Female CEO’s Superior Master/C28 See through one's mind
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Female CEO’s Superior Master/C28 See through one's mind
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C28 See through one's mind

"He didn't make things difficult for you, right?" Li Wenlong said with a flushed face.

"What are you thinking about?!" Lin Xuemei's face, which had just calmed down a moment ago, immediately turned back into a red apple. The warm feeling in her chest started to throb even faster, and it looked like it was about to burst out at any moment.

Unnaturally stroking the hair on his forehead, Lin Xuemei softly said: To the county government!

I found a hotel and arranged for the old lady to stay first. I found a waiter to look after her! After starting up the car, Li Wenlong told her about the old lady's situation.

What happened just now was only a prelude, Dong Min would definitely not stop right there. The most important thing was that he would definitely stand against, and if it was a real competition, Lin Xuemei would not fear any one of the people from Baodong County, but, Lin Xuemei did not want to take that step, and since she had already left that house, she had to rely on her own hard work to win a place in this world. Under these circumstances, she was undoubtedly the weaker party, and it seemed that she had to find someone who could support him.

"Chief Yang, I'm Lin Xuemei from Hogarty Group." In front of Li Wenlong, Lin Xuemei made a call.

"It's the Lam Tung, what's the matter?" The voice on the phone was calm, completely businesslike.

"I want to report something to Leader Zheng. I'll have to trouble you to make the arrangements." Lin Xuemei was very polite, it was not only because the other party was a person close to the County Leader, more importantly, their character was worthy of Lin Xuemei's respect.

"This matter, let me see. The Leader is currently in a meeting right now. I estimate that there will be around five to six minutes in ten minutes. I'll do my best to help you arrange it." The sound of flipping pages came from the phone. It was obvious that the other party was flipping through his work diary.

After waiting for almost 10 minutes, Lin Xuemei's phone rang: "Come up!"

After taking his bag, Lin Xuemei quickly walked up the steps of the county magistrate's building. Different from the arrangement of the county commissar, Zheng Yedong's office was arranged to be on the first floor, using his own words, anything that could allow a commoner to walk five steps forward was definitely not something that would allow them to walk ten steps. Just a simple sentence from him was enough to see through Zheng Yedong's role as an official.

"Director Yang …" When he entered the office, Yang Run was at his desk packing up. Very clearly, the leader was going out.

"The leader is waiting for you." Without exchanging pleasantries, he went straight to the point.

"Thank you, Director Yang." While talking, Lin Xuemei knocked on the door of the inner room.

"Come in!" A dignified yet slightly tired voice called out.

"Leader Zheng", Lin Xuemei greeted politely, "There's something I want to report to you."

"It's the Lam Tung! Sit down! " Zheng Yedong pointed to the sofa in front of him.

Sitting on the side of the sofa, Lin Xuemei reported the whole situation to Zheng Yedong.

After hearing Lin Xuemei's words, Zheng Yedong frowned. He knew that Lin Xuemei would not simply come to report this matter, it had nothing to do with him. The only possibility was that the other party was looking for a backer.

As a man, Zheng Yedong did not dare deny that he had thoughts about Lin Xuemei, but reason told him that such things could only stay at the stage of thinking. If he were to take action, then Zheng Yedong did not have the guts to do such a thing, then he would definitely not be tied down by such a thing. Deep down, Zheng Yedong looked down to the bone, he despised a person like Dong Min.

"Go back!" "I will think of a way to explain this to Secretary Dong, but you have to be mentally prepared. After all, it is not right for your driver to hit people," After being indecent for so many years, Zheng Yedong had long passed the era of slapping his chest to guarantee his success.

"Leader Zheng, this matter …" Lin Xuemei showed a rare lack of calmness. If Zheng Yedong did not interfere in this matter, she would not be able to remember who she had sought. Xiao Yuanshan might be able to resolve this with just a phone call, but, the last time she broke her promise, she really did not want to go back on her words.

"Lam Tung, your performance today is very abnormal. Who is that Xiao Li to you?" Zheng Yedong's sharp eyes caught onto the crux of the matter, of course, there was no blame or blame in his words, which driver had a bad relationship with their leader?

Even though she knew that County Governor Zheng didn't mean anything special, Lin Xuemei's face still turned red with embarrassment. She thought of her heart, which had once pounded for Li Wenlong, and stammered, "Leader Zheng, I … Xiao Li, he … "

"Alright, you don't need to explain anymore …" Zheng Yedong smiled as he waved his hand, "I was just casually asking. This is a very normal phenomenon."

That being said, Lin Xuemei felt even more uneasy, because she had seen many stories of her female bosses having an affair with men. Could it be that she wanted to be the female lead of this story as well?

"Leader Zheng, this matter …" Lin Xuemei stood up uneasily, and lost her composure in front of the Leader, this was the first time.

"I will communicate with Comrade Dong Min." Zheng Yedong finally said something to reassure Lin Xuemei.

"Sorry for the trouble." Lin Xuemei bowed respectfully.

