Flower Master and Soldier King/C56 Special training(part i)
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Flower Master and Soldier King/C56 Special training(part i)
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C56 Special training(part i)

Liu Rufeng squinted his eyes, his body leaning on the chair, patiently listening, he had already started to doubt Jin Liu's intelligence, "You still have such a coquettish woman by your side, I really don't know what you are thinking, is it just for a moment of happiness? "Even so, you don't have to be this lenient on her. Furthermore, you even have to explain and excuse her. This is truly despicable."

Jin Liu didn't seem to notice the change in Liu Rufeng's expression, and continued to speak slowly: "Peony has this kind of personality. She likes to tease people, and flirt around with men. But she's not the kind of person you think she is. "She's been with me for more than ten years. Without her, I wouldn't be where I am today …" Speaking till here, Jin Liu's eyes seemed to be a little wet. He looked at Hong Mudan in a daze, as if he had thought of many things.

Liu Rufeng got a little annoyed listening to that, he stood up and said: "Alright, alright, I believe you. I'm sitting with a sore, can we go out and take a look? " Although Liu Rufeng didn't really like this chaotic Western City, he was still a little curious.

Of course, Jin Liu couldn't continue. He stood up and asked, "The Western City is my territory. You can play around with it. Tell me, where are you going?"

Liu Rufeng thought for a while before replying, "I'll go wherever there's excitement."

Hearing the two words "excitement", Hong Mudan seemed to have gotten used to it as she came closer and said in a tender voice, "You even need to use stimulation, I can let you experience it yourself …"

"It's here again …" Liu Rufeng also ignored her, he still looked at Jin Liu and said, "Go to your casino, I really miss that place."

Jin Liu naturally hoped for Liu Rufeng to state his conditions. The higher the conditions Liu Rufeng had raised, the happier he would be in this place. Only then would he be able to put in more effort in the future.

"Alright, I'll make the arrangements." After saying that, Jin Liu made a call. He gave a few simple instructions.

The people who came to the western part of the city were basically looking for excitement. Even the law enforcers often came here to roam about. Liu Rufeng seemed to have found the same feeling he had in the past, and he was completely at ease now. From betting on food to singing, foot washing, massage, a line of dragon services, Jinyi arranged well. Liu Rufeng was naturally very happy and happy. According to what he said, since Jin Liu was willing to treat him, wouldn't he be the one to slaughter him?

He knew that it was only early in the morning the next day that Liu Rufeng would return. When he just arrived at the Li Family household, Li Mujin circled around him a few times, and stared at him as he asked: "Did you enjoy another night last night? You must be having a lot of fun. "

"Not bad." Liu Rufeng curled his lips, rolled his eyes, and said: "What does a child know?"


After two days, most of the security guards had gathered. Liu Rufeng gathered them all together and began lecturing them.

Because the news of the special training had already spread, the guards who had gathered today were not surprised at all.

Liu Rufeng looked at the people gathered, they were around twenty years old or so. Their physique and appearance could basically be considered not bad, and a few among them seemed to have quite a good physique.

After some understanding, almost none of them had any martial arts foundation, and all of them started from zero. This was also what Liu Rufeng had expected.

The white paper was not scary, but it was scary that the white paper would not listen to him. Liu Rufeng believed that after his own nurturing, even a rotten tree would be able to carve the best crafts from the city.

Liu Rufeng stood and said loudly, "I believe you all should already know the reason why I have gathered everyone today. As a security guard, we do our duty day and night, wholeheartedly. But I think, do we just want to be a pure security guard? Doesn't everyone want to evolve from a normal security guard into an outstanding bodyguard or even more outstanding international mercenary? "

Hearing the words "International Mercenaries", the security guards immediately became excited, they knew about Liu Rufeng's income. No one would reject the desire for money. 30 million yuan a year was a huge temptation. They believed that even if they couldn't reach that level, they could at least lose two zeroes.




The crowd below was in an uproar. It seemed that the fire within his heart had already been ignited.

Liu Rufeng waved his hand, and the people below quietened down. He continued to say, "I see that everyone is very enthusiastic. I am truly touched by everyone's spirit. However, as I explained in advance, although training requires zeal, it also requires perseverance. "It might not be as comfortable as we normally are, and it might even be very painful and tiring. Can you guys still hold on?"

"Able to —!"

"Able to —!"


The cheers continued, but this time the cheers were not as orderly and there were fewer replies. Liu Rufeng majestically stood in place, and at the same time his face revealed a smile, he could see the flickering light in his eyes.

"Since no one has any objections, I announce that the collective training will begin now. I hope that no one will fall behind, and that everyone will be an outstanding International Mercenaries in the future. "

Actually, after saying this, Liu Rufeng wanted to slap himself twice, "You want to say that in a short period of training, you can become a International Mercenaries?"

"Our two most basic training programs are running and push-ups to enhance physical fitness. From today onwards, we will persevere every day. In a month's time, we will learn other things. Alright, let's begin! Everyone will do 300 pushups! "

"How much?"

Other than Bai Shiming, everyone was discussing.

Wang Zhuang and Xu Laosan walked over and asked softly, "Boss, this … "This is too much."

"What, you think there's too much? "Then five hundred apiece."

Xu Laosan quivered from fright and quickly pulled them back to the original team.

Seeing everyone's criticism, Liu Rufeng smiled slightly and said clearly: "Does everyone think it will be difficult? I already have a minimum requirement. How could he not have enough strength? "Shi Ming, demonstrate to them."

Bai Shiming very obediently lowered his body and started to complete the three hundred pushups, while Liu Rufeng moved a chair over and sat down as he watched leisurely.

"One, two, three … Fifty-five, fifty-six … Two hundred and three … Three hundred! " Bai Shiming held his breath, and finally finished all three hundred pushups. However, he was still extremely tired. Beads of sweat were seeping out from his forehead as he struggled to stand up and let out a sigh of relief.

Liu Rufeng nodded his head in satisfaction, then indicated for Xu Laosan and the others to start. They were personally brought here by Liu Rufeng, if there was anything they could do, they would definitely be in front.

Xu Laosan looked at Gao Jun and the others, and said in a low voice: "It's our turn, let's go …"

Three hundred push-ups was difficult to say, but it was also very easy to say. Although the three of them struggled, Xu Laosan and Wang Zhuang, whose faces were completely red, were finally done. Only Gao Jun found it hard to even bend down. Before his arms could pull himself up, his stomach was already on the ground. This caused the security guards to laugh incessantly.

Even Liu Rufeng could not help but laugh, in the end, he waved his hand and shouted "Stop!", smacked his lips and said: "You … "Let's do it like this first. I'll design another training method for you …"

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