First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C2 The Daughter of the Richest Man Liked Me
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First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C2 The Daughter of the Richest Man Liked Me
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C2 The Daughter of the Richest Man Liked Me

Yin Tian was taken aback. Normally, Ning Shang was the one stirring up trouble for him, but now she was unexpectedly defending him. Could it be that she actually had feelings for him?

"Since when does completing a task give you a free pass to slack off? Other teams finish their tasks without acting like you..." Dong Tao's finger initially pointed at Ning Shang, but quickly curved back as he turned and glared at Yin Tian, "You can't just keep slacking off!"

"Lazybones are always full of excuses!"

After his outburst, Dong Tao stormed back to his office with a dramatic swish of his sleeves.

Instead of sitting down at his desk, Dong Tao cracked open the blinds of his office window to spy on Yin Tian and Ning Shang in the common work area.

As Ning Shang was about to leave, Yin Tian grinned and said, "Thanks for backing me up just now. I didn't expect you to speak on my behalf."

"You're on my team. If anyone's going to scold you, it should be me," Ning Shang replied with a slight smile. Their usual interactions were hardly friendly; a simple greeting if they crossed paths was about as warm as it got.

Yet today, there was an unexpected warmth to their exchange.

"You sure like to overstep," Yin Tian remarked, his eyes suddenly intense, his gaze cutting through Ning Shang like a blade.

It pierced through her clothes, her underwear, her skin, and straight to her heart!

Yin Tian saw a heart pounding fiercely, and a thought flashed through his mind, "Is the heart racing from nervousness?"

Was she nervous because of him?

Yin Tian's lips curled into a sly smile as he continued, "In light of your help today, I'll take you out for dinner after work. I also happen to have something to discuss with you."

"What could you possibly need from me?" Ning Shang asked, a mix of secret delight and skepticism in her voice.

Yin Tian shot back, "Why all the questions? Dining with me is surely better than being hounded by Dong Tao."

While talking, Yin Tian gestured for Ning Shang to glance back at Dong Tao's office direction.

Just then, the slats of the blinds gave a sudden quiver.

Yin Tian's lips quirked into a knowing smile. Dung Tao was keeping a close watch, wasn't he?

"You make a good point. You certainly seem more like a good guy," Ning Shang agreed, nodding with a smile. "Wait for me when you're done for the day."

Seated at his desk, Yin Tian was bored out of his mind, counting the minutes until the end of his shift. In the meantime, he didn't miss the chance to use his newly acquired special ability to scan each of his colleagues.

He had quickly gathered the essential details about each one. To Yin Tian, they were an open book.

"Name: Zhang Xiaohua.

Gender: Female.

Age: 24.

Sales Team Member.

Head of household, came to Carrimon alone to make her way.

Pretty in her own right, currently being harassed by district manager Dung Tao, contemplating quitting.

Net worth: 50,000 yuan."

Damn, Dung Tao casts a wide net. There are only two women in our group, and he's after both?

Yin Tian's gaze settled on Zhang Xiaohua, who was sitting not too far from him. She was simply dressed, naturally pretty without makeup, always gentle and soft-spoken. He couldn't fathom how Dung Tao could be so cruel as to prey on her.

His attention then shifted to another male colleague.

"Name: Lee Yifan.

Gender: Male.

Age: 27.

Leader of Sales Team Two.

A sycophant, a petty man.

To him, Dung Tao is the sun and the earth; his meal ticket to a promotion.

Net worth: 100,000 yuan."


Yin Tian shook his head in resignation. There was nothing he could do but sigh for Lee Yifan, who probably wished he'd been born a woman.

Finally, Yin Tian's gaze pierced through the blinds to rest on Dung Tao.

"Name: Dung Tao.

Age: 38.

Regional Sales General Manager at Knevoof Group's Hai Ning Insurance branch.

Greedy, lecherous, and henpecked.

At home, he's under the thumb of a veritable tigress who holds the purse strings.

Net worth: 3 million yuan."

As expected of a regional sales general manager, his net worth was an impressive 3 million yuan. Yet, the fact that he was scared of his wife was a secret to all but Yin Tian, who chuckled to himself. The usually domineering Manager Dung was, in reality, a henpecked husband.

If the tigress at the office ever found out about his antics, he wouldn't stand a chance.

As Yin Tian reveled in his amusement, a sudden waft of fragrance caught his attention...

Ning Shang approached, toting a designer bag whose name escaped him. "Why the goofy grin? Work's over," she said.

Yin Tian's smile vanished as he quickly gathered his things, his gaze lingering on Ning Shang's bag.

"Hermès handbag

Price: 83,000 yuan."

After noting the price, Yin Tian quipped, "Nice bag, Group Leader Ning. Hermès, right? Must've cost a pretty penny."

"Hmm... No," Ning Shang replied, her eyes darting away. "It's a knockoff, just a few hundred yuan. I can't afford the real deal."

Yin Tian simply shrugged, choosing not to call her out.

He then gave Ning Shang's outfit a once-over, mentally tallying the cost of her high-end attire. To his surprise, the total would easily hit five million yuan.

With a sigh at the disparities between people, they left the office together.

It was undeniable – Ning Shang was a stunning presence on the street, her long, shapely legs, her hourglass figure, and her radiant, fair skin turning heads.

During the evening rush, the streets teemed with people, and every passing man's gaze would briefly fix on Ning Shang.


"She's a knockout!"

"Curves in all the right places – a real stunner."

Yet, when they spotted Yin Tian by her side, those same admirers couldn't help but lament.

"What a waste."

"Like a rose in a dung heap."

"That guy must have saved the galaxy in his past life..."

But Yin Tian was oblivious to their comments, his mind preoccupied with numbers and data – the cars, the pavement, the crowds, all transformed into figures stored in his mind.

Just then, a little girl bounced into view...

"Name: Hsu Ruoning.

Age: Five years old.


But the details that followed were a blur, piquing Yin Tian's curiosity.

This was a first for him.


A car spun out of control, hurtling toward the little girl who was skipping along the sidewalk!

In the instant before the disaster struck, darkness engulfed Yin Tian's vision...

What had just occurred?

Regaining his composure, Yin Tian's face was etched with gravity. Ning Shang, noticing his distress, inquired with concern, "What's the matter? Are you feeling alright?"

As Yin Tian gestured dismissively, his eyes caught sight of a little girl cheerfully skipping toward him.

It dawned on Yin Tian that he had just witnessed a glimpse of the future.

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