Flower Master and Soldier King/C41 Stubble finding(1)
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Flower Master and Soldier King/C41 Stubble finding(1)
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C41 Stubble finding(1)

Originally, he was anxious about not having any excuses, but he coincidentally met with Xia Qiangwei's matter, so he could make use of this opportunity.

The last time they were at school, she hadn't seen Liu Rufeng make a move either. Today could be considered to be the first time, and it was also the most merciless one that Liu Rufeng had ever made a move. She was immediately frightened to the point that her face turned pale. Her mouth was agape and she almost let out a scream from her throat.

Liu Rufeng held onto Xia Qiangwei's soft and smooth hands, and smiled at her. "It's fine, don't be afraid."

The person who was kicked to the ground also got up at this moment. His entire body was covered in dirt, and his face was covered with blood. It was unknown if it was from the fall or Liu Rufeng's kick just now that caused him to vomit blood. When he saw who was coming, he didn't rush forward, but shouted towards the inside. Soon, seven or eight hoodlums with steel pipes and machetes rushed out.

However, one of them saw Liu Rufeng and seemed to have seen him before.

Xia Qiangwei said with a trembling voice: "Ru Feng, let's run." As they spoke, they used all their strength to pull at Liu Rufeng's sleeves.

Out of the group of hoodlums, two of them went to greet the injured guy, while the other few rushed towards Liu Rufeng. He even cursed, "Where did this blind bastard come from?! Come here and cause trouble!"

Liu Rufeng dodged to the side, dodging a steel pipe that was coming towards him. He used a little strength to pinch the lackey's wrist, causing his expression to change, and he let go. Liu Rufeng caught the steel tube and kicked the hoodlum flying. The others who came up were sent flying in the same way, clutching their stomachs and crying out "Ouch!" within a few seconds.

"It's still early. Warm up first, we'll have an earth-shattering match later." Liu Rufeng thought that he still owed some favors to his subordinates.

At this time, the person from before had already been led into the bar. Just as Liu Rufeng pulled Xia Qiangwei and was about to leave, he heard footsteps from another twenty odd people. The leader was bald, and he had a sturdy body. His gaze was murderous.

Yes, it was Jin Hu.

Jin Hu looked at Liu Rufeng and his expression changed, but he still walked towards him with large strides. Calming himself down, he raised his voice and asked: "Brother Liu, this is …"

Liu Rufeng snickered: "Two days ago, I met him when I kidnapped Zhu Dan, but today, it seems like nothing happened at all.

Since they are so polite, let's go first then.

"It's nothing. Just now, that guy had a little misunderstanding with our teacher, so I came here to settle it. I didn't expect that there would be some small friction." Liu Rufeng knew that it was still too early for Jin Hu to do this, and he was worried that he might not be able to defeat Liu Rufeng, which was why he pretended to be kind.

But Liu Rufeng had already made up his mind to play with them first. It was still too early anyway, so he was not in a hurry to make a move. Even if he got to number one hundred and eighty, he would still be able to escape unscathed.

Thinking about Xia Qiangwei, Liu Rufeng was a little worried. After all, it wasn't good for her to see a bloody scene. Just as he was worrying, he saw Hu Meier's Red Sparrow Hawk stopped by the side of the road.

"Why is she here?" Liu Rufeng immediately walked over and saw that there were still three people inside the carriage. They were Gao Jun, Wang Zhuang and a few others.

Liu Rufeng was overjoyed, "This time it's much easier. Let Wang Zhuang and the others drive Xia Qiangwei home on the Bentley. This way, Xia Qiangwei would be safe, and the Bentley would be safe. After all, this is Li Hongde's Bentley.

Hu Meier didn't laugh this time. Instead, she looked at Liu Rufeng with an anxious expression and said: "Still not leaving?"

Liu Rufeng waved his hand and said to Gao Jun, "You came at the right time, drove our Teacher Xia back home in the Bentley, and Xu Laosan sent Mei Er home. After that, he didn't come back anymore."

They still wanted to say something, but under Liu Rufeng's insistence, they could only give up. Because they knew that it would not be of any use here.

Jin Hu did not stop them. After Liu Rufeng had arranged everything, he slowly walked over, pretended to be close to Liu Rufeng and patted his shoulders. "Brother Liu, come in."

Sit, sit, sit. How could I be afraid of you?

Xia Qiangwei and the others left, but Liu Rufeng no longer had any worries, and thought, this time he could give it a shot, so he patted Jin Hu's shoulders and said straightforwardly: "Brother Hu must treat everyone, okay?"

Jin Hu laughed and said: "It's all just a small matter." Ye Zichen looked down, and saw that a few of his lackeys were busy preparing.

After entering, Liu Rufeng carefully observed the environment inside. Strictly speaking, it was a mixture of bars and drinking rooms. There was a dance floor in the middle, and there were booths and bars all around. But not a big nightclub.

Jin Hu brought Liu Rufeng up to the second floor and into the innermost private room. His reason was that this was the most high-end private room, and the guests enjoyed noble service.

Liu Rufeng cursed: "What kind of service is that? Isn't it because I want to shut the door and take care of this father! "

After entering, he found that this room was not bad. It could accommodate more than ten people, and the facilities were very complete. Jin Hu did not lie about this.

Jin Hu ordered his men to bring the wine over and accompanied him to drink. Liu Rufeng was not courteous and continued to drink as much as he wanted. To be honest, he hadn't been to such a place for a long time.

After drinking for a while, Jin Hu arranged for a few ladies to accompany him, but they did not seek for his opinion.

Accompanying Liu Rufeng was a very cute but voluptuous girl. After sitting down, she kept on rubbing her head against Liu Rufeng's body, as if she was trying to get some sort of spark out of him. Liu Rufeng behaved very naturally, and very cooperatively, he groped around the young miss's body.

Since someone was treating him to food, why didn't he have a good time playing around?

About seven o'clock, Liu Rufeng felt that it was about time. Sure enough, Jin Hu let all of the girls out, he himself also stood up and said: "I still have some things to do, Brother Liu can play by himself, if you want special services, tell me."

Liu Rufeng did not stop them and smiled as he nodded his head.

The room was empty, but the first floor was bustling with noise and excitement. Liu Rufeng had nothing else to do and was about to walk around when a woman pushed the door open and entered.

She was a very feminine woman, not quite thirty years old. Her orange hair was tied up. Although the makeup on her face was a bit beautiful, one could still tell that her facial features were extremely exquisite. The slit on the side of the cheongsam was very large, and her two long legs were exposed. From the way she carried herself, Liu Rufeng immediately guessed that this woman was definitely not an ordinary Miss who drank with other women. She must be someone with some status.

What? You want to seduce me? And then use this as an excuse to find trouble with me? Humph! If that's the case, then I'll do it.

As expected, the woman gracefully sat next to Liu Rufeng. Without waiting for Liu Rufeng to speak, she placed her index finger on Liu Rufeng's lips, releasing a soul-stirring gaze. She smiled charmingly, "My name is Hong Mudan, Brother Hu told me to accompany you well …"

As he spoke, he purposely used his hand to lift the qipao up.

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