First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C10 He Won the Bet in the Morning and Won It in the Afternoon
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First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C10 He Won the Bet in the Morning and Won It in the Afternoon
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C10 He Won the Bet in the Morning and Won It in the Afternoon

"I heard Yin Tian was in the middle of signing a deal, and I thought I'd come by to see if there was anything I could do to help."

Lee Yifan's voice grew fainter with each word, finally carrying a hint of a sob.

His face was a study in contradictions, trying to muster a smile but inevitably furrowing into a distressed frown, a tangled mix of laughter and tears.

"Perfect timing. Our team has been going over policies non-stop and we're parched. Since you're offering to help, Group Leader Lee, how about starting with getting us all a glass of water?"

Yin Tian didn't mince words and carried on with the request.

"Sure, I'll—I'll get on that right away." Lee Yifan managed a weak smile and awkwardly shuffled back and forth between the water cooler and the waiting crowd.

One water jug wasn't enough, and Lee Yifan found himself making several trips to refill it.

"Lee..." Dung Tao came down to check on things and was completely flabbergasted at the sight that greeted him.

What in the world? Wasn't Lee Yifan supposed to be causing trouble? Why was he waiting on them hand and foot like some kind of servant?

Even more astonishing was the sight of the entire group diligently working, with the number of customers far exceeding the staff.

Yet those lined up showed no sign of impatience, quietly waiting their turn and attentively listening as each policy was explained.

"What on earth are you up to?" Dung Tao approached the water cooler, seized Lee Yifan, who was about to deliver another glass, and demanded in a stern voice.

"Brother Dong, with so many people here, I—I just couldn't barge in."

Lee Yifan's voice took on a plaintive note as he spoke of his woes.

He had been so focused on pouring water, almost using the task to distract himself, that being confronted by Dung Tao suddenly brought back his discomfort.

"You..." Dung Tao was seething. He hadn't sent Lee Yifan to aid the enemy!

After a couple of deep breaths to calm himself, he curbed his anger and addressed the waiting customers.

"Anyone still in line is welcome to join me. Our second group can handle these services as well."

Dung Tao's plan was clear: with so many clients looking for insurance, redirecting them to his group meant a substantial commission. Plus, taking a group away from Yin Tian meant fewer for him to deal with.

It was the perfect scenario for him: not only could he benefit himself, but he could also save his clients' time—a classic case of hitting three birds with one stone. Yet, to his chagrin, not a single person took him up on his offer.

"Cough, cough, anyone in a hurry? There's no line at group two—you can get served right away," Dung Tao cajoled, unwilling to give up so easily. But still, no one bit.

Dung Tao was dumbfounded. Were there really people who wouldn't take a shortcut, preferring instead to stubbornly stick to one path?

He suspected that these individuals were part of a company group dealing with insurance, and Yin Tian had previously gone downstairs and by chance, encountered them.

Usually, such group purchases were coordinated by someone, but this time Yin Tian had swooped in and taken the opportunity. No wonder Dung Tao was fuming.

With this in mind, he approached Yin Tian, who was busy at work, and declared with a sense of moral authority, "Yin Tian, there's no need for you to continue. Pack up and let group two handle this."

Before Yin Tian and Ning Shang could respond, a member of the crowd couldn't contain himself any longer. A muscular bald man had had enough of Dung Tao's noise, but had been holding back, unsure of Dung Tao's relationship with Mr. Yin and whether he was friend or foe.

Once Dung Tao started causing a scene, the bald man saw the situation for what it was and let loose. "Who are you, anyway? Coming in here making all that racket. Don't you see everyone's busy listening to their presentation?"

His voice boomed, echoing powerfully and causing Dung Tao's ears to ring painfully.

"Sir," Dung Tao replied, trying to mask his irritation with a forced smile, "I'm just looking out for you. What if Yin Tian and his team aren't up to the task and end up letting you down?"

"That's none of your concern," the bald man dismissed him with a nonchalant wave of his hand.

"I..." Dung Tao attempted to continue, but Ning Shang stood up, cutting him off.

"Manager Dong, these clients were all brought in by Yin Tian. Logically and ethically, it's only right that our group should be the one to serve them, don't you think?" Ning Shang's voice was even-keeled, but the undertone of anger was unmistakable to all who heard.

At first, Ning Shang had assumed Dung Tao's behavior was simply a penchant for harassing employees, and given his strong annual performance, she had turned a blind eye.

However, upon working with him directly, she uncovered Dung Tao's true character.

Ning Shang was now contemplating whether to ask her father to fire him.

"Team Leader Ning, I was just concerned you all might be overwhelmed."

Dung Tao attempted to justify himself, only to be cut off by Ning Shang's uncompromising response,

"No need. Our team is perfectly capable of handling the workload. Please, don't trouble yourself. If there's nothing else, Manager, you might as well return to your office and enjoy the air conditioning."


Dung Tao's retort was halted by her tone, his finger pointing at Ning Shang, but no words followed.

In a fit of rage and embarrassment, Dung Tao flung his hand down and stormed out.

Anyone who could have seen his eyes would have been frightened by the fury ready to burst forth.

"Bitch, you'll regret not accepting my offer!" he cursed silently, striding towards the door.

"Name: Dung Tao.

Age: 38.

Regional Sales General Manager at Knevoof Group's Hai Ning Insurance branch.

Greedy, lecherous, henpecked, despises Yin Tian, and plots to take down Ning Shang using underhanded tactics.

At home, he's under the thumb of a domineering wife who controls the finances.

Net worth: three million."

Yin Tian had been observing the confrontation. After the clash between Ning Shang and Dung Tao, he noted the shift in Dung Tao's profile.

"Planning to target Ning Shang?"

Yin Tian's brow furrowed at the revelation. As Dung Tao was about to exit, Yin Tian raised his voice to stop him.

"Manager Dung!"

Dung Tao turned, the rage gone from his eyes.

Yin Tian grinned smugly and declared in a boastful tone,

"Manager Dung, no need to bother printing that bet agreement with me. Save your money; I've already exceeded the target."

"How about starting today, you grant our team the exclusive rights to sell insurance within the city limits?"

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