"Tell me something unpleasant." As expected, Zheng Yedong said some things that he shouldn't have said: "I was the one who invited the Hogarty Group here, I will naturally not sit idly by and do nothing about your matters."

Of course, Lin Xuemei would not be angry because of those words. On the contrary, she agreed with Zheng Yedong's words even more, because this was what she had in mind.

"Is there anything else I can do for Lam Tung?" Zheng Yedong leaned forward slightly.

If that was the case, it would be equivalent to sending off his guests. After all, he had been in the government for a few years, how could Lin Xuemei not understand?

"To the hotel." Returning to the carriage, Lin Xuemei's expression was still heavy. It had to be said that the things that Li Wenlong had stirred up were very troublesome to deal with, and although Lin Xuemei was not afraid, she did not agree to take the initiative to cause trouble.

"You're finally here." When Li Wenlong and Lin Xuemei entered the room of the guesthouse, the waiter let out a long breath as if she had seen her lifeline.

"What's wrong?" Li Wenlong knew that it was definitely due to the help of the fifty yuan she gave to the waiter when she was leaving earlier. Otherwise, the waiter wouldn't be able to stay here for such a long time.

"Her son is so capable, why did you bring him here? Just go to the provincial capital and stay in a five-star hotel." The waiter snappily recounted what had happened.

It turned out that after Li Wenlong left, the old lady packed a few things before she started to chat with the waiter. Of course, there was only one topic, and that was how impressive she was.

At the beginning, the waiter could still listen to him. After all, he had given him a tip and was using fashionable words, so his current identity was to accompany him. However, as the old granny continued speaking, her tone became more vigorous and her tone became more domineering, this time, the waiter really could not take it anymore.

After hearing the attendant's words, Li Wenlong also had the same feeling. Right now, he was starting to doubt whether what she had done was right or wrong, but Lin Xuemei was more tactful than usual. Looking at the old lady's demeanor, she seemed like a person from a rich family. However, why would the old lady be reduced to such a state?

"Aunt, didn't you say that those people carrying guns would be very respectful to you when they see you? Why are you here then?" Lin Xuemei took a step forward and whispered.

"Yes, girl, why do you think I'm here?" The old lady said seriously, "Do you not want me anymore?"

"Ya Zi?" Lin Xuemei was startled.

"That's not right, Ya Zi is very good to me!" The old lady mumbled to herself, then turned back to each other, "Girl, you are a good person. Tell me, do you not want me anymore?"

"Aunt, who is this Ya Zi you're talking about?" She had already determined that this old lady had forgotten something. Maybe her background was really deep, and if that was the case, then Li Wenlong's matter would be easy to settle.

"Yea, who is Ya Zi?" The old lady lowered her head in thought for a moment. "Why does this name sound so familiar to me?"

"Aunt, do you know where you live?" Li Wenlong asked patiently. Right now, his biggest wish was to quickly send this old lady to the place that she should go.

"Yeah, my family isn't here. Little fellow, hurry up and take me home. If Ya Zi can't find me, he'll be worried." The old lady suddenly stood up and grabbed Li Wenlong's hand.

"Auntie, the problem is that I don't know where your home is. Think about it carefully." Black lines appeared on Li Wenlong's forehead. How could she be involved in this sort of thing? This old lady was just like a hot potato, she might even fall into her hands.

"You must know that, young man. Send me home quickly, I beg you." With that said, the old lady pretended to kneel down towards Li Wenlong.

"Aunt, what are you doing?" Li Wenlong quickly supported the old lady and asked, "Think about it carefully, where are you staying?"

"Where do I live?" The old lady frowned, "I live in a large courtyard with many flowers and fruit trees. Right, there are fish as well, surrounded by tall walls …"

Hearing this, Li Wenlong almost fainted. This kind of courtyard, even if Baodong County City did not have a thousand, it still had to have at least eight hundred. As for those tall walls, every yard had walls. If shshewere to look at the entire country, even if she didn't eat or drink, he would never be able to count them.

"Auntie, is there anything special about your residence?" Lin Xuemei reminded.

"Something special?" The old lady muttered to herself for a while and suddenly stood up.

Seeing that, Li Wenlong was secretly happy in her heart, looks like the old lady thought of something, who would have thought, the old lady's face suddenly darkened as she pointed at Li Wenlong and Lin Xuemei: "The two of you don't have any good stuff, you probably fancy our family, and want to coax me to tell you where I live? "No, hmph, I'll definitely let Ya Zi capture you guys later."

Lin Xuemei did not expect this old lady to turn hostile just like that, and wanted to say a few more nice words. However, the old lady suddenly became angry: "Go, all of you go."

Li Wenlong wanted to say something, but she was dragged out of the room. She could already see that the old lady was abnormal again.

"I'm sorry Sister Lin, I never thought that the situation would develop to this extent." Even if he did not have a brain, Li Wenlong could tell that Lin Xuemei was not in a good mood.

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