Flower Master and Soldier King/C11 Herba brassicae alba
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Flower Master and Soldier King/C11 Herba brassicae alba
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C11 Herba brassicae alba

Liu Rufeng felt wronged. Did I look like someone who loved money as much as his life? Don't think of me as that kind of person.

"What's going on?" Liu Rufeng asked.

As if seeing a lucky star descend, Li Yuehua said politely with a smile, "... My daughter Zhu Dan is also in the Pearl, since there are no fees … I want little brother to take care of it for me … "

"This is too easy, leave it to me." Liu Rufeng thought: "The country is peaceful now, how can there be so many dangers? But I wonder how that Zhu Dan looks like … "


Liu Rufeng drove Li Mujin into Ming Zhu school. Along the way, the two of them still could not help but talk big. In the end, of course, it was Liu Rufeng who won, but Li Mujin was so angry that it was a complete mess.

"You listen to me when you go in, do you understand? Otherwise, don't follow me ~! " Li Mujin did not forget his enmity just now.

"Alright, Senior Sister." Liu Rufeng didn't mind at all and looked very respectful.

"Humph!" That's more like it. " When Li Mujin saw that the other party was convinced, she immediately became spirited and walked away with big strides. The two hemispheres, which were already striking, were even more attractive.

"Who's that kid next to her? How can he be with the school belle?" "I can't take it anymore, I'm going to commit suicide by smashing into tofu …"

The moment Li Mujin entered the campus, the boys who greeted her continuously, were not only ignored as Liu Rufeng, but the gazes of the fans were also vicious.

The corner of his eyes swept towards Liu Rufeng, and he laughed coldly in his heart: "How is it? Isn't elder sister very arrogant? "

Liu Rufeng snickered in his heart: "What are you being arrogant for? In a moment the girl appeared and showed you what it was like to scream!


"Hello, I am your form teacher, Xia Qiangwei."

When Liu Rufeng saw that the teacher in charge of the class was a beauty, her looks should be worth at least 90 points.

Xia Qiangwei had a oval face, big eyes, and wore a pair of black-framed glasses. Her professional attire perfectly outlined the curves of her body. However, on the surface, it was obvious that there was weakness and helplessness hidden in her eyes.

"Students, stop for a moment. This is our new classmate, his name is Liu Rufeng." The moment they entered the class, Xia Qiangwei introduced them first.

"Woosh ~ ~ ~"

Twenty odd female students and forty odd male students all looked at Liu Rufeng who was on the stage at the same time.

"Who is this brat, could he be Li Mujin's boyfriend?"

"He's a boyfriend. I think he's more or less his follower."

The gazes of the boys were filled with hatred, because when Liu Rufeng came, he completely suppressed them. Huang Sizhi, who was usually the most handsome guy with pearls, immediately frowned. He made up his mind, "I will definitely give this kid a good show!"

However, the girls' gazes did not stop for a moment, and stopped on Liu Rufeng's body for a full minute. He struggled as he screamed in his heart, "Too cool! Oh my god! If he had come a few days earlier, I would never have dated XXX again. No, I want to break up, to break up decisively! "

"This looks is definitely worth it, it's definitely the number one school grass in the Pearl Kingdom. It's really cool and awesome."

The girls' eyes were drawn in circles, and their minds were in a mess as all sorts of words came pouring out.

"Welcome to the class to say a few words!" Xia Qiangwei led the applause.

Liu Rufeng stood very straight, his eyes shining with a bright light, his face carrying a smile, not panicking at all.

"My name is Liu Rufeng, Yang Liuqing's Liu Rufeng has the intention of moving as fast as the wind. Pleased to meet you all, I hope that we can help each other in the future, unite and advance, do the most harmonious class, and produce the best results. "Other than that, I'm the unrivalled number one marshal of the universe, conquering beauties doesn't make sense, beauties, all of you, be careful!"

"This brat really has a big mouth."

"Yeah, this is over. Our limelight has been stolen by him."

"Walk my ass, look at his arrogant and insolent attitude, especially the last few words, he's clearly declaring war on us."

The other wave was filled with endless cheers from the girls.

"Well said, well said, unparalleled number one marshal in the universe, Liu Rufeng, we support you …"

"We're willing to sacrifice our lives for you, we can't wait a second longer …"

"We want to give birth to your baby …"


A few of the more lively girls looked at Liu Rufeng with infatuation. Just like a fan seeing a super superstar, the girl who was a little more silent also silently praised Liu Rufeng as her eyes reddened.

Even Xia Qiangwei, who was standing at the side, was quite shocked. She did not expect the boy, who looked embarrassed, to be so good at talking, but the last few lines were a bit too explicit.

"Good!" "Well said!" Xia Qiangwei was the first to clap, following that, the whole class erupted with applause.

The first few words, Li Mujin was still secretly raising her fingers, but when he heard the last few words, it almost made her nose crooked. She muttered: "That narcissistic brat, he must be crazy." Even though she thought this, she still clapped a few times.

Liu Rufeng was sent to the same table as Wang Ziming. That guy was not tall, and looked very cute with his fat body.

Once the homeroom teacher, Xia Qiangwei, left, Liu Rufeng received a dozen or so small notes from female students.

"I am Yellow Moon Immortal, the girl dressed in red that is at the second table in the south side. Do you think I am pretty?" "You should pay more attention to me in the future …"

"I'm called Wang Han, other than Li Mujin, my breasts are the biggest, did you notice anything else?"

"My name is Han Yanru and I'm just two rows behind you. Do you see how big my eyes are?"

"What is all this …" Seeing that, Liu Rufeng could not help but laugh out, he shook his head helplessly and threw it into the trash bag.

"Oh right, you have to be careful of those guys in the back row, especially that rich second generation Huang Sizhi. He has always been a raider in the academy, and you made too much of a name for yourself just now. I think they won't let you go." As soon as Wang Ziming arrived, he handed over the whole class to Liu Rufeng.

"I know, thank you." Liu Rufeng was moved and silently made up his mind.

"Pah!" A small note fell on Liu Rufeng's table. When he opened it to take a look, he discovered that it wasn't a girl. There were only five words written on it: See you at the field after class!

"So fast!" Liu Rufeng turned around and saw Huang Sizhi and the others looking at him complacently, with an excited expression on their faces, as if they were about to take revenge.

The few girls in the class also noticed the situation and wanted to pass over a few small notes as a reminder. Due to their fear of Huang Sizhi, they didn't dare to throw it over after writing it.

Only a small slip of paper was thrown over. Liu Rufeng opened it and saw that it was Li Mujin's.

On the paper, there was a line of graceful words: Don't hit it too hard!

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