First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C15 The Main Reason Was That He Was Jealous of Her Body
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First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C15 The Main Reason Was That He Was Jealous of Her Body
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C15 The Main Reason Was That He Was Jealous of Her Body

Peering through several windows, Lee Yifan was covertly observing a group. His eyes were red and swollen, clearly indicating he had recently cried. The windows weren't soundproof, allowing him to overhear everything.

Initially, when Dung Tao was being pushed around by his wife, Lee Yifan thought it best not to intervene in another's domestic affairs. But what truly held him back was the sight of Deng Manrong's fear. The sheer size of the altercation, akin to a hawk snatching a chick, was enough to instill fear in anyone.

Later, he caught the sound of cheers. He had just granted them the sales rights, and they had already managed to secure a deal. Though the money hadn't exchanged hands yet, Lee Yifan knew that deals with large corporations rarely fell through after a decision was made; it was usually just a matter of haggling over the price.

Lee Yifan was in turmoil. If before he had been giving away things he didn't want, now it felt like his possessions were being pulled towards the group on their own. To understand his distress, one might imagine how it feels when the object of exchange is not things, but a person.

Heartbroken, Lee Yifan longed for someone to confide in. But with Dung Tao taken away, there was no one to share his grievances with. Quietly dabbing at his tears, he took a deep breath and steeled himself. "Without Brother Dong, I must stand strong!"


When Dung Tao arrived the next day, it was nearly noon and close to quitting time. As the manager, no one would dare comment on his tardiness or early departure. Only Yin Tian was aware of how Ning Shang's opinion of the branch manager was steadily declining.

Dung Tao was still in the same clothes as the day before, his face unmarked by any new injuries. It seemed he had made amends with his wife. People understood; it's common for spouses to quarrel and then reconcile.

Yin Tian realized the reconciliation had come at a great cost. Dung Tao likely wouldn't see his mistress for at least half a month.

Upon his arrival, Dung Tao summoned Lee Yifan into his office. Whatever they discussed remained a mystery, but the smug look on Lee Yifan's face as he emerged was unmistakable to all.

Lee Yifan's inner thought was, "Yin Tian's smugness won't last much longer."

Yin Tian let out a sigh.

The last time, Lee Yifan had thought, "In a month, Yin Tian will be out the door."

But that prediction had quickly backfired.

Yin Tian wondered when Lee Yifan would change his tune next.

Previously, Yin Tian had been concerned that Dung Tao might resort to underhanded tactics, but now those fears seemed unfounded.

Plus, now that he could see others' thoughts, he was better equipped to deal with such issues.

Glancing at Ning Shang, Yin Tian got down to business.

He had personally seen a shift in Ning Shang's data the day before:

"Ning Shang,

26 years old,

Sales team leader at Knevoof Group.

Likes Yin Tian.

The sole daughter of Carrimon's wealthiest man, Ning Tianhao.

Net worth: 20 billion."

Her feelings had evolved from "very fond of Yin Tian" to "likes Yin Tian."

Yin Tian couldn't pinpoint what he had done to earn her genuine affection.

Regardless, Ning Shang was noticeably different now.

Most apparent was her inability to stay focused at work.

"Team Leader Ning, why do you keep looking at me?" Yin Tian asked, a hint of exasperation in his voice as he set aside his paperwork.

It's one thing to like me, but watching me three times a minute, twenty seconds at a time?

"Who, who's looking at you?"

Ning Shang's cheeks flushed a deep crimson.

Imagine, sitting next to a girl who's not only stunning and worth billions but also has her eyes set on you—how would you handle it?

With a girl's modesty in mind, and before she could reveal her feelings, it seemed only right to make the first move.

Resolved, Yin Tian caught Ning Shang's gaze once more, prompting another blush.

Yin Tian recalled his early days in Carrimon, scraping by on odd jobs just to eat, facing rejection from HR for his less-than-elite educational background.

It was Ning Shang who had given him a chance.

Back then, Yin Tian lacked confidence, having no prior experience in sales.

In the first few months, Yin Tian didn't make a single sale. On payday, the thought of discussing his earnings filled him with dread.

In a merit-based environment, earning just the base salary was downright humiliating.

To make matters worse, Ning Shang had never once offered Yin Tian a smile.

This sent his mind racing with unfounded thoughts.

Fueled by a fierce determination, Yin Tian threw himself into his work.

Back then, he barely slept three to four hours a night, dedicating every waking moment to honing his sales techniques and engaging in the trenches of sales.

His perseverance eventually paid off, and through sheer grit, Yin Tian rose to become the top salesperson in his group.

With his eyes now altered, granting him a unique ability, Yin Tian could finally see into Ning Shang's heart.

She had been working incognito at a subsidiary of her own company, eager to prove her worth. Her dedication to her job even surpassed Yin Tian's.

With her focus on her work, there was little time for pleasantries or smiles.

As Yin Tian's industrious nature came to light, she began to see him in a favorable light, which only made her less inclined to reach out first.

Reflecting on this, Yin Tian felt a stroke of fortune.

Had it not been for his eye mutation, he might have continued to believe that Ning Shang despised him, never finding the courage to speak to her.

Without this special ability, he feared they might have remained nothing more than strangers.

Yin Tian had resolved to confess his feelings to Ning Shang before she disclosed her true identity, and he had his reasons.

Timing a confession is crucial, and the present moment just wasn't right.

Confessing after her revelation would only add to the awkwardness.

Worse yet, she might suspect his motives were financial.

Yin Tian was confident she wasn't that superficial, but he aimed for perfection, leaving no room for error that could jeopardize their potential relationship.

Timing was everything. Yin Tian wanted Ning Shang to understand that money was irrelevant to him. What he truly desired was her.

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