First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C13 Dung Tao's Wife Came
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First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C13 Dung Tao's Wife Came
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C13 Dung Tao's Wife Came

Dung Tao chuckled for a moment before he noticed Lee Yifan joining in with his laughter. In the past, Lee Yifan's obsequious grins were a source of comfort for him, but now, they seemed to carry the smugness of a small-time villain achieving his aims. It even made Dung Tao feel as though he, too, had somehow morphed into a villain. This was a disconcerting shift for someone who always considered himself a paragon of virtue.

"Cough, cough," Dung Tao cleared his throat, "Not a bad strategy at all."

"Hehe, it's all thanks to your support, Brother Dong," Lee Yifan said, keenly aware of his role and careful not to overshadow Dung Tao.

Pleased, Dung Tao stood, clapped Lee Yifan on the shoulder, and said, "Alright, I'm entrusting this task to you."

"Rest assured, Brother Dong!" Lee Yifan pledged, his demeanor that of a loyal warrior ready to face death for his ally, "I'll handle it to the best of my abilities!"

Once Lee Yifan had left, Dung Tao mulled over the plan again, growing more impressed by the minute. "Who would've thought Lee Yifan had it in him?" he mused, smacking his lips as he recalled Lee Yifan's previous subservience – always the sycophant, carrying out Dung Tao's every command. This time, however, Lee Yifan had revealed unexpected talents.

With a relieved exhale, Dung Tao sank into his executive chair, contentedly declaring, "Lee Yifan has truly earned his place as my right-hand man."

Together, they were a formidable team with a bright future ahead.


The folks in Group One were puzzled by the sudden kindness from Group Two's team leader. He had been assisting them with menial tasks like serving tea since morning, and now he was eagerly initiating the handover process.

Lee Yifan, of course, was in a hurry.

He was eager to transfer the insurance sales rights in Carrimon's city center to Group One and watch them flounder. So, he proactively began the handover process with Group One. In his discussions with Ning Shang, he even feigned magnanimity, sharing plenty of work insights.

Despite his questionable character, it was undeniable that Lee Yifan had a knack for selling insurance.

Ning Shang and the majority of Group One were paying close attention.

Many had revised their opinion of Lee Yifan. Once labeled a "brown-noser," he was now seen as a "truly good guy."

Yin Tian, though always smiling, remained vigilant.

He couldn't help but respect Lee Yifan for not wavering in his intentions over the past few hours.

Lee Yifan was fixated on the thought, "In a month, I'll drive Yin Tian out of the company and reclaim my authority."

Where did he get the confidence that he could oust me in a month?

Yin Tian wasn't particularly attached to the job, but the persistent attempts by others to push him out had sparked his defiance.

You're trying to get rid of me? Well, I'm not going anywhere. How does that feel?

"Yin Tian."

As he was leaving, Lee Yifan paused to address Yin Tian, "Manager Dong holds you in high regard. Put in the effort and don't disappoint his expectations."

Yin Tian rose to his feet, feigning excitement, "Rest assured, Leader Li, I'll dedicate myself to achieving more and will honor your decision to entrust our team with the entire Carrimon city district."

Lee Yifan had always considered the city's inner district his personal turf. Yin Tian's words now made him feel as if he'd been played, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

But all he could do was muster a forced smile.

With no sarcasm left in him, Lee Yifan quickly made his way back to Team Two.

Ning Shang reviewed the documents and found nothing amiss.

Drawing on her own expertise and Lee Yifan's guidance, she got down to work.

Just as she was about to discuss something with Yin Tian, a noisy disturbance erupted outside.

"Where's Dung Tao?"

The voice belonged to a loud middle-aged woman. In the background, she could be heard protesting, "Don't pull me," and "Let me in."

The noise grew louder, accompanied by several softer male voices.

"You can't come in, they're working."

"Please be quiet and don't disrupt everyone."

Yin Tian recognized the voices of the security guards at the entrance.

"Bring out Dung Tao!"

Unlike the security guards' gentle persuasion, the woman was quite belligerent, drawing sidelong glances from many in the office.

Eventually, the woman reached the glass door, and through it, everyone got a good look at her. She was heavyset, with a face that was both round and large, her figure comparable to a barrel. Despite the meticulous makeup, it did little to disguise her unattractive features.

Yin Tian caught sight of the woman's personal information:

"Name: Deng Manrong.

Age: 45.

Daughter of the chairman of Deng's Meat Industry Group.

Fancies handsome men.

Looks down on her husband, Dung Tao, and thinks he's 'past his prime.'

Net worth: 2 billion.

That old coot Dung Tao has been keeping a mistress behind my back, and I've never even had a toy boy! He's made me a laughingstock among my friends."

Yin Tian found the situation rather curious.

Dung Tao and Deng Manrong were quite the odd couple, each more delusional than the other. Dung Tao always carried himself with an air of grandeur and integrity, while his wife, seven years his senior at 45, referred to him disdainfully as "that old thing."

In reality, Dung Tao looked quite youthful thanks to his diligent self-care, leaving Yin Tian puzzled as to why Deng Manrong would call him an "old thing." Perhaps it was some peculiar affection they shared.

Deng Manrong flung open the glass door and stood before everyone, launching into a tirade:

"Where's Dung Tao? Get out here! You think you can just hide after doing something disgraceful?"

Immediately, a group of onlookers eager for drama echoed her sentiment.

"What's the matter with Manager Dung?"

"Let him explain himself. It's too embarrassing to speak of—an old man like him keeping a mistress?"

The crowd caught on quickly, muffling their laughter behind their hands.

Someone from Dung Tao's group, upon seeing this, discreetly pulled out a phone and texted Dung Tao.

But truth be told, with Deng Manrong's voice booming as it was, Dung Tao had likely heard everything already.

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