First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C17 Before the Banquet
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First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C17 Before the Banquet
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C17 Before the Banquet

After making their relationship official, Yin Tian and Ning Shang lingered together for a long time before parting with heavy hearts.

"Remember to wear the clothes I bought for you tomorrow," Ning Shang reminded him, her voice tinged with reluctance as she prepared to leave.

"I got it, I got it."

Ning Shang hadn't always been so talkative, but Yin Tian relished the attention and care she now showed.

Just as Ning Shang finished straightening Yin Tian's clothes and was about to head out, he suddenly pulled her back.


"?" Ning Shang looked at him, puzzled.

Without a word, Yin Tian pointed to his cheek.

In a flash, Ning Shang got the hint, her cheeks flushing. She hesitated, though, twirling her finger shyly instead of acquiescing.

Yin Tian, no stranger to love, had thicker skin. He brushed off the moment, casually saying, "Let's skip it today. We'll kiss tomorrow."

At his words, Ning Shang nodded and, spotting her ride, dashed off without a backward glance.

"Still shy, I see," Yin Tian murmured with a soft smile, watching her retreat.


The night slipped by in the blink of an eye.

Yin Tian rose early, eager to spend the day with Ning Shang before the evening's banquet.

After shooting her a message, he busied himself with his morning routine while waiting for her response.

Fortunately, Ning Shang was an early riser too, and it wasn't long before she replied to his playful tease: "Are you up yet, little lazy pig?"

Her comeback was quick: "Awake, but not as early as some diligent pig."

Yin Tian chuckled. A diligent pig, really?

"So, would you like to date a diligent pig?" he texted back, anticipating her bashfulness.


Even through the screen, he could picture her blushing.

"How can I convince you to go on a date with this diligent pig?" he typed.

It took some playful negotiating and a few lopsided promises, but Yin Tian finally got her to agree to meet up.

He left promptly for their rendezvous point.

Arriving there, he found Ning Shang already waiting. Yin Tian felt sheepish; despite leaving early, a traffic jam had trapped him downtown for a good half hour!

Fortunately, Ning Shang wasn't one to hold a grudge. Upon Yin Tian's arrival, she immediately linked her arm with his.

Near the bus stop sign stood a boy who had been stealing glances at Ning Shang. He had finally worked up the nerve to strike up a conversation when he saw his dream girl suddenly arm-in-arm with a handsome guy, leaving him with a pang of heartache.

To add insult to injury, Yin Tian was significantly better looking than him, dashing any hopes he harbored.

Yin Tian, oblivious to the boy's turmoil, wouldn't have cared even if he had noticed. With Ning Shang's stunning beauty attracting countless admirers daily, Yin Tian would exhaust himself trying to fend them all off.

Right now, Yin Tian's mind was on purchasing his own car. He noticed Ning Shang's forehead glistening with sweat, clearly from waiting for him at the station. If only he had arrived sooner, she wouldn't have had to endure the heat.

He reflected on Ning Shang's thoughts. Initially, her inner voice had been impatient, wondering, "Why hasn't Yin Tian arrived?" But upon seeing him, it shifted to relief: "Finally, Yin Tian is here."

Ning Shang harbored no resentment for his tardiness, which both pained and moved Yin Tian.

As they walked arm in arm, Ning Shang paused abruptly, as if remembering something important. "Oh, I forgot to mention yesterday, we need to prepare two gifts for the banquet."

"Should we go buy them now?" Yin Tian responded nonchalantly.

Ning Shang looked visibly worried. Traditionally, banquets had a designated person to receive and appraise gifts, announcing them when the festivities peaked. The unwritten rule was that each gift should start at one million yuan.

Although Ning Shang had plenty of money, deciding what to purchase was a dilemma. Antiques were risky; being swindled was one thing, but the embarrassment of presenting a counterfeit at the banquet was quite another. The same principle applied to other potential gifts.

Unaware of the predicament, Yin Tian inquired, "Who are the gifts for?"

"Give it to my grandfather," Ning Shang replied without thinking.

Your grandfather?

Yin Tian was taken aback for a moment before quickly catching on.

He had assumed it was just a casual get-together among young friends. But now that Ning Shang's grandfather was involved, her parents were surely in attendance as well.

Was he about to meet her parents?

He wasn't scared, of course, but he felt like he needed some mental preparation!

"Don't worry, my grandfather is a really nice guy," Ning Shang reassured him, mistaking his surprise for concern that her grandfather might be overly traditional.

Meanwhile, Yin Tian was preoccupied with the prospect of meeting her parents.

He glanced down at his attire.

Nope, his hair was a mess; he needed a new style!

And his shirt had a tiny black spot on it. Time for a change!


The more he scrutinized himself, the less satisfied he became.

Presenting a good image in front of his partner's parents was a responsibility to himself and to Ning Shang.

Otherwise, what if her parents didn't approve? That would be embarrassing for Ning Shang.

And if they pulled a stunt like offering him a million yuan to leave their daughter, he'd be the joke of the entire event.

Yin Tian wasn't personally bothered, but he was concerned about Ning Shang being affected.

He was determined to prevent any such scenario!

Ning Shang, as if reading his mind, gave Yin Tian's arm a comforting pat and smiled.

"You're fine just as you are. Don't you trust my judgment?"

What Ning Shang didn't realize was that her biological mother was already plotting to put Yin Tian in his place.

And no matter how impeccably Yin Tian dressed or how polite he was, nothing could deter her mother from having a bit of fun at his expense.

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