First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C21 True Protagonist
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First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C21 True Protagonist
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C21 True Protagonist

The shopkeeper, noticing the growing crowd of onlookers, feared an incident might occur, so he decided to pack away the items.

That explained why Yin Tian had come up empty-handed in his search for anything of value.

The shopkeeper laid the treasures out on the table, prompting Hou Junxiong to cough up the payment.

In a moment of panic, Hou Junxiong had blurted out an offer of three million, but now, unable to produce the sum, he hemmed and hawed.

"Are you mocking me?" the shopkeeper asked, bewildered.

Raising the price to a level where no one would bite, only to back out oneself, was a surefire way to tarnish one's reputation.

"What's the rush? You won't be shortchanged!" Hou Junxiong's face turned beet red, clearly feeling deeply insulted.

Fumbling with his phone, he scrolled through his contacts, realizing he had only one option left.

Reluctantly, he would have to ask for a loan from his most despised brother.

Meanwhile, Yin Tian, seeing Hou Junxiong's predicament, began to scheme.

"Ning Ning, do you have three million?"

"Ah? No!"

Ning Shang had been engrossed in the spectacle and, caught off guard by the question, instinctively denied it.

But she immediately regretted her response.

"Oh no, what have I done? Why did I speak so hastily?"

"Now, after telling him I have no money, what if I later reveal I'm the daughter of Carrimon's wealthiest man? Will he think I'm playing games with him?"

"I should have acknowledged having three million first, and then disclosed that I'm Ning Tianhao's daughter!"

Ning Shang was suddenly consumed by remorse.

Yin Tian, privy to her inner turmoil, found the situation amusing.

He was curious to see how she would eventually come clean with him.

To Yin Tian, Ning Shang's awkwardness during her confession was more valuable than the ten million yuan at stake.

Thus, he abandoned the notion of having Ning Shang purchase the item, allowing her to preserve her facade.

He couldn't deny feeling a twinge of regret.

Sadly, Yin Tian himself didn't have the three million yuan at his disposal.

This incident prompted Yin Tian to prioritize making money.

"Well then, gather your funds, and I'll pack up the treasure," the shopkeeper said, feigning generosity.

Hou Junxiong casually waved his hand, dismissing the matter.

The shopkeeper then, in full view of everyone, picked up the antique, wrapped it in cloth twice, and carefully placed it into a box.

Yin Tian's eyes were locked on the ten million yuan.

That's when he noticed the box's label:

"Storage Box

Price: 10 million yuan"

Suddenly, the table gave a slight tremble.

Nobody paid it any mind.

Not even Sheng Tian Gong, who had been intently watching the whole time, caught it.

The shake was so subtle that only Yin Tian, with his unique vision, could see it.

He initially thought nothing of it; an uneven table wasn't exactly earth-shattering.

But when he glanced at the box again, the label had changed.

"Storage Box

Price: 20."

In that instant, the ten million yuan vanished from the box.

Yin Tian blinked in surprise, then his gaze dropped lower.

"A table with a universe inside

Price: 25.01 million."


Yin Tian hadn't anticipated the shopkeeper's cunning strategy.

First, lure the seasoned bidders with a genuine article, hike up the price, then pull a bait-and-switch.

Yin Tian retracted his earlier sentiment.

This wasn't just a trap for the average Joe—who'd lose their shirt—it was a trap that could make even the savviest of experts walk away in tears.

The kind of trap that makes you walk home even if you drove there.

And to top it off, it seemed there was a hidden treasure in the table worth 15 million!

Everyone was oblivious to the switcheroo.

Hou Junxiong, having raised the funds, transferred the money, joyfully collected the box, and left.


Yin Tian could only silently mourn for him for a couple of minutes.

"Let's buy a potted plant!"

Ning Shang blurted out unexpectedly.

"Sure." Yin Tian responded with enthusiasm, "Where should we get it?"

"Right here."

Yin Tian, puzzled by Ning Shang's sudden desire for flowers, followed her pointing finger and saw the same shopkeeper now arranging flowers on the table for sale.

It dawned on him that Ning Shang's impulse to buy flowers was sparked by seeing them for sale.

This sweet, impulsive girl—she wanted everything she laid eyes on.

Yin Tian stepped forward, eager to engage.

"Boss, how much for these flowers?"

"Pots for 15, flowers for 20, fair deals for all ages."

'Yeah right, as if I'd believe that—you just swindled someone out of 10 million!'

Ning Shang wandered off to pick out flowers, leaving Yin Tian to strike up a conversation with the shopkeeper.

"Boss, isn't this supposed to be the Antique Market? Why are you peddling flowers?"

"I was on my way there when you called out to me. There's no law against doing a bit of business on the side, is there?"

Yin Tian followed the shopkeeper's gesture and noticed a small free trade market nearby.

"You're telling me you can pull in three million just by dealing in antiques, and yet you're here selling flowers on the side?"

"Ah, you young folks only see the value in antiques," the shopkeeper sighed, offering a critique. "You might think my flowers are a bargain, but every now and then, a rare gem pops up that can bring in cash much faster than any antique."

Yin Tian was aware that some high-end flowers could fetch a hefty price, but he hadn't realized that even ordinary flowers might skyrocket in value.

He was about to delve deeper into conversation when Ning Shang tugged at the hem of his shirt.

"I've made my selection."

Yin Tian gave a nod and cast a cursory glance, but then he froze.

The flower in Ning Shang's embrace was unremarkable, yet beside it was a young shoot worth a staggering fifteen million!

"Supple Crown Lotus Cauldron (Seedling stage)

Price: 15 million (0.3)"

"What's the matter?" Ning Shang tugged at Yin Tian's cheek.

Are you the protagonist of this world or what?

Yin Tian watched Ning Shang, his envy for her good fortune undeniable.

Born into wealth, stumbling upon treasures by chance, and making a cool fifteen million from a casual flower purchase—wasn't that the hallmark of a true main character?

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