Female CEO's Super Beautician/C4 Catch an Adulterer in Bed
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Female CEO's Super Beautician/C4 Catch an Adulterer in Bed
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C4 Catch an Adulterer in Bed

Actually, Chen Ke had also noticed some of Zhang Mengyao's recent changes. Although Zhang Mengyao purposely covered it up, but the meticulous Chen Ke still noticed it. However, Chen Ke didn't think much of it.

This slight change was mainly due to that matter.

Every normal couple couldn't avoid that.

Chen Ke thought that they were quite harmonious with regards to the two of them. They had a good rule at first, except for Zhang Mengyaoli's aunt's few days, which ranged from Wednesday to four times. They had a good understanding of each other. Basically, they didn't need to say it out loud; they only needed to look at each other's eyes to know what to do.

Of course, there were times when Zhang Mengyao would break the rules. Sometimes, her desire was especially strong. Although Chen Ke wasn't in a good state sometimes, he would always do whatever he wanted because it concerned a man's self-esteem and face. Zhang Mengyao was also a very amorous girl. Every time, she would dress up with care, wear all kinds of sexy underwear she bought online, and cooperate with them. Each time, the two of them would be very satisfied.

However, in this past month, Zhang Mengyao suddenly seemed to have become a different person. Not only did she not take the initiative to ask for it, she always refused Chen Ke with all kinds of excuses. At first, Chen Ke didn't think so. He thought she worked too much overtime, so she really didn't feel well.

But today, Chen Ke didn't think the same way. When he was lying on the ground, getting punched and kicked, he suddenly saw the back of Zhang Mengyao holding onto a man's arm. At that moment, he was indescribably shocked.

When he got home that night, Zhang Mengyao was shocked by Chen Ke's appearance and asked him what was going on. Chen Ke's eyes were silent, and he didn't say anything. Mengyao just held on to him and cried her heart out.

At this time, all the questions Chen Ke prepared were stuck in his throat. She still cared about him, so he gradually had a trace of hope. Maybe he misread her?

Chen Ke told Mengyao that he had fought with someone at the office and said that he was fine. However, Mengyao continued to cry and continued to cry until they went to sleep.

Chen Ke had been following Zhang Mengyao since the morning. He followed Zhang Mengyao onto the bus. In order to avoid being noticed, he wore a tennis hat and big sunglasses. From the moment he got on the bus, he carefully avoided Zhang Mengyao's unintentional gaze, maintaining a certain distance from her.

Fortunately, there were a lot of people on the bus during the rush hour, so Zhang Mengyao didn't notice. When Chen Ke felt that he was safe, he started to observe her through the crowd of people, through all kinds of heads.

He suddenly realized that it had been a long time since he had looked at Zhang Mengyao from such a distance. He couldn't remember the last time he'd looked at her this way, and he was sure it must have been school. On weekends they went shopping, had a big meal, checked in, and finally took the bus back to school, probably on a bus without a seat. They were temporarily separated by the crowd, and he looked at her as if he were admiring a view. Of course, in his eyes, the current Zhang Mengyao was still as beautiful and enchanting as ever, but he was still surprised to see the changes that had occurred in her body. This change could not be confirmed by concrete evidence, but it was different. It was the mark left by her life after she left school. Although it was shallow, it was still different. That clean and pure feeling had disappeared. This discovery made Chen Ke feel inexplicably sad.

Chen Ke was gratified that Zhang Mengyao had indeed gone to work at the company. When Chen Ke saw Zhang Mengyao walk into the company, he felt a lot more confident. It was still early, and he didn't want to go back now, because the traffic at this point was just as crowded. So he sat down at the breakfast stand across the street from Zhang Mengyao's, ready to go back after breakfast.

What he did not expect was that after he finished eating a tray of buns, his millet porridge had not come up yet.

What was even more unexpected was that Zhang Mengyao had come out of the door.

Across the street, he watched her climb into a man's gray Land Rover.

Of course, he did not see the owner of the car appear, but he had a strong intuition that it was the man from yesterday!

He hurriedly got up to catch up with her, but just as he was about to do so, the owner of the stall noticed him and shouted loudly, "Hey!" You haven't paid yet!

The surrounding people all glanced at him. Chen Ke didn't care about the awkwardness anymore, he just pulled out a piece of 10 yuan from his wallet, didn't care about the porridge that didn't come in theory, he just hailed a taxi and got in.

"Master, follow that Land Rover up ahead!"

The chauffeur paused for a moment before turning around. "You're wearing plain clothes?"

"Why are you asking so much!?" "Quick, quick!" Chen Ke urged as he impatiently stared at the Land Rover in front of him.

When the taxi followed Camry to the door of the Crown Holiday Inn, Chen Ke's four limbs were almost unconscious. His feet felt like they were stepping on a sponge, and his hands couldn't even muster a bit of strength. So when he paid, his trembling hands were unable to pull the money out of his wallet.

The driver looked at him in surprise, "Comrade Police, are you alright?"

Chen Ke almost couldn't stand up straight after he got off the car. The sunlight was blinding. On the opposite side of the street, a woman pushing a child suddenly turned her head. Under the sunlight, her face was blurred.

He didn't know how he got to the front desk. He was in a daze, his mind in a mess. He only thought about one thing, how he could reasonably explain how his wife and the other men had entered the hotel.

At this point, he couldn't think of any reason to persuade himself.

"How many rooms did the man and woman go to?" Chen Ke asked.

The front desk girl looked up. Although she was wearing a mature professional suit, her young and tender face couldn't be concealed. The little girl raised her head in astonishment. As she stared at the ashen-faced man before her, she faintly felt that something was wrong.

"Hello, sir. Are you resting or are you staying?" The little girl tried her best professional smile.

"I'm asking you, which room did the couple go to?" Chen Ke repeated coldly.

"Eh, this …" "We …" The girl hesitated, looking around for an experienced colleague to help her with this, but there was none.

Chen Ke slammed his palm on the marble counter, making a loud sound like an angry lion and roared, "I'm asking you, which room are they in!"

Chen Ke himself did not expect that he would be able to unleash such a huge amount of energy.

The little girl was frightened. She timidly looked at him and said with a trembling voice, "10 …" 2... "6"

Chen Ke turned around and walked towards the elevator. The girl behind him stopped him in a small voice, "But Mister …" Before he finished his sentence, Chen Ke had already entered the elevator.

When Chen Ke walked to the door of the room, for some reason, he suddenly calmed down.

He knocked on the door. A man's rough voice came from inside.

"Waiter." "No," he replied.

A moment later, the door opened.

The door was separated by two surprised faces. Chen Ke never thought that the man opposite him was Zhao Mingqiang, who had plotted to dismiss him!

Looking at Chen Ke's ashen face, Zhao Zhigang was very timid. Before Chen Ke could say anything, a woman's nervous voice came from inside, "Mingqiang, come quickly?"

Hearing this voice, Chen Ke's entire body trembled. That voice could not be any more familiar to Chen Ke.

Chen Ke ignored him, pushed him away and rushed into the room.

The woman inside let out a scream, caught off guard, and then fell into a deathly silence.

At this moment, Chen Ke saw Zhang Mengyao wearing the sexy underwear and stockings that he bought for her. She was coquettishly lying on the bed, staring at him with her mouth agape.

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