' to come to his life in another way.

He had been hiding at home all this time, not paying any attention to that little girl. How was she right now? Would he be in a hurry?

This won't do, Zhao Mingqiang thought in his heart. After a few days when the situation has stabilized a little, he must go and see her. Otherwise, what will he do if this little hoof runs away again?

As for Zhang Mengyao, he didn't care about her at all. He even hated her a little because her appearance almost destroyed his everything. If he knew it would be like today, he wouldn't touch her no matter what. He might as well use this opportunity to ignore her and let her leave on her own. Therefore, no matter how hard Zhang Mengyao tried to call him, he just ignored her.

Just like that, he decided that he would go see Zhang Mengmeng in a few days. In order to stabilize her, he called her and told her that he wanted to marry her. Sure enough, Zhang Mengmeng was cheering excitedly on the other side of the phone, not knowing what to say.

Zhao Mingqiang was very satisfied. He had achieved his goal, but he knew in his heart that no matter what, he could not leave his wife, Cao Huifang. Previously, he could not leave her, let alone now that he had gone bankrupt.

It's fine. I'll first stabilize her and then use other streets to get out of my way. Zhao Mingqiang thought.

That day, after he finished his meal, he was sitting on the sofa with his wife, watching TV. Cao Huifang snuggled into his embrace and let him feed her, revealing a happy and sweet expression.

Zhao Mingqiang could not stand it. Women were things that he could not understand. For a girl like Zhang Mengmeng, acting like a spoiled child was fine, but Cao Huifang was already forty, yet she still acted like a little girl.

However, there was nothing he could do about it. He had always been obedient to her. Just as he was holding himself back, his cell phone suddenly rang and a message came in.

Zhao Mingqiang picked up his cell phone and saw that the text message was from Chen Ke. He couldn't help but be surprised. What was this brat up to this time?

In the photo, Chen Ke was sitting at the dining table with his woman in his' Golden Room 'with a smile on his face. The photo made Zhao Mingqiang fly into a rage. He threw Cao Huifang off and stood up, cursing at the bastard.

Cao Huifang was shocked and asked, "What's wrong?" Why are you so angry all of a sudden? "

Zhao Mingqiang then realized that he had lost his composure and actually forgot to restrain his emotions in front of Cao Huifang. However, Cao Huifang would not believe him even if he had to explain, "Boss Li, this bastard, it's still not enough to force me into this situation! "He even said that he found something and wants me to go and confront him!"

"It can't be?" Cao Huifang said, "Isn't Old Li too much bullying? "That's enough. He also told me that this matter was over the last time, why is there such a thing happening now?"

"Is there even a need to say that? Presumably, it's Chen Ke who is up to no good." Zhao Mingqiang gritted his teeth.

"Him? I don't understand, what deep hatred does he have for you? Why does he keep on biting and not let go? " Cao Huifang said.

Speaking of this, Zhao Mingqiang felt guilty and said, "Why would he do that, it's because I caught him secretly taking the kickback and kicked him out of the house. He's always harbored hatred in his heart."

"That doesn't make sense. If it's just that, then he has made you miserable, lost your job, confiscated your property, and almost dispelled your hatred. However, he has no intentions of causing you to die." "No, I don't think it's that simple. Why don't I go talk to him and see what he wants?" Cao Huifang said.

"No need," Zhao Mingqiang said. "You will never understand these villains' thoughts, but don't worry. Since it has already become like this, he probably won't be able to create any big waves. I want to see what new tricks he can come up with."

As he spoke, Zhao Mingqiang got up and got dressed. Actually, he was also afraid in his heart. With Cao Huifang's temper, she might really go and talk to Wu Tie. If Cao Huifang really did that, then the matter between him and Zhang Mengyao would be exposed without a doubt.

"Don't worry, my wife, they can't do anything to me. Wait for me at home, I'll be right back." Zhao Mingqiang said as he went out.

"Hmm," Cao Huifang said obediently, "Hubby, you've been busy all these years, so you don't have much time to accompany me. For the past few days, I've suddenly felt a sense of happiness that I haven't felt in a long time.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon. Just wait obediently for me." Zhao Mingqiang told Cao Huifang patiently. In fact, he could no longer suppress the anger and irritation in his heart.

In Zhao Mingqiang's heart, a big battle was unavoidable. He dared to snatch the woman he loved the most, so he had to take her alive. However, he didn't know that this was only a trap set up by Chen Ke.

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