Flourishing Youth/C13 Hero save beauty
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Flourishing Youth/C13 Hero save beauty
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C13 Hero save beauty

Zhao Wushuang's words stopped me. I wasn't stupid, I naturally knew what yellow dog wanted to do, it was only men, wasn't it just that? Zhao Wushuang probably noticed it too, which was why he asked me for help.

But if I stay here, don't say that I can't beat the yellow dog, he has the knife. If this dog went crazy and attacked me, who would I find to reason with?

Moreover, this Zhao Wushuang has nothing to do with me, if I had to say it, it would be my enemy. To go against the yellow dog for the sake of a enemy, and even take the risk of being stabbed, how stupid would I be to go against the yellow dog for her?

It's none of my business anyway. Zhao Wushuang, the girl, was lacking in discipline to begin with, so it's good to let her be lectured. Thinking of this, I walked out of the abandoned house again, and when Zhao Wushuang saw that I was still walking further behind, he called out my name from behind, begging me to stay, his voice carried a hint of a cry.

When we arrived outside the house, I looked in and saw that yellow dog had walked over to Zhao Wushuang's front and patted his butt with his hand. He chortled happily and said: "You little girl, your temper is not small, and your butt is also quite perky. Come, let me inspect if your pants are thick or your butt is really perky."

How did Zhao Wushuang get hit? His body shrunk backwards like he was electrocuted, and he shouted to yellow dog not to act recklessly. If his brother knew about this, he would definitely kill yellow dog.

This kind of threat was completely useless against yellow dog. This Zhao Wushuang had blurted it out anxiously, but he did not know that the more she said it, the more afraid yellow dog would be.

As long as he takes advantage of her, he will let her go home. After he finished speaking, yellow dog pounced on her, insincerely touching her body with one hand, his mouth even moving closer. I have seen how disgusting yellow dog's big yellow teeth are, I think that Zhao Wushuang probably even had thoughts of dying.

Zhao Wushuang twisted his body while pushing yellow dog with both hands. He kept scolding him, saying that yellow dog was disgusting, a beast or something, and even said that he would sue him, but yellow dog was not afraid. While she was trying to break Zhao Wushuang's hand, she said excitedly: "Come, the more you resist, the more I want you!"

While speaking, he was about to kiss her, when Zhao Wushuang's left foot pushed off and unerringly kicked yellow dog's vital parts. yellow dog's entire body pressed against Zhao Wushuang's, and his hand had always been holding onto Zhao Wushuang's hand, so no matter what Zhao Wushuang did, yellow dog was not able to defend himself, and he was lifted off the ground, clutching his crotch, with a ferocious expression.

Zhao Wushuang wanted to take this chance to run, would yellow dog let her go, he extended his hand and pulled her back, then swung it with force, throwing Zhao Wushuang to the ground. He then took out a switchblade from his pocket, opened up the blade, and revealed the blade's edge, walking over and pressing it against Zhao Wushuang's neck, he said fiercely: "smelly bitch, give this daddy a kick in the face, I will not paint your face!"

Seeing the dagger in yellow dog's hands, Zhao Wushuang finally became quiet. He could only look at yellow dog pitifully and beg him not to do anything rash, she could give him as much as he wanted.

If you had to blame it all, it would be Zhao Wushuang that was too seductive. A man wouldn't be able to endure it any longer, so I saw yellow dog pull at Zhao Wushuang's clothes with his hands and instantly tear it open.

It was currently summer and he was wearing very little. When Zhao Wushuang was pulled by the yellow dog, a large portion of his skin was exposed.

Zhao Wushuang struggled, but to no avail, he could only look at me in despair, asking me for advice. At that time, I was afraid by her gaze, I had never seen anyone's gaze, so I didn't know why, but for some reason, I suddenly sympathized with Zhao Wushuang.

Honestly speaking, saying that I am not afraid facing yellow dog is fake, but no matter how scared I am, I can't let him do that kind of thing to Zhao Wushuang. After all, Zhao Wushuang and I don't have any deep grudges between us, and furthermore, he is probably a daughter of Huang Hua.

Furthermore, this is a f * cking crime! When she calls the police, not only will yellow dog suffer, I will also suffer.

In truth, I had already planned it from the beginning. If yellow dog only didn't take it seriously, I wouldn't have bothered to let Zhao Wushuang have a taste of his own medicine, that would have been enough.

I picked up a brick from the ground and mustered my courage to rush in while yellow dog was not paying attention to me. yellow dog was busy doing his work and did not notice me, so without saying a word, I ran behind him and smashed the brick down, causing yellow dog to scream 'Aiya', it was me who immediately scolded Doggie.

