Flourishing Youth/C2 The cruelty of the world
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Flourishing Youth/C2 The cruelty of the world
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C2 The cruelty of the world

At this moment, my mind was completely empty. I could only nod my head in understanding as Aunt Lin reached out to stroke my head before saying gently, "Good child, so right now, kneel down and properly serve Aunty."

Kneel down? Before I could even react, Aunt Lin had already pushed me down to the ground. I subconsciously raised my head and saw Aunt Lin use her foot that was wrapped in black silk to step on my face and said, "Good child, you know what you should do, right? I have been so good to you. At the very least, you must know how to repay me. That way, I would be even better to you! "

Aunt Lin's words were very explicit. Although I don't have any particular experience, I have seen quite a few love films in Island Country, so I knew that some women like to play with young boys. I didn't expect Aunt Lin to have such good taste.

How could she treat me well? She adopted me and took care of me. So she already had a goal. She wanted me to become her little wolfdog!

Although I am weak and cowardly, I know that there are some things I cannot do. Although Uncle Chen doesn't treat me well, the only reason I can survive is not to rely on him to earn money to support my family. How can I do such a heinous thing with Aunt Lin.

Thinking about this, my rationality returned. I crawled up from the ground and anxiously said, "Aunt Lin …. I'm tired and I want to go back to my room to rest. "

After I finished speaking, I hurriedly turned around, but right at this moment, Aunt Lin stepped forward and pulled me back, "Chen Yu, have you thought about it properly? In this family, I am the only one who views you as a human being. If you don't listen to my words, what will happen to you?"

Treat me as a human? What a joke, if I thought she was a good person in the past, but now she obviously wants me to be her wolfdog. I turned around and was about to speak, but then the door opened and I heard Uncle Chen's voice asking if Aunt Lin was home.

Then, she slapped me on the face: "What qualifications do you have to look at me? If you keep looking at me, I'll dig out your eyes. Chen Yong, you're really okay, I adopted you out of goodwill, but you actually want to scheme against me!"

Aunt Lin was acting in front of Uncle Chen. As expected, when Uncle Chen heard Aunt Lin's voice, he immediately ran in with a face full of anger, and when he saw me, he scolded: "You little bastard, since you dare to do such a thing, I'll kill you!"

Before I had time to explain, his fist had already landed on my face. Normally, when he hit me, he would never let me off, not to mention at this time, I could only feel the pain on my face, my nose was sore, as if I was bleeding. I didn't know how many punches he had punched me with, but in the end, I couldn't bear it and could only beg for forgiveness, "Uncle Chen, it's none of my business, please don't hit me!"

Uncle Chen gritted his teeth and said, "You're f * cking farting. I saw it with my own eyes. Today, I will definitely beat you to death, you little bastard!"

While he was speaking, he grabbed onto me with one hand, dragging me along from the ground. I wanted to be pulled by him like a dead dog, but Aunt Lin was faking tears at the side, but I sensed that she had a vicious smile on her face, as if she would be very happy if I was being bullied like this.

It was only later that I found out that there was something wrong with Aunt Lin's actions. She just wanted to see how pitiful I could look and how I could be treated so that she could enjoy the ridiculous way I was being played around with by her.

At that time, I was scared silly, so I could only crawl over and hug Uncle Chen's leg: "Uncle, don't kill me, don't chop me, I won't dare in the future, just let me go this time!"

Uncle Chen kicked me away and sneered: "You're the same as your damned father, you really do have a better father than your son, you're simply a pair of useless trash. You don't even take a piss on yourself, you dare do that kind of thing with that kind of appearance, I'll believe you!"

I didn't dare to refute his humiliation because I was afraid that he would use the knife in his hand to cut me down. He didn't even try, and he probably knew that he would have to bear some legal responsibility if he were to kill me.

This time, my punches were especially ruthless, causing me to temporarily faint. When I woke up again, I was still lying on the floor. My whole body was in pain. After climbing up from the ground, I headed towards the living room.

Seeing me, Chen Linger threw the bowl over to me and directly smashed it onto my head. He then heard her scolding: "You little bastard, you actually dared to hit my mother's head, usually seeing you acting so honest made me feel disgusted, I never thought you would actually not disappoint me, and do such a crazy thing, and you're already like this, how can you still live in my house and eat for free? At the very least, they wouldn't bite their owner! "

I lowered my head, and blood dripped from my face to the ground. I didn't dare to raise my head, and my heart felt wronged. It was obvious that the Aunt Lin was trying to seduce me, but in the end, I had to suffer such a loss.

I wanted to cry, but I tried my best to hold it in. This could be considered as my final bit of dignity. I didn't want to leave any tears behind in front of the people who bullied me.

