Female CEO’s Superior Master/C6 Got Completely Pissed off
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Female CEO’s Superior Master/C6 Got Completely Pissed off
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C6 Got Completely Pissed off

Li Wenlong went to the balcony to put away Lin Xuemei's little clothes from last night into his bag, then locked the door and went downstairs.

Li Wenlong still hadn't returned to his normal state even after he got into the car. As a senior driver, Li Wenlong was fully aware of the dangers of driving in this state. He took two deep breaths to calm himself down. Since it was still early, there weren't many pedestrians on the road, which was exactly what Li Wenlong wanted. In the county city, the Passat was too eye-catching, because the majority of people who owned this car had brains, Lin Xuemei had once said it was best not to be discovered by others, so Li Wenlong specially picked a small road to drive out of the county city.

Unexpectedly, the more afraid he was of something, the more it would happen. The car left the county and arrived on the national highway. Li Wenlong's mood had just relaxed. He didn't expect to see such a familiar car in front of him.

However, the thing that gave Li Wenlong the most headache was the license plate of the car, it was only a number lower than his own car's license plate, his own car tail number was 2, and the other party's tail number was 1. Obviously, this was the Hogarty Group car that divided First-in-command of the company's car.

The car slowed down. Unexpectedly, the car in front had already noticed him and turned right before pulling over.

Li Wenlong had no choice but to brace himself and drive up. The two cars stopped side by side, revealing a shiny, oily head. Although they were still two or three meters apart, the pungent smell of hair gel was firmly transmitted into Li Wenlong's nose. He felt disdain in his heart at any moment, but he still had to put on airs. "Peng Ge, where are you going?"

"It's Xiao Li!" Wei Dapeng looked back through the open passenger window, but didn't see that breathtaking figure. "I have something to do, are you following Lam Tung on a business trip?"

"En, ah!" Li Wenlong answered vaguely.

"Good morning, Lam Tung!" Unexpectedly, this Wei Dapeng even shouted for him. Li Wenlong was shocked. What should he do? Lin Xuemei wasn't in the car, so wouldn't the other party's shout have exposed her? His brain worked at high speed, and with a flash of inspiration, he came up with a plan.

"Shh …" Li Wenlong raised his right index finger and made a gesture of silence, then pointed behind him and said, "I fell asleep." The shape of the three words.

"F * ck, if you don't want to talk, then I'm leaving." Wei Dapeng mumbled and ignored Li Wenlong. He stomped his right foot hard and the car flew out, leaving a cloud of dust in Li Wenlong's path.

In a fluster, Li Wenlong hurriedly got up and took a seat at the front passenger seat. He spat at Li Wenlong, he had long heard that Wei Dapeng was using his backer to support him in his domineering position in the company. He didn't expect Wei Dapeng to have such low standards. Putting on the forward gear, Li Wenlong steadily drove forward again. For the same car, if he really wanted to chase it away, Li Wenlong would definitely be no match for him. However, Li Wenlong no longer had the competitive spirit, because what happened that time was deeply engraved in his heart.

On the highway, the two cars continued to move forward at a steady pace. Because they inadvertently followed a good car in front of them, Li Wenlong unconsciously picked up their speed, and at the same time, the car in front of them suddenly came to a screeching halt. Li Wenlong could no longer stop the car in its normal way, so he could only grit his teeth and drive the car over to the fence …

Just one time, Li Wenlong had a good memory, so he was only driving for stability and not speed. Although he was young, he no longer had the competitive spirit.

"Lam Tung, have you had breakfast?" About 40 minutes later, Li Wenlong appeared in Lin Xuemei's room. Compared to yesterday, Lin Xuemei had recovered a lot today. Her face was a little flushed, although her expression was still cold.

"Yes." Lin Xuemei spoke blandly, "Have you brought the items I asked you to bring?"

"Yes, it's all here." Li Wenlong handed over the backpack in his hands.

"Alright, you go out first!" Lin Xuemei took the backpack and directly ordered Li Wenlong to leave. Yesterday, she took a shower because there was no change of clothes, and she didn't take a shower either. For Lin Xuemei, who always loved to clean up, this was the most intolerable.

After washing her soft and beautiful body over and over again until her fair skin started to turn red, Lili finally took the towel and began to gently wipe herself. From her white neck to her small feet, she wiped them very carefully.

In the end, he took his own clothes and was about to put them on, but he suddenly frowned. Something was wrong with his hands and the smell was also off. Could it be that it wasn't his? Look again, that's right! What was that all about?

Lin Xuemei didn't get it. She grabbed the other clothes and put them on. Lin Xuemei rushed out of the bathroom and called Li Wenlong. "Come in."

