Female CEO's Super Beautician/C8 Exchange Conditions
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Female CEO's Super Beautician/C8 Exchange Conditions
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C8 Exchange Conditions

When the man saw Chen Ke standing there, deep in thought, he knew that the words had reached his heart, so he continued, "You have to make him suffer more than you do, to humiliate him more than you do, that's the real revenge."

"Then according to your idea, what should I do?" Chen Ke asked.

The man finished his cigarette, picked up the glass of wine on the table, took a sip, and said with a smile, "Didn't he make you lose your job? Then you make him lose his job, his wealth, he took your woman, he gave you a hat, you take his woman, you give him a hat, he feels more pain than you do. "

"Also, that woman who betrayed you. She betrayed you for money, betrayed your love, humiliated and tortured you. Don't you want to take revenge on her?" The man continued.

Hearing the man's words, Chen Ke's anger was ignited again. He hated Zhang Mengyao so much that the roots of his teeth itched, and Zhang Mengyao's words echoed in his head, "So what if you love me? Can it be eaten as food? "

The man continued, "The most important thing is, how do you get revenge? And how do you get away with it? That's the most important thing. If you get your revenge but throw yourself in, then wouldn't it be worth it?"

Chen Ke said, "Although what you said is reasonable, but with my current strength, what ability do I have to make him lose his job, and what ability do I have to take away his woman? If I'm not wrong, those women are probably with him for his money, right?"

The man laughed, "You're right, this is why we have to cooperate. I can help you with whatever you say, whether it's money or something else? This is easy for me. If you want to do it yourself, to cut off his path of wealth, to sleep with his woman, to destroy his family, then I can help you in any way. Of course, if you are too lazy to do it yourself, then I can get someone to help you do it, the result is the same, he also has to lose everything, and if you still feel that it's not enough, then I can make him suffer some physical pain, including those who bullied you before, such as the Town Security, such as those who made him lose an arm or a part of his body, but this is the limit, I will not help you with the killing. "

Chen Ke re-examined the man in front of him. From the moment he started to make things clear, to now, he had almost completely convinced himself, and he did not seem to be lying. If he really had the ability, then his background would be unfathomable. There were many things that even Wu Wei did not know. Since he knew, it might be a long time since he followed and investigated him.

Chen Ke asked, "Since you have that much power, what can I, Chen Ke, do to help you? I can't think of a thing like this, no money

Two, no rights, what can I help you with? "Or what is the use of it?"

"Good question." I don't want to say that everyone has their own potential advantages, but you haven't discovered them yet. I don't want to say this because it sounds too fake to you, but that's the truth, don't underestimate yourself. I can't say that, and you'll find out when the time comes.

Chen Ke became even more confused. Originally, he was still thinking if it was to make him do something desperate, but since he said so, then what could it be? He really couldn't think of any skills that could be used by this man in front of him.

"Look, what I want to help you with, if you do it yourself, with your current strength and ability, you might not be able to do it, it might even be a crime against the law. But if I help you, you don't need to worry about that at all. I'll give you some time. You can think about it here and give me an answer half an hour later. " The man started to leave.

"No need." Chen Ke said.

"What is it? "You aren't willing to agree?" the man asked.

Chen Ke shook his head and said, "I mean, there's no need to think about it. I agree."

The man smiled.

Although Chen Ke was a bit hesitant, he was afraid that Ye Zichen might have some sort of scheme. However, he thought that since Ye Zichen had already risked his life from the beginning, it didn't matter even if he died.

What the man said made sense. He can't just kill Zhao Mingqiang like this. This really isn't revenge, he's going to let him have a taste of this pain! And Zhang Mengyao, he wanted her to taste the price of his betrayal!

"No problem, I will arrange your revenge plan right now. Do you want to come personally or do you want me to find someone to take care of it?" the man asked.

"What do you think?" Chen Ke said.

The man smiled and said, "I've already thought of a plan for you, so there's no mistake. You can just carry it out when the time comes."

Chen Ke said, "It seems that you already expected me to agree."

"Of course, you are a wise man, and I can't think of any reason why you should refuse."

Chen Ke nodded, "Alright, then it's your turn to speak of your request. What do you need my help with?"

"My request is very simple. Do you know of the Yongning Avenue?" the man said.

"Got it." Chen Ke said, "It's all high-end nightclubs."

"Very good," the man said. "Go to a place called 'House Number One' to apply for the position of a body builder, there will be people there to take care of you, you will have your revenge during the day, and at night you will go to work there. As for the specific task, when the time is ripe, there will be people looking for you, and that person will tell you that Eagle King told him to look for you."

"Beautiful body master?" Chen Ke was surprised. "What kind of job is that?"

The man smiled and said, "It's because I'm helping those beautiful women. This is a fat job. You can take advantage of it for free. "

Chen Ke didn't find it funny and said coldly, "I'm not interested in these things, especially towards women."

"This is only a cover up for your identity, when the time comes, naturally someone will come looking for you. You must first busy yourself, but you must remember, you cannot tell anyone about the things between us, including your family and friends. If you reveal anything, our cooperation will be cancelled, do you understand?"

Chen Ke nodded and said, "Understood."

"Very good." The man turned around and walked to the table. He picked up something, walked over and handed it to Chen Ke.

Chen Ke took it and found several paper bags. Chen Ke opened it and found a paper bag with a stack of papers inside, another bag with a phone, another bag with a car key inside, and the last bag with a bank card inside.

The man said, "This is the help I'm giving you. In that bag is the evidence of Zhao Mingqiang's corruption and bribery. In the other bag, the phone is specially made for you. And that key of Maserati, that's the car for you, I think it's a lot better than that old rogue Zhao Mingqiang, his woman will definitely like it. "That bank card has 5 million yuan, and the password is your birthday. You can spend it however you want. When the balance is less than 500,000 yuan, there will be someone to give you money."

Chen Ke was surprised and couldn't help but open his mouth wide, "Five million?"

To him, this was simply an astronomical figure. Not to mention five million, even if he grew up to this size, he had never seen a scene where a hundred thousand yuan was placed together, much less five million.

"What's wrong?" The man asked, "Too little?"

"No, you said …" I... You can spend them as you please? " Chen Ke could not believe his ears.

"Of course." The man said, "Can't you spend money to pick up a girl?"

"This money..." Do you need me to return it? " Chen Ke asked.

The man was stunned, then smiled and said, "Of course not. Besides, what are you planning to rely on to return it to me? Selling clothes at a stall? "

"Then... Aren't you afraid that I'll take the money and run away? " Chen Ke asked.

The man smiled and only said two words, "I'm not afraid."

"Is there anything else?" the man asked Chen Ke.

Chen Ke shook his head and suddenly thought of something and asked, "What's your name? How do I address you?" "Eagle King?"

"I'm not Eagle King, just call me teacher." The man was on his way out when he stopped and turned around and said, "There are a lot of interesting things in life, aren't there? The car is downstairs in the parking lot. "

With that, he left with a twitch of his eyebrows.

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