The moment the boiling hot soup came in contact with my face, I felt a burning pain, but the pain in my body was not comparable to the pain in my heart. I knew that in their eyes, I was just a dog without any dignity.

I bit my lips so hard that it bled. I didn't even make a sound, and Chen Linger saw that I didn't have any reaction, so she probably got tired of it too, and kicked me in the stomach, telling me to scram!

Uncle Chen told Chen Linger to come back, not to worry about this trash like me. He also said that if I hadn't eaten a lot in their home and signed the contract with my mother, he would have kicked me out long ago.

Aunt Lin glanced at me and didn't bother with me anymore. I knew that if I disobeyed her, I would only feel worse in this house in the future.

Chen Linger snorted, she spat on my face, then returned to the table and cursed at me together with Uncle Chen.

I know that everyone in this family hates me, and they are all malicious. They want to turn me into a good-for-nothing, always bullying me, and even more so, want to take away the only inheritance my mother left behind, the house!

They have never treated me as a family member. In their eyes, I am just a dog that they can play with as they please, trample on as they please, and just wave at me as if I'm passing away!

My family, only the two who died, they are no longer here, no one needs me, I have no family, no friends, only this cowardly self.

Why should I live? For whom? For what? It was as if he was living in this world, as if he was proving that he was more lamentable than anyone else.

I lowered my head and headed to the toilet. After cleaning off the blood and soup from my body, I looked at my weak self in the mirror. I suddenly smiled. I thought to myself, 'If I were to go crazy like this, how interesting would it be?'

When I finished laughing, I knelt in the washroom and, as usual, cried out all the grievances I felt.

While I was crying, Chen Linger was outside kicking the door open. "dog hybrid, hurry up and open the door, what are you doing inside, don't tell me you're hungry and eating shit, haha!"

I was already angry, and Chen Linger even insulted me! Anger immediately rose up, and I picked up the razor that Uncle Chen often used in the toilet, and angrily opened the door!

The moment I opened the door, my thoughts were, if Chen Linger still dares to humiliate me, I will be ruthless, in any case, they treat me as a dog in this house, then I will bite them to death, and tell them that dogs will bite if they are forced into it!

I was indeed a little impulsive at the time, my mind was thinking that if she bullied me, she would fight with him to the death. But unexpectedly, the moment I opened the door and saw Chen Linger's face, I was instantly terrified.

Chen Linger was very good-looking, with delicate facial features and fair skin. No matter if it was her features or her figure, she was still considered a goddess.

However, I, who have been bullied and bullied for more than half a year, had a natural fear of this face. I admit that I was a coward, and the moment I saw Chen Linger, all of my scary thoughts from before had disappeared;

At that time, I wanted to slap myself on the face, how could I be so terrified. Perhaps it was because of my mother's constant teachings, causing her creed to subconsciously shift to me, instead of hurting others, it was better to become the one who was hurt. My mother told me this ever since I was young, gentle and kind people will be very happy just by being like this.

That's why I didn't dare to hurt Chen Linger. At that time, I didn't know that pretending to be lenient to others was actually because I was incapable, because I didn't dare to hurt others.

Chen Linger looked at me impatiently and said, "You little bastard, what are you grumbling about? Get lost, I need to go to the toilet!"

As she spoke, she gave me a push. I could only walk out with my head lowered, taking the opportunity to put the razor in my pocket, afraid that Chen Linger would see and find another reason to bully me.

Just as I walked out of the door, Chen Linger suddenly asked me to wait a moment. My heart skipped a beat, she couldn't have seen anything, right? I turned my head and tried to put on a fawning expression as I asked her: "Sis, what's wrong?"

Just as I finished speaking, Chen Linger raised her hand and slapped me: "Who asked you to call me big sis, I don't want to have a cowardly little brother like you. Didn't I tell you last time? If you want to call me Master, do you understand? "

To be honest, I was already numb to it. Chen Linger would find excuses to give me a few slaps every day, so she actually wasn't angry at all in her heart.

The most terrifying thing was not when others bullied you, but when even you felt that others should bully you.

I lowered my head in humiliation and did not reply. Chen Linger raised her hand again. You want me to teach you again? "

Being beaten up by a woman was already a very humiliating matter, but what can I do? Chen Linger is a delinquent, if I were to offend her, not only at home, but outside the sect, I would also be bullied by her.

I clenched my fists so hard that my mouth hurt.

Chen Linger finally said 'be good', then lowered her hand. She continued to examine me from head to toe: "I remember you studying in the Ling Xi Middle School, is there a girl called Wu Ruoxue in your school?"

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