First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C19 Market Knowledge
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First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C19 Market Knowledge
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C19 Market Knowledge

"Replica of the Blue and White Double Happiness Covered Jar

Price: 5 Yuan."

"Replica of the Sacrificial Red Glaze Fruit Dish

Price: 3 Yuan."


Upon stepping into the Antique Market, Yin Tian realized another application for his unique talent.

Porcelain authentication!

Anything that caught his eye, he could discern whether it was authentic.

The revelation of this ability sent Yin Tian into a frenzy of delight.

"Does this mean I can spot treasures that others have overlooked?"

Watching those antique appraisal shows on TV, with items fetching millions, was enough to make anyone green with envy. Now, could I too have a shot at striking it rich overnight?

With his heart racing, Yin Tian quickened his step.

He glanced eagerly from left to right, itching to scour each and every stall, to inspect every single item.

To Yin Tian, this was an immense opportunity to strike gold.

He had always pondered how to capitalize on his gift to earn money, even considering dumpster diving for hidden gems. But now, that seemed wholly unnecessary.

After all, what could a garbage dump offer compared to the bounty of the Antique Market?

Unable to contain his excitement, Yin Tian pulled Ning Shang along for an enthusiastic tour.

Ning Shang was puzzled by Yin Tian's sudden fervor.

He hadn't been this animated about coming here, treating it more like a casual outing.

Yet, upon arrival, Yin Tian transformed, brimming with zeal and initiative.

Ning Shang felt somewhat sidelined by his newfound passion.

Thankfully, Ning Shang wasn't one to sulk over trivial matters. She quietly let Yin Tian lead the way, murmuring, "Slow down, slow down," while hastening her steps to keep up.

"Replica of the Ancient Jade Sun Bird

Price: 7 Yuan."

"Replica of the Five-Color Beast and Eight Trigrams Bowl

Price: 6 Yuan."

"Replica of the Cloisonné Enamel Longevity and Prosperity Olive-Shaped Vase

Price: 10 Yuan."


Yin Tian's initial burst of enthusiasm quickly waned.

As he moved along, frustration brewed within him, almost to the point of swearing.

The reason was simple: since entering the market, he had encountered nothing but replicas!

What irked him most was the vendors' cries, each feigning distress, as if they were reluctantly parting with treasured family heirlooms at a loss.

Yet what they were peddling was nothing but counterfeit merchandise!

To label it counterfeit might be an overstatement, though.

After all, none of the vendors had ever claimed their wares were authentic.

They merely spun tales about the origins of the items.

But even those stories were fabrications.

Yin Tian had witnessed it himself—a merchant claiming he had a rare find, and the moment after it sold, he pulled out an identical piece from beneath the counter.

Moreover, an imitation worth less than 20 yuan was being hawked as a precious treasure he had supposedly acquired at great expense.

The deception ran deep.

Luckily, Yin Tian possessed a unique talent. Had it been anyone else, they'd have been swindled to the point of losing their shorts!

Ning Shang, on the other hand, wasn't burdened by such concerns; she was here simply for enjoyment.

And she was having a wonderful time.

She had encountered all manner of oddities along the way.

Despite her broad exposure to the world from a young age, this experience had truly broadened her horizons.

In contrast, Yin Tian had been fixated on the items' value, neglecting their appearance and the stories behind them.

In hindsight, he realized he had missed out.

Yin Tian wasn't too bothered about not finding any hidden gems.

He just lamented that easy money was hard to come by.

However, a novel use for his ability had opened up a different avenue for him.

"At the very least, I could become an antique appraisal expert," he mused with a wry smile, as he and Ning Shang resumed their browsing.

Suddenly, Yin Tian's attention was drawn to a crowd ahead.

Driven by curiosity, he and Ning Shang edged closer.

They observed two individuals locked in a dispute over a prized object.

One was a middle-aged man in a green robe; the other, a nonchalant young man.

Yin Tian's gaze sharpened, tuning into their inner thoughts.

The middle-aged man was thinking, "This wealthy young heir seems flush with cash—he's willing to drop 200,000 yuan just like that."

The young man was considering, "This piece could really make a statement as a gift, couldn't it?"

Listening to the hushed conversations of those around him, Yin Tian pieced together the sequence of events.

Apparently, a middle-aged man had his eye on a prized item and was negotiating the price when a young man abruptly interjected with an offer to purchase it.

In the Antique Market, there was an unwritten rule: if two patrons fancied the same piece, the one who expressed interest first had dibs unless they relinquished their claim, preventing any latecomers from swooping in.

Most treasure hunters here were veterans who respected this tradition.

Yet, this young man clearly wasn't a regular and his breach of etiquette seemed to leave him immune to retaliation.

Shopkeepers generally preferred dealing with those who followed the market's code of conduct.

But this situation was exceptional.

The young man's bid was exceptionally high, leaving the item's owner in a quandary.

Accept the middle-aged man's offer and miss out on a windfall, or side with the young man and tarnish his own reputation along with offending the other.

That was the consensus.

Yin Tian observed the shopkeeper's internal struggle with a nonchalant gaze.

"Hey, Old Qin, why not hike up the price a bit more?"

Now, Yin Tian had the full picture.

The pair were in cahoots, putting on a show!

He cast a sympathetic look at the young man.

Knowing the reality of the situation, Yin Tian chose to keep it to himself.

He was a stranger to the young man, and intervening might backfire.

Besides, it was the young man who had flouted the rules first; he had no one to blame but himself for being duped.

No one had twisted his arm to make the purchase.

"Young man, that's hardly fair play," the middle-aged man grumbled with irritation.

"How is this my fault?" retorted the young man with a flippant air. "Everyone knows that treasures go to those who deserve them. I offered more money, so it should be mine."

With that, he sneered dismissively, "If you can, outbid me!"

The young man's brashness was palpable.

Seeing his "I'm the son of a billionaire" demeanor, Yin Tian couldn't resist checking his background.

Before, he had merely skimmed over him, focusing primarily on his intentions.

Name: Hou Junxiong.

Age: 23.

Second son of the Chairman of Rain Heaven Real Estate.

Net Worth: $1 billion.

It's no surprise he spoke with such confidence; he's the son of a real estate magnate, after all.

Rain Heaven Real Estate is a renowned property developer in Carrimon. The house Yin Tian is currently renting appears to be one of their constructions.

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