First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C3 We will be a Family from Now on
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First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C3 We will be a Family from Now on
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C3 We will be a Family from Now on

Without a moment's delay, he dashed toward the little girl and yanked her hand, pulling her to safety!

The wayward car barreled toward them.

Accompanied by Ning Shang's piercing scream!

The car slammed into a closed shop.

Thankfully, a tragedy was averted. Yin Tian exhaled in relief as the crowd converged around the scene of the accident.

"That little girl is so fortunate. Thank goodness for that young man."

"What's with the driver? Was he drunk or just tired?"

"We should call the police right away."

The onlookers buzzed with questions and comments. Yin Tian, too, felt a wave of relief wash over him. It was a good thing the street wasn't crowded, or he might not have been able to rescue her in time.

"What just happened?" The little girl, oblivious to the danger she had just escaped, asked in her innocent, childlike voice, "What's going on?"

She then turned, her curiosity piqued, and pointed at the car, exclaiming, "Oh! There's been an accident!"

Yin Tian mopped his brow. "You realize there's been an accident! If I hadn't been here, you'd be drinking Meng Po's soup by now."

"What's Meng Po's soup? Does it taste good?" The little girl's curiosity was undiminished.

Yin Tian shook his head. "I don't know; never had it, and I don't plan to."

Soon after, the little girl's parents arrived, frantic with worry as they embraced their child, repeatedly asking, "Are you okay? Are you sure you're okay?"

The little girl, engrossed in her play, hardly noticed her parents' concern.

With the arrival of the little girl's parents, Yin Tian and Ning Shang decided to slip away from the gathering crowd.

To be honest, the whole ordeal had given Ning Shang quite the scare!

"Yin Tian, how did you react so quickly?" Ning Shang marveled at Yin Tian's swift response. She hadn't even grasped the situation before Yin Tian had sprung into action.

She felt a shiver of fear at the thought of what might have been—if the car had come just a bit closer, they would have been the ones in harm's way!

Yin Tian just waved his hand dismissively, "There was no special reaction. I saw the driver swerving from a distance and figured trouble was brewing, so I stayed alert."

"Really?" Ning Shang was clearly skeptical.

Yin Tian responded earnestly, "It's the truth! What, you think I have some sort of crystal ball to see the future?"

"Give it a rest. We're in the real world, not some fantasy novel. Superpowers don't exist."

Ning Shang nodded in agreement. "You're right. Still, your bravery earlier has definitely earned you a second glance. It's clear you're not just talented at work; you're also the kind to lend a helping hand in life."

"Today's meal is on me."

With that, Ning Shang came to a halt.

"Let's eat right here," she suggested.

Yin Tian glanced up at the restaurant's sign — Tingyu Pavilion.

Two stone lions sat proudly at the entrance, adorned with vibrant red ribbons and a large red flower on each of their chests. Peering inside, Yin Tian noted the interior's nostalgic decor, reminiscent of an old martial arts setting.

"This place isn't exactly wallet-friendly," Yin Tian remarked, aware that Ning Shang could handle the bill but feeling a bit uneasy nonetheless. He was more accustomed to simple street food.

Ning Shang brushed off his concern, linking her arm with his. "Why worry when I'm the one inviting you?"

Yin Tian wasn't used to such proximity with a woman, not since his university days with his ex-girlfriend. He hadn't been this close to any other woman since.

In that moment, he was enveloped by the scent of Ning Shang's perfume and the gentle softness that pressed against him, a distinctly feminine allure that left him spellbound.

"Fine! Since it's your treat, I won't argue."

Once seated, Yin Tian's eyes swept the room. The table was crafted from golden phoebe wood, and the pillars were of rosewood — both unmistakably expensive.

The menu arrived, and Yin Tian casually selected a couple of appetizers, each nearing a thousand yuan. He would never usually splurge like this, not even when entertaining clients.

Although Yin Tian's monthly salary was substantial, hitting upwards of ten or eighteen thousand yuan, this was Carrimon, where just the rent could set you back three thousand yuan, and that was for a shared living space.

In his everyday life, he was very cautious with his spending, not daring to splurge carelessly.

Ning Shang, on the other hand, effortlessly chose a few dishes that were both delicate in appearance and modest in portion.

"Team Leader Ning..."

Before Yin Tian could get another word out, Ning Shang pouted and interrupted, "We're off the clock now. Just call me Ning Shang, or Little Shang if you like. That's what my family calls me."

"So, if I call you that, does it mean we're practically family?"

Yin Tian pondered this but kept his thoughts to himself.

He simply nodded, "Little Shang, there's a saying about owing favors for accepted meals. You wouldn't happen to be buttering me up for a favor, would you?"

Ning Shang shook her head emphatically, "I don't need any help at the moment, but who knows about the future? So by eating this meal, you're officially in my debt."

"Well, then I'm not eating!" Yin Tian declared, but just as he did, the waiter arrived with a plate of cold dishes and set them on the table.

Ning Shang chuckled, "Too late for regrets now, the food's already here."

"Ah, just my luck, falling right into your trap," Yin Tian lamented with a shake of his head and another sigh.

Now curious, Ning Shang inquired, "Yin Tian, you mentioned you needed to discuss something? Out with it, what's going on?"

Yin Tian sipped his tea, lips pursed, before beginning, "Well, in a few days..."

Mid-sentence, his expression tightened, his gaze fixed in disbelief on something ahead, and he murmured, "What are the odds... running into her here?"

At his words, Ning Shang turned to look and saw a glamorous woman in a revealing outfit, arm-in-arm with a burly, bald man sporting a thick gold chain.

When their eyes met, both the flamboyant lady and Yin Tian were taken aback.

In unison, they exclaimed, "It's actually you?"

With a scoff, the woman gave Yin Tian a disdainful glance and approached his table, her tone dripping with arrogance, "Well, if it isn't Yin Tian. Fancy running into you here. What's the matter? Did you have to borrow a credit card to wine and dine a lady?"

The flashy woman's bald, wealthy companion joined in with a sneer, "Xiaomei, is this the broke ex-boyfriend you mentioned? The one who could only afford to take you out to street food stalls and Shaxian Delicacies?"

"Exactly," Xiaomei, the nickname of the flamboyant woman, tossed her hair, her perfume wafting intensely.

She went on, "Just look at how destitute he appears. He's probably ready to max out his credit card just being here."

"Tsk, Xiaomei, so this is your new beau? Doesn't seem like much of an upgrade to me." Yin Tian wasn't embarrassed in the slightest; he crossed his arms and cast a lingering, dismissive glance over the pair.

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