Flower Master and Soldier King/C5 Super bodyguard
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Flower Master and Soldier King/C5 Super bodyguard
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C5 Super bodyguard

Hearing the words "Great An Security Company", Li Hongde's eyes also lit up.

The Da An Security Company was also a very famous security company in the country. Other than having its own security team, it also trained a group of professional bodyguards. But a company like this, which aims to make money, is certainly not as good as a promotional force.

There are still a lot of people who make this Monthly Letter brand, regardless of whether the advertisement is real or not, at least it is better than those who don't even have a reputation.

"Hello, please take a seat. "Ugh …" "Let me introduce you. This is …" Li Hongde looked at Liu Rufeng and hesitated.

Liu Rufeng stood up and said politely, "I am International Mercenaries Liu Rufeng, hello."

Bai Shiming looked at Liu Rufeng, and did not extend his hand out, but went straight to the sofa and said: "These days there are too many people who swindled food and drinks, International Mercenaries …. I really dare to say it. "

Li Hongde hurried over to smooth things over. After saying a few words to Bai Shiming, they began to chat.

Liu Rufeng was not embarrassed as he sat by the side sipping his tea while listening to their conversation. Bai Shiming shouted loudly: "Our Great An Security Company is a security company with absolute power. We have twenty or so national bodyguards like me. "Since we were young, we have practiced our martial arts and didn't talk big. If we could get into the top three in the arena battle, we would be too weak to compete over that. To steal their jobs, hehe …"

Although Li Hongde knew that the other party was bragging, after all, he was truly from Great An Corporation.

Li Hongde was relieved, and was prepared to discuss with Bai Shiming in detail. He turned and looked at Liu Rufeng, and said embarrassedly: "Young lad, I'm sorry, please head back first, we'll contact each other at that time. There are still some matters that we need to take care of here."

At this moment, several security guards rushed in at the same time, panting heavily, "Dong …" Chairman, it's bad, there's... "A few people barged in …"

"Who dares to be so arrogant? A robber dared to come to our house. In broad daylight and clear skies, is there no law anymore?"

Without waiting for Li Hongde to speak, Bai Shiming was the first to stand up and quickly walk out the door.

"That's what you call a professional!" Li Hongde's face revealed a satisfied smile, his heart feeling more at ease.

The few security guards at the side looked as if they had lost their armors, but it seemed like they had found a backer, and followed them out one after another. They glanced at Liu Rufeng along the way, and looked at him with disdain. That meant: look at him, he's the super bodyguard. Unlike some people, who boasted too much but were too scared to move at critical times.

Li Hongde also went out. Arriving at the courtyard, he discovered that Liu Rufeng was also standing beside him. He frowned and quickly advised: "Little brother, it's better if you leave, this place is dangerous, I won't hurt you later. If something were to happen to you, I, Li Hongde, truly feel very apologetic. "

Li Hongde did not have any sarcastic intentions, these were his heartfelt thoughts.

Liu Rufeng did not move, he only watched quietly, he really wanted to see the level of that national bodyguard. In fact, he didn't even need to look to know that even though that big name bodyguard knew his words well, he probably couldn't even take ten moves.

At the same time they left, the person who had barged in also arrived. There were about eleven or twelve of them, and the leader was very tall, with a ferocious look on his face. The others were all frowning, as if they had been reincarnated. However, judging from his fake lower body, he didn't have any real skill.

Of course Li Hongde recognized them. They were all Zhuang Dacheng's men, and the one leading them was called Huang San, Zhuang Dacheng's capable accomplice.

Recently, Zhuang Dacheng had been causing trouble for him, using all kinds of excuses to protect him, and even made trouble for him in his shop. Although Li Hongde's status was not small, but he had never stepped into any underworld factions, so he was a little afraid of Zhuang Dacheng. Initially, he had been very cooperative and thought that he could solve the problem with a little money. Unexpectedly, Zhuang Dacheng's appetite became bigger and bigger, and actually started asking for shares. This time, Li Hongde couldn't bear it any longer and decided to hire a bodyguard.

"How is it, Li Jong? Have you thought it through? " Huang San still politely went through the motions and asked while staring at Li Hongde.

"I won't agree. You'd better get out of here. Do you know where this is? "Do you believe that I will send you all to the station?" Li Hongde's expression was stiff, his fury had already reached the top of his head.

People like Huang San aren't afraid of this. He knew, the sky was falling and Zhuang Dacheng was holding up the sky, what was there to be afraid of? Zhuang Dacheng's eyes were sharp to the skies, and he was extremely rich, to make things easy for them with just a few coins. Even if he went in, he wouldn't be able to stay inside for more than three days.

"Hehe …" Li Jong, our Master Zhuang said to give us an answer today, please don't make things difficult for us, okay? "If you make things difficult for us, we can only make things difficult for you …" Huang San spoke very politely, but he had already sent a look at his underlings, and more than a dozen people behind him immediately went forward to bully themselves.

"What do you want? "Do you still dare to use violence?" Li Hongde had muddled along in society for so many years, yet he had never once been to any of these places.

Just then, Bai Shiming who called himself a national bodyguard stood out. He shouted sternly, "Stop! In broad daylight, with clear skies and clear skies, you actually dare to behave so atrociously in Li Jong's villa. Do you really have any laws in your eyes? "

It was this line again, Liu Rufeng thought: "This brother was probably acting in the past."

"Oh?" Huang San looked at the person in front of him from head to toe and was not the least bit afraid. He spat on the ground and said with contempt: "Idiot, who are you, you watched too many movies right? You said a bunch of crap and scram for grandpa!"

There was no need to reason with such people. The only way to deal with them was to fight them head on. Bai Shiming stood proudly and did not speak anymore. He patted his chest and said proudly: "National level bodyguard, Bai Shiming."

"Damn!" Expert. "A few of us will spar with Great Hero Bai …"

Li Hongde stared at the national bodyguard, and placed all his hopes on him. The security guards clenched their fists and secretly cheered.

Amongst the hoodlums, four of them walked up with a disdainful look on their faces. They handed each other a color and stepped forward. The human fists and legs complemented each other as they attacked simultaneously from top to bottom. There was no flaw in their attacks, and they were also swift and violent.

When Bai Shiming moved his hands, he realized that his judgement was wrong, and used his scattered side kicks, kicks, hooks, and punches to block the attack, finally knocking those hoodlums to the ground. However, his appearance was also very miserable, he lost a shoe and had some colors on his face.

"Good!" "Awesome, as expected of a super bodyguard, good martial arts!" The security guards all cheered while Li Hongde also revealed a smile.

"Screech!" "Don't say it, he really does have some skill." Huang San shouted to his brothers: "What are you f * cking thinking, attack together, why are you all standing there?" Huang San ordered loudly, a sinister look in his eyes.

Receiving the order, the dozen or so people rushed up together.

Liu Rufeng shook his head and thought, "This time Bai Shiming is done for. Against such a group of people, he definitely won't be able to last half a minute."

Just as he was about to go over and help, he heard Bai Shiming shouting loudly: "All of you come at me together, I don't care if there are another ten …"

"Forget it, letting him suffer a little will be helpful in the future." Liu Rufeng stopped walking again.

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