Flower Master and Soldier King/C53 Seduction
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Flower Master and Soldier King/C53 Seduction
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C53 Seduction

Liu Rufeng sent Li Mujin and Zhu Dan to school, then said a few simple words to the students in his class before sneaking out.

There had been a lot of annoying things recently, so Liu Rufeng was not in the mood to waste time with them. The situation was getting more and more confusing. It was as if everything was very clear, but also as if he couldn't understand anything at all. "Originally, I thought protecting a girl for such a simple mission would be a waste of my talent, but I didn't know that there were so many profound intricacies hidden inside. It seems that there really is a bit of a challenge …"

Not long after he drove away, Liu Rufeng stopped the car to light a cigarette, exhaling a cloud of smoke to think about recent events.

"He's in such a leisurely mood …" An Audi TT stopped by Liu Rufeng's side, immediately followed by a coquettish voice that floated out.

"Who is it …" Liu Rufeng felt that the voice was very familiar, as if he had heard it before.

The glass window rolled down, revealing a beautiful face. His face was painted with very thick makeup, and his eyes were captivating. One could tell from one look that he was a guy that seduced men. If Hu Meier was just bewitching, then this woman was purely flirting. It wouldn't even be wrong to say that she was a demon.

Liu Rufeng looked and saw that it was the romantic Hong Mudan from that night.

"Isn't it strange that I've come to find you?" She seemed to be able to see through other people's thoughts and say what Liu Rufeng wanted to say in advance.

Liu Rufeng laughed, "You aren't inviting me to get a room, are you?"

Hong Mudan gave a flirtatious wink, pulled down the shoulder belt, and said: "Do you want to go? "Elder sister can accompany you for a bit longer today, but I don't know how your martial arts are …"

Liu Rufeng was immediately suppressed by the aura of this woman, but he still maintained his composure. He directly got into Hong Mudan's car, lewdly looked at her and said: "You think I don't dare?"

Hong Mudan did not show any sign of weakness either, she lifted her skirt to reveal the endless radiance of spring, and smiled with alluring eyes: "No way, we'll just stay in the carriage, I like this …"

His single sentence caused Liu Rufeng to break out in a cold sweat as he cursed in his heart, "Damn you, this is an open sports car! There are even people passing by, aren't you broadcasting it live?"

Liu Rufeng could not help but admire this cunning fox's courage.

"What, you don't dare?" Hong Mudan was still teasing her.

Liu Rufeng quickly changed the subject, "Did Gold Six ask you to come find me? Let's get down to business. "

Hong Mudan laughed, "You, your courage is not enough. "Alright, I'll tell you the truth. Sixth Bro asked me to come here, and he told me to invite you over."

"Why is he looking for me? "It can't be that they're settling debts, right?" Liu Rufeng pretended to be joking as he looked at her and thought: "The possibility isn't high. How good was the last chance? Furthermore, that damned Colonel and Li Hongde has a good evaluation of him. "

Hong Mudan's expression did not change at all as she said flatly: "You'll know whether or not I'll pay you back in the autumn. Men don't even have the guts to do that, I, Hong Mudan, don't like it."

I want you to like it, grandmother, so don't be sentimental, okay? Liu Rufeng chuckled and asked: "When?"

"Right now."

"Now? "Well, where are we going?" Liu Rufeng asked.

Hong Mudan wriggled her body, then laughed: "Cross Medallion Building."


Liu Rufeng had definitely heard of this name before, it should be one of the most luxurious hotels in the West City. However, he heard that the hotel was very messy, and there were a lot of random things going on. It was unlike Li Hongde's Central State Hotel, which was formal and upper-class.

"Alright, lead the way." Liu Rufeng had already planned to look for Jin Liu since long ago, and today, Jin Liu took the initiative to invite him, just as he wanted. The romantic night before was Zhuang Dacheng's business, so Gold Six was in charge of covering it. The real West City was the Cross Tower and some invisible underground casinos. Thus, it was necessary to go over the details.

Hong Mudan was very happy and insisted on riding with Liu Rufeng. Liu Rufeng also ignored her and quickly activated his Bentley. Hong Mudan laughed, "Coward, I will eat you." As he spoke, the gray Audi TT turned and walked in front.

The Cross was an old-fashioned imitation of a classical building, only a dozen stories high. The whole building didn't look like it was of high quality, but there were still quite a few people entering and exiting.

The whole street seemed to be very open, a little like a violent street in a country. The young men wearing alternative clothes on the street were all talking in an unrestrained manner. The tycoons embraced the gold lady, and all sorts of brawls were occurring as if it were a common occurrence. Seeing this scene, Liu Rufeng could not help but frown.

Once they got out of the car, Hong Mudan grabbed Liu Rufeng's arm and said softly: "Just follow me in, don't ask why. "

Liu Rufeng felt a wave of pain in his heart. "This is the territory of Golden Sixth, isn't it courting death to brazenly have an affair with his woman in public like this?" "

Hong Mudan walked in naturally, and even intentionally walked closer to Liu Rufeng. It even made Liu Rufeng a little nervous.

The interior decoration of the hotel was not bad. The moment they got in, many male and female waiters and security guards greeted them.

"Sister Red!" "

"Sister Red!" "

"Sister Red!" "

Hong Mudan only smiled and nodded, directly ignoring them. Among them, many young men and women saw that Liu Rufeng's expression was a little strange, so Liu Rufeng reluctantly waved to greet him.

Hong Mudan brought Liu Rufeng directly to the top floor of the private room. Once inside, Hong Mudan started to undress, and only stopped when there were only three points left. He walked to Liu Rufeng's side and blew on it, and said: "I'm going to take a bath, wait for me. "

Liu Rufeng was stunned, he did not have the time to appreciate her seductive curves, and immediately had a bad premonition in his heart. "F * ck!" Isn't it Gold Six? How did this become sleeping with me? "

The sound of water flowing could be heard from inside the bathroom. Even a top class expert like Liu Rufeng started to feel uneasy, "Go? Or waiting for her? If she came out naked and threw himself into my arms, it would be hard for me to keep myself in check. But can you explain it clearly if you leave? "

Just as he was in a dilemma, he heard Hong Mudan yell gently and flirtatiously, "Handsome, can you hand the towel over to me? I forgot to bring a towel. "

The heck! No towels in the hotel bathroom? Deceiving ghosts is obviously tempting me.

While Liu Rufeng was hesitating, Hong Mudan called out again.

Let's go all out! I'd like to see what you sing. The last time he came over at the bar, what was there to be afraid of this time?

After Liu Rufeng found the towel, he first observed the outside with his Cat's Eye. After making sure that no one was guarding the outside, he confidently walked towards the bathroom.

If this was f * cking like the last time, then this slut suddenly appeared and shouted loudly, then countless brawny men barged in from the outside, laozi would not be able to speak clearly.

Hong Mudan had already opened the bathroom's glass door a crack ago, and her clean and white arm extended out.

Just as Liu Rufeng handed the towel over, there was a knock on the door.

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