I originally planned to knock yellow dog unconscious, but I didn't know that I was weak. I merely scratched his skin a little, but this time I panicked. After all, yellow dog has a bright switchblade in his hands.

I quickly took a step back and put out my hands. "Brother Gou, don't be rash. Listen to me. I didn't mean it that way. I was just reminding you …"

I was really scared, even my mouth was trembling, before I could finish speaking, yellow dog had already pounced towards me. I did not have much fighting experience, he kicked me to the ground and then ran over to lock my neck, I could not even breathe, he was still not letting me go.

My face flushed red. This Zhao Wushuang is too much, at this juncture, he was still crying, and did not know how to help. Normally, he would show off his might in front of me, and even dare to use the glass bottle to hit me.

I couldn't help but feel suffocated. I could only move my body and scatter my hands on the ground, hoping that I could hit the mad dog a little, or I would be strangled alive by him.

Fortunately, my luck was not bad and he managed to hit me with a large wooden board. After the wooden board was in my hands, I smashed it onto yellow dog's head. At that time, I didn't care if he would take revenge or not, saving my life was more important.

He probably felt pain, and yellow dog immediately shouted and let go of his hand. I smashed my eyes red, cursed a few times, and my mind went blank, knowing that I can't let yellow dog stand up, or else Zhao Wushuang and I would definitely be done for.

After smashing it countless times, when my hand turned numb, yellow dog also stopped moving. I woke up with a face full of blood, and immediately threw the wooden board away. At that time, I was extremely afraid, so how could yellow dog not move?

Zhao Wushuang also walked over at this time, his expression was uglier than mine, and she trembled: "Chen Lei, you killed someone …."

Then, I pushed the yellow dog down to the ground like mud. After yelling a few times, he didn't react, and I quickly reached out my hand to check his breath as if it was in a TV show. Luckily, I was still panting.

When I looked at Zhao Wushuang now, she was undressed, and I subconsciously looked at her thigh, all of them wearing the same color, bright red. I'm also a man, this scene really was unbearable for me.

Zhao Wushuang noticed the look in my eyes and scolded an animal. He slapped me and quickly put on his pants, then roared at her, "Your daddy here was f * * king beaten up twice for saving you, if I had known earlier, yellow dog would have harmed you, smelly bitch. You women, are you all brainless?"

Zhao Wushuang became excited and shouted at me, "How come I have never been humiliated like this before? It's all your fault, I'm really sick of you! Just you wait, we aren't finished yet but my brother is here, he will definitely take care of you!"

Even if I saved her, she wouldn't accept my kindness and instead blamed me for it. I was really free, if I knew earlier, I would have ignored her and let her get raped. What does this have to do with me?

Just then, Zhao Wushuang took out his phone from yellow dog's body. He wanted to make a call, but when I saw him calling, I wanted to leave, in case her people come and beat me up when the time comes.

But after Zhao Wushuang called me and saw that I wanted to leave, he immediately dragged me away, saying that he wouldn't let me leave until his brother came over.

I ridiculed: "Your brother is coming early. I see, he just doesn't dare to come, not to mention you sister, and that Wu Ruoxue as well. What kind of sister are you talking about?

Zhao Wushuang fell silent when he heard what I said, then started crying again. If she scolded back, I would have felt better, but she cried instead, I cannot bear to see a girl cry, so I told her to let go, I don't care about this anymore.

Zhao Wushuang held onto me tightly, not letting me leave. She said with a crying voice: "You must wait here with me, until my brother and Xue'er come over."

The current Zhao Wushuang is like a lonely child, I am the only straw that she can hold on to. I don't know why, but I suddenly remember myself, back when my mother died, I also cried like Zhao Wushuang, but I couldn't do anything.

I knew that she was afraid and didn't dare to stay here alone. Those who were lost would always hope that someone could accompany them during their most difficult times, regardless of who that person was. As long as they weren't alone, it would be fine.

I felt my heart soften. Even though I knew that her brother was here to beat me to death, I still let her pull me back, but right at that moment, yellow dog who was on the ground suddenly stood up and rushed towards me with a switchblade in her hand. I didn't even have time to react before I felt pain in my stomach.

yellow dog stabbed me, and his bloodied face enlarged in front of me. I used all of my strength to kick him away, and then held onto my abdomen, feeling weak all over, my head dizzy. In my confusion, I could only instinctively look towards Zhao Wushuang and mutter to her, "Save me …"

But she must have been scared silly, blankly looked at me once, then mercilessly turned around...

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