First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C18 Love at First Sight
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First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C18 Love at First Sight
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C18 Love at First Sight

Meanwhile, in the Ning family estate, Mrs. Ning was poring over the documents in her hands. They were all about Yin Tian. In front of her, a mobile phone was streaming a live broadcast showing her daughter in an intimate encounter with Yin Tian.

"Ning Tianhao! Are you aware that your daughter is on the verge of being duped?" Mrs. Ning seethed as she watched the stream.

It was common knowledge that Ning Tianhao was deeply devoted to his wife, to the point where rumors circulated that he was henpecked. Consequently, the Ning family's servants tended to her with even greater diligence than they did to Ning Tianhao.

Prompted by a message from the servants, Ning Tianhao quickly arrived on the scene. Mrs. Ning, upon seeing him, pointed to Yin Tian's image on the phone and exclaimed, "You keep insisting there's nothing to worry about. By the time you notice something's amiss, they might as well be picking out baby names!"

Ning Tianhao watched the screen, his eyes narrowed, and replied with a chuckle, "Well, isn't this how young love is these days?"

"Unacceptable!" Mrs. Ning slammed her hand on the table. "I must ensure my daughter's happiness!"

She pointed at Yin Tian and added emphatically, "She will never find happiness with a poor man like him!"

"What do you propose we do?" Ning Tianhao asked, showing no sign of opposing his wife.

He was well aware of his wife's strong desire for control. He usually indulged her, and their marriage had always been affectionate. However, he held a different view regarding their daughter's romantic life.

Mrs. Ning believed she should dictate her daughter's marital prospects, choosing from among the second-generation youths she had seen grow up. Ning Tianhao, on the other hand, felt that his daughter should choose her own boyfriend, and he would discreetly vet the suitor. If the young man didn't measure up, he would quietly send him packing, but he wouldn't meddle in her choice.

Given his wife's temperament, he had to maneuver these matters with stealth. Outwardly, it was imperative to present a united front as husband and wife.

"Do you know that our daughter plans to bring him to today's banquet?" Mrs. Ning asked with a cold smirk.

Ning Tianhao was aware, but he feigned ignorance and shook his head.

Seeing his response, Mrs. Ning smiled smugly, "If our daughter is looking for a gift for him, she'll surely choose something from her own collection."

As the mother of Ning Shang, she was intimately familiar with her daughter's character, which led her to make such a conjecture.

"And then?"

"I replaced all of her collection with fakes!"

Mrs. Ning's startling declaration left Ning Tianhao somewhat baffled.

'Why mess with Yin Tian's things? And why secretly swap your own daughter's collection?'

"When the time comes for my daughter to bring Yin Tian over and present him with a gift, I'll have Ning Zhen leak the news that Yin Tian gave a counterfeit."

"Then, I'll assert that Yin Tian sneakily swapped the genuine article for a fake, forcing him to leave my daughter's side!"

This... How did I never realize how ruthless you could be after all these years together?

Ning Tianhao reflected for a moment.

Ah, his wife had always had a cunning streak, even before they were married.

No harm done.

Actually, the more he thought about it, the more amusing it seemed.

You little rascal, think you can snatch my daughter? Serves you right!

Though he had always maintained the belief that his daughter would one day marry, and outwardly showed support for the young men in her life, deep down he wasn't ready to let just anyone whisk her away.

Let's consider this a trial of their love!

Indeed, I could even set up someone to tell Yin Tian, "It was all Ning Shang's doing," to test their trust.

If they withstand the test, I'll step forward and take the fall.

No, I can't take all the blame. What if my daughter ends up resenting me?

After some deliberation, Ning Tianhao decided to give Ning Shang a hint of what was going on.

He feigned a need to use the restroom, pulled out his phone, and sent a text to his daughter.

Shortly after, he emerged feeling triumphant.

Mrs. Ning, having set her plan in motion, turned her attention back to business matters.

When Ning Tianhao approached, she eagerly engaged him in discussion.

Unbeknownst to her, her husband, who had just praised her plan, had already betrayed it by half.

In no time at all, they had mapped out the majority of their business dealings.

After wrapping up, they exchanged a knowing glance.

Their eyes seemed to convey, "You're truly my partner; we're always on the same page!"


"Mom, have you devised some minor challenges for Yin Tian?"

Ning Shang stared at the text message from her father, puzzled by its contents.

"Ning, what's up?" Yin Tian inquired, feigning ignorance.

In reality, he had already accessed the message's details through his phone's data.

Is my mother-in-law putting me to the test?

Confident in his special abilities, Yin Tian believed he could easily pass her "little" challenge.

He genuinely considered it minor.

Yet Ning Shang, well-acquainted with her mother's ways, couldn't help but look distressed.

"My mom... she might give you a hard time," she said hesitantly, her words faltering. "If things go sideways, please, don't get mad."

Yin Tian could almost hear Ning Shang's internal panic: "This is bad, maybe I shouldn't bring Yin Tian along after all."

Was he facing an insurmountable challenge?

Undaunted, Yin Tian reassured her, "No worries, I won't get upset."

Ning Shang felt disheartened.

She was at a loss for words with Yin Tian.

Telling him bluntly, "My mom's going to give you a tough time," might just send him running for the hills.

And yet, a mere hint wouldn't make a dent in his confidence.

Tormented by her dilemma, she balled her right hand into a fist and gently thumped her forehead.

Well, decision time can wait—let's pick out a gift first!

Together, Ning Shang and Yin Tian stepped into Carrimon's grandest antique bazaar.

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