Flourishing Youth/C5 Beatings
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Flourishing Youth/C5 Beatings
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C5 Beatings

I didn't even have time to explain when that girl Zhao Wushuang was already jabbering on and on, "That's right, it's him. I heard that person call him brother with my own ears.

I think this Zhao Wushuang's brain is filled with poop? If I were with Chen Linger, why didn't I run away with them just now? When I thought about it carefully, I realized that Chen Linger was doing this on purpose.

However, even if I wanted to explain, these people probably wouldn't listen. I looked around, searching for an escape route. I prepared my feet for oil, not caring about anything else.

Fortunately, Zhao Wushuang was an idiot, he was still a little sober, and shouted: "It's not about Chen Jin, in order to protect me, he was beaten up by the group, so I believe that he was not with the woman, you guys cannot wrongly accuse the good person!"

Zhao Wushuang's eyes turned round: "Xue'er, don't be fooled by her. I say, this guy must have seen Little Jie and the others coming over, so he intentionally played tricks on you!"

My entire being is in trouble, this Zhao Wushuang … Should I say that she has a strange brain or is she just an idiot?

Looking at her serious expression, I knew she was an idiot!

At this time, Wang Xiaojie and the rest were already preparing to take action, they were pressing closer and closer towards me, and were just about to make a move. There were more than twenty people here, and each of them had to come up and give me a punch, I couldn't even take it anymore.

After that, Wu Ruoxue rushed out without caring about Zhao Wushuang's objections, and protected me in front of me: "Little Jie, don't hit him. He was really beaten up just now because of me, and I believe that those people were not found by him.

To be honest, when Wu Ruoxue was protecting in front of me, my nose was sour, because ever since I was old enough to understand, other than my mother, no one would protect me like this.

At that time, my heart warmed, and I felt that my eyes were about to turn red. Just by saying that, I didn't help Wu Ruoxue for nothing.

For people like me, usually no one is willing to bother with me, but as long as there's someone who treats me sincerely, I would treat him sincerely as well. Obviously, the current Wu Ruoxue has already gone from the height of a normal student in my heart to the level of a friend.

As long as someone treats him well, he would want to throw away his head and give them blood in return, as he was afraid that the other party would not treat him well in the future. Only after a long time did I come to understand how foolish such an action was, because if what you did was too cheap, then no one would treasure it.

Wu Ruoxue protected me, causing Wang Xiaojie and the others to be stuck in a bit of a dilemma. I could tell from Wang Xiaojie's eyes that he liked Wu Ruoxue, and there were also rumours about him in school, that he had always been chasing after Wu Ruoxue, but he did not succeed. I thought, if Wang Xiaojie had tried to beat me up, other than Zhao Wushuang instigating relations, there is also a reason for this.

However, Wu Ruoxue is here, so he didn't dare to touch me. After a flash of unhappiness passed through her eyes, she said to Wu Ruoxue with a face full of smiles: "Since Xue'er said that he's a good person, then he's a good person. Wushuang, you must have misunderstood me!"

Zhao Wushuang rolled his eyes at me, and snorted as he turned his face away. This Zhao Wushuang has always been very unsatisfied with me, in the past, when I was still in my first year of studies, because I had an argument with her at a small restaurant, this girl directly opened a bottle of wine for me. It was also from then on, the grudge between me and his ended, so it was normal for her to dislike me.

Seeing Zhao Wushuang like that, Wu Ruoxue complained a little: "Wushuang, don't be like this. You just misunderstood him, and apologized to him.

Hearing that, Zhao Wushuang pointed at me, then pointed at himself, and said with an exaggerated expression: "Are you kidding me, I don't want to apologize to this ugly bastard, I didn't even apologize to him when he smashed his head, this is even more so impossible!"

Although Zhao Wushuang was very cute just now, but his mouth is just too smelly and he accused me wrongly. Now that she mentioned the past, it made me hate her from the bottom of my heart, so I snorted and said that I don't need her apology.

Seeing that the two of us were about to argue again, Wu Ruoxue sighed and turned her head, telling me to hurry up and get some bandages.

How did she remind me? I remembered now, when we were running, yellow dog and the rest couldn't catch up, so they picked up a stone and threw it at me. One of the pieces was rather big, and smashed my head till it bled.

I turned around and wanted to go into the pharmacy, but Wu Ruoxue followed behind me. When Zhao Wushuang saw this, she stepped forward and grabbed Wu Ruoxue's arm as she said in a spoiled manner, "Xue'er, didn't we promise to go to the Internet Cafe to play games at noon? Why are you still following that ugly bastard! "

Wang Xiaojie also chimed in: "That's right, we agreed to form a team and enter the instance dungeon. Chen Jun, a man, knows how to deal with it, there's no need for you to follow him, if you don't go, if you miss the opportunity, would you want to keep your orange weapon?"

