Flower Master and Soldier King/C55 Happy cooperation
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Flower Master and Soldier King/C55 Happy cooperation
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C55 Happy cooperation

Hong Mudan walked out wearing a beige panties and skirt, and leaned next to Jin Liu. This time, she didn't sit still, but obediently sat beside him and listened quietly.

Liu Rufeng looked at Jin Liu, chuckled, and said: "Sixth Brother, do you know what your background is?"

"International Mercenaries, current bodyguard for Li Hongde's daughter, Li Mujin. Not long ago, he had bought five Ferrari F430, and this had already become an explosive news in S City. "Other than that, you have a few different combinations, as well as a few top quality beauties …"

Hearing that Jin Liu was as good as new, Liu Rufeng felt like he was exposed. He thought to himself, "Being too high-profile doesn't seem like a good thing. Public figures are not so easy. Thankfully, they haven't done anything that would shock the world. Otherwise, they would drown themselves in saliva …"

Liu Rufeng smiled as he looked at Jin Liu, and said: "Looks like Sixth Brother came prepared, I actually want to hear how we can cooperate."

Suddenly, Jin Liu's expression darkened. He sighed and said, "Brother Liu, do you want to hear my story?"

Liu Rufeng nodded and looked at him expectantly.

"Although Zhuang Dacheng and I seem to be friends on the surface, in reality, we have been at loggerheads for a long time. I disapproved of his actions in many ways, but it seemed that many years of friends had not fallen out with him. In addition, this seemingly peaceful S City was actually not very peaceful. I'm the one in charge of the West City. Other people might have thought that it was very impressive, but I've been enduring for so many years, looking for an opportunity to thoroughly change the face of this city's underground organization. "It's a pity that I'm too weak to accomplish anything …"

Liu Rufeng asked: "I don't know what Sixth Brother is referring to."

It was as if Jin Liu had found his best friend for many years. He opened his heart and continued, "The internal affairs of Green Wolf Gang are peaceful on the surface, but the truth is that a storm is brewing. I think something big will happen soon. "So I want to …"

"You want me to help you?" Liu Rufeng said.

Jin Liu nodded his head in agreement, then looked at Liu Rufeng sincerely: "Do you still remember the last time at the bar? "Then actually …"

"Actually, you are helping me. What you did was to leave a path for our cooperation today." Liu Rufeng very accurately said the words after Golden Sixth.

"I know our internal affairs have nothing to do with you," he continued. "There's no need for you to get involved in this mess." However, let me be frank with you, this is not only a fight within our Green Wolf Gang, there are other matters involved in it. If I don't handle this properly, I feel that the entire S city will become chaotic. I think that as a International Mercenaries, you should have a great responsibility, and due to your chivalrous and compassionate nature, you shouldn't just stand by and watch … "

"Stop f * cking putting on your hat to trick me, aren't you bringing me into the ditch? Who knows if what you say is true or false? If you were to lie to me and go back on your words, wouldn't all of my efforts have been in vain? "Maybe he'll choose to kill me quickly to stop my mouth from opening." "" Liu Rufeng's first reaction to Jin Liu's words was that there was too much water inside and it was not worth believing.

Thinking about the evaluation that the colonel and Li Hongde had of Jin Liu, and hearing Liu Rufeng's own judgement of Jin Liu, Liu Rufeng slowly rejected this idea. "Looks like what they said isn't false, this Jin Liu Finger is really a bit gallant, according to him, something big is going to happen soon, this old man is really eager to try. Since I have already done it, I will do it in an earth-shattering manner. I am not afraid of getting into big trouble, the bigger the better! "

"But there's one thing I don't understand." Liu Rufeng looked at Jin Liu and said indifferently. Just based on our last meeting, you can trust me? "Furthermore, I was the one who went to cause trouble for you the other day. On the contrary, you chose to believe me. This argument doesn't make sense, right …"

"That's easy to explain," Jin Liu said with a smile, as if he meant it from the bottom of his heart. Actually, before that day, I already understood some of your situation. Although it was my first time meeting you, I have been paying attention to you for a long time. To be honest, I even knew that you helped Hu Meier create trouble at Zhuang Dacheng Hotel … "

After Jin Liu finished speaking, he looked at Liu Rufeng with a very confident gaze, waiting for his final answer.

Liu Rufeng didn't say anything for a long time as he slowly sipped the tea. It seemed like this guy had put in quite a bit of effort. From his style, he was not someone who would casually make decisions. Since he was so diligent, what he said should be true. Coincidentally, my mission is currently in a hazy phase. After working with him, regardless of whether it is in terms of manpower or material resources, it is still beneficial to me. If that's the case, then what reason do you have to oppose it? "

Seeing Liu Rufeng not saying a word, Jin Liu hurriedly asked, "Could it be that Brother Liu has doubts?"

Liu Rufeng suddenly extended his right hand, and said straightforwardly: "I hope for a pleasant cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" Jin Liu happily reached out his hand at the same time and held Liu Rufeng's hand tightly.

Now that they were all on the same boat, there was nothing more to say. Liu Rufeng frowned and asked: "With Sixth Brother's style and ability, he should be a person who can do everything perfectly, but I think the Western City seems..."

"It's a bit chaotic, right?" "There's nothing we can do about it," he replied. "It's been like this for years." Because in the Four Great Regions of Green Wolf Gang, West City was the weakest city to begin with and the economy of this place was in a poor state. Thus, no one was willing to come to this sort of place. "I've changed a lot since I came here, but sometimes I still have to retain my original appearance. After all, there are people who like this feeling …"

Does anyone like this feeling? Jin Liu's words seemed to have a deeper meaning. Liu Rufeng discovered that Jin Liu's eyes had a lot of spirit and a kind of special temperament. He looked like a hero, but also like a tyrant.

After being obedient for a long time, Hong Mudan could not help but say, "Handsome brother, don't you want to hear my story?"

"What story do you have? It can't be that you want to tell me about your romantic affairs, right?" Liu Rufeng said in ridicule.

Hong Mudan's eyes lit up, and said flirtatiously: "How do you know? My story continued to be written with a flat front. However, with your participation, the story has reached a climax, and I think it will be quite exciting. "

"This fox spirit is beginning to seduce me again. It seems that our collaboration has turned into a waterfront for her. She can take me down at any time."

Liu Rufeng realized that Jin Liu was only smiling slightly, he did not seem to be angry at Hong Mudan's words at all. Thus, he puzzledly asked: "Sixth Brother, do you really have the heart to watch Sister Peony do whatever he wants?"

Hearing that, Hong Mudan pinched Liu Rufeng's body, and asked: What did I do? That's what I want you to say? "

"It's actually like this …" Jin Liu cleared his throat.

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