"Lam Tung, what can I do for you?" Li Wenlong did not dare to look Lin Xuemei in the eye. He suddenly thought of the small piece of clothes that Lin Xuemei was wearing and felt a little guilty.

"All my clothes were taken from the place I told you about?" Lin Xuemei tried her best to calm herself down, but her words still carried a trace of anger.

"Ah?" Yes "Li Wenlong was shocked:" Did she discover something?

"Are you sure?" Lin Xuemei's voice was already somewhat cold.

"I'm sure." Li Wenlong had already decided that the matter had been exposed. Although it was exposed, he definitely couldn't admit it. Once he admitted it, it would be the end of the world and not just a tempest. He was trying his best to calm his mind down. Li Wenlong's forehead was still covered in sweat.

"Is it hot in this room?" Li Wenlong couldn't help but admire Lin Xuemeimin's observation skills.

"Not hot, not hot, huh? "It's a little hot, a little hot." For the first time, Li Wenlong spoke incoherently in front of others. Whether it was when he was in school or as a soldier, Li Wenlong was known for being sharp tongue in his own circle. For the first time, Li Wenlong spoke incoherently in front of other people, whether it was when he was in school or as a soldier, Li Wenlong was known for being sharp tongue in his own circle.

"Xiao Li, don't be nervous." Unexpectedly, Lin Xuemei's voice softened, and she even gently wiped the sweat off Li Wenlong's forehead. [Since he suddenly treats me so well, there must be a trick to it. I can't be fooled, I definitely can't be fooled. However, Li Wenlong's psychological defenses were broken because Lin Xuemei's sweet lips were close to his ear …]

"Why does the smell on my underwear look so similar to the smell on your body? Tell me, did something happen?" Layers of hot air attacked his earlobes. Li Wenlong had the urge to go crazy. He even wanted to pick Lin Xuemei up and throw her onto the bed, then teach her a lesson like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey.

However, it was just an impulsive thought, Li Wenlong would definitely not dare to take any action. The gap between the two of them was too big, one was the top vice president, and the other was the lowest driver. Although the distance between the two was less than half a meter, in the secular world, it was still a hundred thousand miles.

"I... I really don't know. " Li Wenlong stammered, "Maybe, maybe it's because I didn't wash my hands when I took it!" The clumsy explanation did not convince Lin Xuemei. "Is it really like that? Then why is it still damp? I put it away after I finished drying it. "

"I... "I …" Li Wenlong really didn't know what to say anymore. He clenched his teeth and steeled his heart, "I've washed your little clothes."

"Why did you wash my little clothes?" Lin Xuemei's voice rose by dozens of decibels, almost like Han Hong singing the last line of the Tibetan Plateau.

"Because I accidentally dropped you." Li Wenlong suddenly thought of something. "Get out!" Lin Xuemei directly got off and waited for Li Wenlong to leave. Lin Xuemei rushed into the bathroom, picked up the small piece of clothing and threw it into the basket. She moved really fast like a baseball player.

Angry, Lin Xuemei sat back on the bed and opened her phone. One by one, text messages squeezed in. Lin Xuemei flipped through the messages. Some were from Xiao Yuanshan, some were from Kong Yuan, the manager of the Division Head Office. Calming herself down, Lin Xuemei dialed Xiao Yuanshan's number: "Radix Sorbiae …"

"Xuemei, what happened? Why did the switch go off?" The voice from the other side of the phone was filled with concern.

"Sorry for the trouble, Radix Sorbiae. There's been an accident over here. I might have to wait a few days before I can come to your place." Lin Xuemei's tone was slow, without the slightest intention of flirting.

"Something has happened? What happened? Is it serious? " Xiao Yuanshan's words were filled with fear.

"Nothing much, just that something happened at the office and I couldn't get up for a while." Lin Xuemei said lightly.

"That's good, that's good. Let's keep in touch if we need anything. Chairman Lin even called yesterday!" Before Xiao Yuanshan could finish, Lin Xuemei hung up the phone.

"Hai, this father and daughter pair have the same stubborn temper." Xiao Yuanshan shook his head helplessly when he saw that the call ended. After hanging up Xiao Yuanshan's phone, Lin Xuemei dialed Kong Yuan's number. Although she was unhappy with the actions of the boss, she still had to go over. "foramen totale, are you looking for me?"

"Snowplum!" The person on the other side of the line was pleasantly surprised, "Why didn't you pick up my call?" His phone ran out of battery. Did foramen totale give any instructions? " Lin Xuemei said coldly.

"It's nothing, it's nothing. I heard from Da Peng that you've been on a business trip for the past few days. The weather is so bad, you must take care of your body!" Kong Yuan's words made Lin Xuemei feel numb. Even though there was a phone between them, she could already imagine Kong Yuan's drooling face on the other side of the phone.

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