I didn't expect this Wu Ruoxue to be an addicted girl, and as expected, what Wang Xiaojie said made Wu Ruoxue a little hesitant. Seeing her like this, he also said: "Alright, you don't have to follow me, I can handle it myself, follow them, here you are, when they return and see you together with me, I'll be in trouble again."

Although she said that, in her heart, she still hoped that Wu Ruoxue could stay. However, after thinking about it again and again, Wu Ruoxue finally asked if she could really do it by myself, and when I said that she could, she finally clenched her teeth and said: "Fine, then thank you for everything today. I'll treat you to a meal another day … …"

Before she finished speaking, she was dragged away by Zhao Wushuang. Before Zhao Wushuang left, she made a face at me.

Wang Xiaojie also brought his group of brothers and left, but before he left, he gave me a meaningful glance. I thought, this bastard probably thought that I was in cahoots with Wu Ruoxue and stole her girl, he's waiting for the right opportunity to take revenge. If that's really the case, then I'll be in trouble in the future.

After everyone had left, I turned into the drugstore, bought some bandages, and took my seat in front of the drugstore to treat the wounds.

When she thought about what happened just now, she suddenly felt a sense of lingering fear. With me going against Chen Linger like this, with her vicious personality, going home at night would definitely not escape her service. With her aggressive personality, she would definitely not be able to escape a beating.

However, since he had already done so, there was no point worrying about it. He could only see things unfold step by step.

When I went to school in the afternoon, my body was dirty, which attracted a lot of gazes. The place where Chen Linger beat people up was not far away from the school, so most likely, the news had already spread to the school.

The Ling Xi Middle School I studied was a middle school in a town, one of those rural schools. This kind of school is usually run by children from the town, so they are quite familiar with each other, after all, they are all the same town.

As for me, I was quite famous in school. The reason was simple: my parents died early, and to students of that age, not a single parent was considered unusual. Although I wasn't bullied, there were still quite a few rumours about me.

When I arrived at the class, not long after I sat down, someone shouted my name at the entrance, telling me to go out for a bit. I thought about how I hadn't had any friends for almost three years, so who would look for me?

But still, he went out. When he saw me coming out, he did not say anything and directly told me to go to the toilet. He said it was Wang Xiaojie looking for me.

I thought that it should be because Wang Xiaojie saw that Wu Ruoxue and I were walking closer to each other, so he came to look for me to talk. In our class, there were a lot of second rate students who had once been on Wu Ruoxue's guard, but after being 'talked' to by Wang Xiaojie, they had become well-behaved.

When I heard that Wang Xiaojie was looking for me, he whistled at me, and continued to say: "Chen Yu, this Wang Xiaojie is looking for you, you be careful, I have already explained it to that guy, that bastard's bad idea for a while, be careful or else I will lose out."

I nodded towards him. Although Fang Quan is a burden of our class, he had never bullied me before, and we had always been at peace. If others could remind me, I would already be very grateful.

Wang Xiaojie is considered the strongest among us, there are a lot of people who followed him, if I disobey his orders, I might find an excuse to deal with me in the future.

Let's go then. At most, it was just a beating.

When I first arrived at the washroom, it was very smoky inside. I never go to the washroom for the third year because other than my obsession with cleanliness, I was afraid that I would see such a scene.

After I went in, many people looked at me. Wang Xiaojie was standing at the very back with a cigarette in his mouth, looking extremely arrogant. He signaled with his eyes, and a third year with a crew cut walked in front of me with a smile, scrutinizing me from head to toe.

I was just about to nod my head when this person cursed and sent a kick towards me. This person's attack was too underhanded and he was unable to guard against it in time. With that kick, I was kicked to the side of the wall.

Then, flat-headed man walked up and gave me a slap. "Do you know why I hit you?"

This slap made me a little muddled, and how would I know, I didn't dare speak carelessly, so I could only shake my head. flat-headed man laughed and gave me another slap: "I don't know either, maybe you're ugly!"

When he said that, everyone in the toilet started laughing out loud. flat-headed man probably thought that with the support of others, he became even more arrogant and raised his hand to give me a slap.

At this time, Wang Xiaojie opened his mouth and taunted: "Enough, Lao Mao, just a few slaps is enough, don't you see that I'm about to cry?"

I lowered my head and clenched my fists. With so many people, I did not dare to resist, nor did I dare to. I could only grit my teeth and endure their humiliation, perhaps because I bit my lips too hard.

Many years later, I thought back to this scene. Perhaps this is where my youth began. A so-called unreconciled ambition was planted in my heart, then it would slowly grow into a towering tree...

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