First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C8 He Called a Few Friends
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First Wealth: My Girlfriend/C8 He Called a Few Friends
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C8 He Called a Few Friends

Yin Tian and Ning Shang exchanged puzzled glances.

The explanation seemed too fantastical.

Yet, Yin Tian was somewhat receptive; after all, he possessed a surreal ability himself.

Ning Shang's eyes softened considerably after hearing it.

Women are often led by their emotions.

She crouched down, gently patted Hsu Ruoning's head, and then cast a glance at Yin Tian.

She was convinced.

After pondering for a moment, Hsu Yang bent down once more and said, "Please, accept our request to become the little princess's godfather!"

Great, the mob boss's daughter wants me as her godfather!

Truthfully, Yin Tian was reluctant to get too involved with the Hsu family.

He was just a regular guy. If their enemies found out he was Hsu Ruoning's godfather, wouldn't they scrutinize him relentlessly?

Yin Tian considered declining, but then he looked at Ning Shang.

She remained silent, simply stepping back to stand by Yin Tian's side, signaling her support for whatever choice he made.

Turning back to Hsu Ruoning, he saw his own reflection in her clear, hopeful eyes.

"I'm sorry..."

He couldn't finish his apology before the data before his eyes transformed.

"Name: Hsu Ruoning.

Age: Five years old.


The information morphed into what Yin Tian had seen previously, and a series of future fragments began to flood his mind.

Some depicted Hsu Ruoning's death in a car accident.

Others showed her being assassinated.


A torrent of tragic images raced through his mind, sending Yin Tian's heart racing.

"Yin Tian? What's the matter?"

Ning Shang was quick to notice Yin Tian's distress, instinctively reaching out to soothe his back.

"Phew, I'm okay."

Taking a deep breath, Yin Tian gazed at Hsu Ruoning once more.

She still looked at him with eager anticipation.

Bending down, Yin Tian spoke softly, "Ning, how about you call me 'brother' from now on?"

"Daddy!" Hsu Ruoning wrapped her arms around Yin Tian, calling out affectionately.

Yin Tian's attempt to seem younger was a bust, and he grimaced.

Ning Shang giggled behind her hand.

Refocusing his attention, Yin Tian watched as the data before his eyes updated.

"Name: Hsu Ruoning.

Age: Five years old.

Innocent and unaware.

Lonely, yearning for companionship.

The Hsu family's most cherished granddaughter.

Net worth: 10 billion."

With this information, Yin Tian's concerns were eased.

"Wait a minute," Yin Tian suddenly realized today wasn't a weekend. He glanced at Hsu Ruoning with a puzzled look. "Doesn't she have school?"

"The family head arranged for a private tutor," Hsu Yang promptly responded.

A private tutor? That could mean she might not have the chance to make friends.

Yin Tian's thoughts drifted to his own childhood, recalling days spent playing with friends, sometimes even skipping meals in the midst of fun.

"What about her parents? Are they always busy?" he inquired further.

"Yes, I'm usually the one accompanying the little princess."

Just you?

It made sense why the data indicated she felt isolated.

Imagine, a five-year-old spending her days with a stern-faced man. It's no wonder she felt lonely.

The thought gave Yin Tian a pang of concern.

He couldn't bear the thought of Hsu Ruoning continuing to feel this way, but he was tied up with work alongside Ning Shang and couldn't find the time to be with his daughter.

Sensing Yin Tian's predicament, Hsu Yang offered some reassurance, "Rest assured, the family head is very attentive to the little princess. It won't be long before she starts school."

Yin Tian recognized that these prominent families had their own approaches to child-rearing and decided it was best not to interfere.

He was about to inquire more about Hsu Ruoning when his phone rang. It was a call from Dung Tao.

"Hello? Manager Dong, what can I do for you?" Yin Tian asked nonchalantly.

"What are you doing down there? Running around during work hours?"

"You increased our workload, didn't you? I have to be out handling business!" Yin Tian replied coolly, "Or are you suggesting, Manager Dong, that you're worried about losing and want us to only drum up clients over the phone?"

Amidst Dung Tao's frustrated chastising, Yin Tian hung up with a chuckle.

Ning Shang, considering her role as team leader, decided to head back to work.

"Are you facing any troubles?" Hsu Yang inquired warmly, having overheard part of the conversation.

"It's nothing, just a minor work issue."

Yin Tian dismissed the matter with a wave of his hand, clearly not interested in discussing it.

Hsu Yang had arrived with explicit instructions to "assist Yin Tian as much as possible." After pondering for a moment, he ventured a guess, "Are you by any chance tasked with selling insurance?"


Though there wasn't much to elaborate on, Yin Tian didn't conceal anything, especially since Hsu Yang had guessed correctly.

"Hmm..." Hsu Yang mused for a bit, then his eyes brightened. "You know, I have some friends who are actually looking to buy insurance right now. How about we handle it through you?"

"Sure, I'll give your friends a fair deal." Yin Tian didn't make much of it, assuming it was just a handful of people. He appreciated Hsu Yang's gesture of support and didn't turn him down.

"Daddy, I want to get insurance, too!"

Hsu Ruoning had been listening intently and finally saw her chance to join in, eagerly calling out.

"Of course! Whatever you need!" Yin Tian scooped up Hsu Ruoning and spun her around several times, eliciting peals of laughter from her.

"I'll call them right now."

With nothing else on his agenda for the day, Yin Tian readily agreed to Hsu Yang's proposal.

"Go ahead and call them. We can all grab lunch together afterward—it'll be a perfect way to celebrate my new daughter."

Hsu Yang nodded and began dialing numbers one by one.

Meanwhile, Yin Tian took the opportunity to find a shady spot to play with Hsu Ruoning.

He had initially wanted to take her upstairs so Ning Shang could join them, but considering Dung Tao might be a nuisance, he decided against bringing Hsu Ruoning to the workplace.

Once Hsu Yang finished his calls, he strode over to their location and stood by quietly, careful not to interrupt the playful duo.

Before long, the sound of engines shutting off filled the air.

Yin Tian looked up to see a throng of cars parked tightly beneath the office building, effectively sealing off the area.

Groups of two or three began to emerge from each vehicle, making their way toward Yin Tian.

As they approached within a few meters of Hsu Yang, they halted in unison and called out with a powerful voice:

"Brother Yang!"

Hsu Yang acknowledged them with a nod, then turned to Yin Tian and bowed respectfully.

"Mr. Yin, they are all planning to purchase insurance."

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