Flower Master and Soldier King/C58 Four kinds of danger
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Flower Master and Soldier King/C58 Four kinds of danger
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C58 Four kinds of danger

The sky was blue, the sun was warm, and a great deal of sunlight shone through the bright windows.

There were only the two of them in the room. One of them spoke seriously while the other listened quietly.

Jin Liu's slightly tanned face was hard and unyielding, and every word he uttered was a fine, well-defined thing.

Liu Rufeng suddenly interrupted him, and joked: "Sixth brother, are you bringing me to see the world for a feast, or are you using me as a shield?"

Jin Liu forced a smile. Embarrassed, he replied, "This …" The Brother Liu laughed, but brother was right, I am a little selfish. Let me be frank with you, I have an ominous premonition. This birthday celebration for Elder Ma must be fraught with dangers. "With you by my side, my heart is at peace …"

Liu Rufeng discovered a bunch of walnuts on the table. He smiled playfully and said, "Sixth brother is really cautious, but I can give it a try."

Jin Liu's eyes lit up. "You agreed?"

Liu Rufeng nodded and stood up, throwing out the two walnuts in his hands. He said, "Everything in this world can be used as a weapon. Don't underestimate this pair of walnuts …"

Jin Liu was startled. He followed the line of the walnuts and saw that the pair of walnuts he loved were embedded in a wooden cupboard two meters away. One on the left and one on the right. They were all of the same height and depth, and there were no signs of damage at all.

Jin Liu stood up, walked to the cabinet and looked at the pair of walnuts, then looked at them in a daze for a long time. Finally, he turned and stared at Liu Rufeng, clasping his fists together, he said: "Brother Liu, I am completely convinced."


Liu Rufeng didn't wait for Jin Liu to finish his flattery before he left. Currently, he was seated leisurely on the bamboo chair, one hand holding Hu Meier and the other holding the red wine cup. He took a sip, then looked at the sun a few times with the glass of red wine in his hand. "Mei Er, what do you think this glass of red wine looks like when it passes through the sun?"

Hu Meier held her chin and thought for a moment, then blurted out: "Red Agate?"

Liu Rufeng said in a profound manner: "You sound very elegant, but … It looks like blood to me. "

"AHH!" Hu Meier covered her mouth and said uncontrollably: "Don't spout nonsense, it's really scary. If you say something like that, you can still drink it. "

Liu Rufeng caressed her black hair and said gently: "I'm afraid that Old Man Ma will see fresh blood at his birthday feast …"

Hu Meier struggled free from his embrace and asked in shock, "You … How do you know? " She composed herself and said, "Don't talk nonsense. People were originally very happy to have a birthday celebration, so you made it sound like a funeral."

Liu Rufeng did not reply. He stared at her exquisite features and said faintly: "I don't have any grudges with Elder Ma, why would I curse him? I just have a premonition. "

"Mei Er …" Liu Rufeng said softly. He looked up at him, waiting for him to finish. You know someone from the shadow killer? "

Liu Rufeng's eyes were very bright, bright enough to see through a person's thoughts. Hu Meier's expression changed, she looked very flustered, and in the end, forced a smile, and said: "What did you say, how would I recognize them?"

Liu Rufeng laughed, "That's for the best." He paused for a moment before continuing, "You should come with me to Elder Ma's birthday feast." Hu Meier did not hesitate at all and nodded strongly.

How could he attend such a big event without a woman by his side? Liu Rufeng had originally planned to bring Xia Qiangwei along, but when he thought that there might be danger, he gave up on that idea. Moreover, Hu Meier was extremely charming, and would definitely shock the entire audience. There's another reason...

There was still a week left before Ma Changfeng's birthday banquet, so Liu Rufeng picked out 4-5 people who progressed quickly, and had a special training with Xu Laosan and the others. After Bai Shiming had given his pointers, he had improved a lot in just a few days. The current Bai Shiming was much stronger than when he first came to the Li Family. He could deal with two or three ordinary Ghost Blade Masters.

There were still three days left before Li Hongde received the invitation letter. It read: "An invitation in good faith, or something like that, signed with Ding Wei's name. The invitation had been sent three days earlier, so it was obvious that they didn't take him seriously. Li Hongde did not want to go from the start, so he found Liu Rufeng to represent him.

With the invitation card, Liu Rufeng had even more confidence. However, he had to think over the birthday present that day.

On the night before the birthday banquet, when Liu Rufeng had nothing to do after dinner, he headed towards Hu Meier's Rose Garden District. That was the east side of the city, but it was still a distance away from the Li family.

Passing by a group of low rise houses, Liu Rufeng saw a figure. It was the back of a woman with a good figure, dressed in tight black.

"Hu Meier?"

Liu Rufeng followed closely behind, wanting to see what Hu Meier really wanted to do. At that moment, her phone rang.

"Damn it!" "Who would be so irritating if it didn't sound right at this moment?" Liu Rufeng silently cursed. It was Jin Liu.

Just as Liu Rufeng picked up the phone, Hu Meier's figure flashed and disappeared. Liu Rufeng didn't have time to bother with her and quickly asked what was going on.

"I heard an anxious voice on the phone, but it wasn't from Jinxing." Yes... Mr. Liu? "

"What's wrong?" Liu Rufeng asked.

"Sixth Master, something happened here. Please come over to the sign tower quickly." The person on the other end of the line hung up the phone after he finished speaking anxiously.

Jin Liu had so many men under his command. If something could happen to them, their opponents wouldn't be ordinary people.

Liu Rufeng forgot about Hu Meier and just as sshe was about to leave, he heard the sharp sound of wind. He judged it to be the sound of a knife.

Liu Rufeng suddenly took a stride before he turned around. He discovered that Hu Meier was holding a ghost blade, and was thrusting it towards his throat.

Hu Meier's eyes were bloodshot, as though she had seen her enemy.

"Mei Er!"

Liu Rufeng shouted a few times, but Hu Meier acted as if she did not hear it, and did not stop her attacks.

The tip of the blade was getting closer to Liu Rufeng's throat. Liu Rufeng recalled the dream he had a while ago. This scene was pretty much the same as his dreams.

"Do you want to die …!" Just then, a tall and beautiful woman holding a wooden stick pushed the blade away, and shouted towards Liu Rufeng.

Looking at it, it was basically the same as in his dreams.

There was still something going on with Jin Liu, so Liu Rufeng didn't want to delay any longer. He immediately rushed forward to grab the blade in Hu Meier's hand, and then knocked her unconscious with a single palm strike, and placed a pill that he carried with him into her mouth.

"It's fine now. Look at her, I still have things to do." Liu Rufeng handed Hu Meier over to Cheng Xiaoxiao and turned to leave.

Before they had even taken a few steps, they discovered that more than twenty shadow killer were blocking the way. Liu Rufeng understood that they were trying to control me and buy time for the people from Golden Six.

shouted at Cheng Xiaoxiao, "Take Mei Er and leave quickly, I'll take care of them!" Then she strode towards the group of people.

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