First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C1 The Boss Is the Daughter of the Richest Man
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First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C1 The Boss Is the Daughter of the Richest Man
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C1 The Boss Is the Daughter of the Richest Man

Upon waking up early in the morning, Yin Tian immediately sensed something amiss with his eyes. Strange symbols, ones he had never encountered before, flickered across his retinas like ancient, mysterious script. The phenomenon plagued him throughout the day, disrupting his work.

"Yin Tian, you've hardly accomplished anything today. Have you been sleeping instead?" Ning Shang, his direct supervisor on the sales team, remarked.

Ning Shang was strikingly attractive, with a poised figure, long legs, and a stunningly beautiful face that left a lasting impression on any man who laid eyes on her. Despite her allure, she had remained the sales team leader for three years, steadfastly refusing to comply with the unspoken rules of the workplace.

Fighting back tears, Yin Tian replied, "Leader, it's not that I don't want to work, but my eyes are truly itchy and sore." He gestured to his inflamed eyes. "Look, they're all red."

Upon seeing the bloodshot state of Yin Tian's eyes, Ning Shang's brow furrowed with concern. Not pressing him further about the day's unfinished tasks, she simply said, "Alright, go wash your face and use some eye drops."

Yin Tian nodded and made his way to the restroom.

Exiting the communal office area, he accidentally ran into Dung Tao, the regional manager who had been seeking Ning Shang. Yin Tian was well aware of Dung Tao's interest in Ning Shang, a poorly kept secret. Dung Tao frequently sought her out under the guise of work and even arranged business trips in hopes of getting closer to her, but Ning Shang had skillfully evaded his advances every time.

At the doorway, Dung Tao stopped Yin Tian, who was clutching his eyes, and inquired, "Where are you off to?"

Releasing his hand, Yin Tian responded, "To wash my eyes."

Dung Tao grimaced and said, "You don't have conjunctivitis, do you? If you're ill, get to a hospital quickly. Don't spread it to the rest of us."

Yin Tian remained silent. As a junior employee, he didn't dare retort and instead hurried off to the restroom, head bowed.

Overcome with discomfort, Yin Tian turned on the faucet and thrust his head beneath the stream of water.

The icy stream of water cascaded down, providing temporary relief to his aching eyes. But as Yin Tian rose to his feet and opened his eyes once more, he was initially met with a blood-red haze that quickly gave way to crystal-clear vision. Remarkably, he no longer needed the six hundred-degree glasses he had always worn.

Even more astonishing, every object in his sight was labeled with a distinct number.

"Bathroom door, 500 yuan.

Faucet, 30 yuan.

Washbasin, 1200 yuan...


Yin Tian was witnessing a world that could be quantified with numbers. It was nothing short of magical!

Just then, a cleaning lady knocked on the door, asking, "Anyone in there?" Without waiting for a response, she boldly entered.

Yin Tian's eyes filled with data once again, the information becoming even more pronounced when it involved living entities.

"Cleaning Lady Li Shufen.

Age: 56.


Knevoof Group Building janitor.

Fond of young men.

Net worth: 12 million yuan."

Yin Tian was momentarily taken aback by the data. A cleaner with a net worth of 1.2 million? But then it clicked – Li Shufen was a local from Carrimon, a beneficiary of property redevelopment. That explained her substantial net worth.

"Auntie Li, I'm still in here. Why'd you come in?" Yin Tian asked, slightly annoyed.

Li Shufen scoffed, "What's there to be shy about? I've seen it all at my age." She appraised Yin Tian with a quick glance, her eyes lingering on his lower half for a moment, "You're still green."

Not wanting to engage in a war of words with Li Shufen, Yin Tian washed his face and exited the bathroom. To test the extent of his newfound vision, he let his gaze wander. Everything, from inanimate objects to living beings, came with a set of data – net worth, hobbies, personality traits. With concentration, he could even perceive deeper layers, like x-ray vision and brief glimpses of the future...

Back at the office, Yin Tian noticed Ning Shang was still by his desk. And there, right beside her, stood Dung Tao.

"Ning Shang, why did you stand me up last night?"

Ning Shang shot him a look. "Didn't I mention I'd be available after work?"

Dung Tao pressed, "Yeah, but didn't you clock out at six yesterday?"

Ning Shang inhaled sharply. "I ended up working overtime at home until midnight, not at the office."

It was an obvious brush-off, yet Dung Tao was relentless.

At Knevoof Group, it was common knowledge that Dung Tao was tenacious, never resting until he got what he wanted. Despite being a regional manager, his influence was significant, holding sway over the fate of numerous interns.

In the corporate arena, his targets either succumbed to his will or found themselves ousted from the company.

Ning Shang was a rare exception, neither conquered by him nor expelled.

This piqued Yin Tian's interest in her.

He zeroed in, taking a mental inventory of this aloof woman before him.

"Ning Shang,

26 years old,

Team Leader of Knevoof Group Sales.

Single, never married, and seemingly taken with Yin Tian.

Daughter of Carrimon's wealthiest man, Ning Tianhao.

Net worth: 20 billion."

The details were staggering, even at a glance.

Ning Tianhao, the city's wealthiest man and the chairman of Knevoof Group!

His daughter, serving as a mere team leader within her family's empire? It was almost too incredible to believe. Yin Tian wondered if his eyes were deceiving him.

And this heiress had a soft spot for him?

It meant with a little effort, he could potentially shortcut his career by decades.

"Yin Tian, what are you staring at? Get back to your desk and work," Dung Tao snapped, irked by the situation with Ning Shang and taking it out on Yin Tian.

Yin Tian gestured with a tilt of his head, "Manager, you're in my way."

He pointed to his desk, implying that without Dung Tao stepping aside, he couldn't get back to work.

After stepping aside, Dong Tao didn't let up, continuing to berate them, "All you do is slack off every day. This month, your team has the worst sales performance."

"And you, Yin Tian, are the one holding the team back! You never look like you're actually working. One minute your eyes hurt, the next you've got some other ailment. If your performance is this dismal, don't bother showing up next month. Just pack up and leave."

"That's not fair to say." Ning Shang stepped in before Yin Tian could respond, coming to his defense, "This month, our group's performance has been carried by Yin Tian. And regardless of how poor our numbers might be, we've at least met our monthly target."

"Manager Dong, you shouldn't be making false accusations with your eyes wide open."

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