Flower Master and Soldier King/C8 30 million rmb commission
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Flower Master and Soldier King/C8 30 million rmb commission
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C8 30 million rmb commission

Li Hongde looked towards where Liu Rufeng was gesturing with his hands and said, "My daughter is Li Mujin, she is in high school."

"This must have been when she was a child." Liu Rufeng started to like this picture a little already. Just by looking at this picture of a child, he could guess that this was the case.

Li Hongde raised his head and looked in the direction of Liu Rufeng's eyes before saying, "That's right, that was eight months ago and we're already eighteen. Do you think we won't get old …?"

"Hehe …" You are in your prime, so you can't be considered old. " Liu Rufeng replied, his eyes once again looking at the picture, and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

"A birthmark?" Because the child in the photo is lying down, so can clearly see the child's buttocks has a red birthmark, the shape is also particularly like the crescent moon.

Liu Rufeng was very excited, and thought that he should not be wrong this time.

The two of them sat down again.

Liu Rufeng started to speak first, "This child was mischievous when he was young, why is his butt red?" In fact, this was his final confirmation to avoid any more mistakes.

"Oh, this. That's her birthmark. It will be there as soon as she is born. " Li Hongde couldn't help but sigh as he recalled the scene of his daughter's birth.

"I was so happy when she was born that the excitement of being a father for the first time can be imagined. "It's very similar to her mother's clinic. Their child is very similar to my daughter. If it wasn't for the birthmark on Mu Jin's butt as a marker, she might have even hugged the wrong child, hehe …"

Li Hongde raised his head and sighed, as though he had no other choice but to lose his time. Seeing Liu Rufeng suddenly remember that the other party was still a child, and didn't understand his feelings, he decided to return to his previous question.

"Mr. Liu, you still haven't answered my question. Are you willing to stay at my house? I offer a high price! " This time, Li Hongde purposely raised his voice a little, confident that each word could enter Liu Rufeng's ears.

Not many people disliked money. The reason why some people were not moved by it was because they did not give enough. As long as the other party gave him the price in his heart, his psychological defenses would be broken. When that time came, he would not need to worry, this was Li Hongde's firm belief.

"Ugh …" In fact, ever since Liu Rufeng saw the picture of Li Mujin when she was young, she was determined to stay. However, in order to not let the opposite party see through her intentions, he deliberately hesitated for a moment.

Li Hongde was very merciful to his subordinates, and the nanny was also very casual here, unlike the other rich families who had so many courtesies.

Nanny Li Yuehua was a big sister who was around 40 years old.

Seeing Liu Rufeng not saying a word, Li Yuehua interrupted: "Young man, I'll stay here for more than five thousand years, my salary is much higher than when I stay in other houses. With your agility, each month... "At least ten thousand …"

In her opinion, although Liu Rufeng was very skilled and a mercenary, he was still a child, so giving him so much every month was already a lot.

How could 10,000 yuan enter my eyes? Liu Rufeng laughed to himself. Although he was not a greedy person, the price was still related to a person's reputation, so why did all the celebrities have to pay so much for the competition?

Hearing that, Li Hongde immediately coughed twice, cutting Li Yuehua off: "En … Let me offer a price. How about a million? " Li Hongde was also not clear about the true price of the International Mercenaries, and felt that giving this number was not low.

Liu Rufeng did not say anything, and quietly sipped on his tea.

Li Hongde knew that he had given less, so he raised the price again, "Five million, what do you think?" He thought it was about time to increase his strength by five times.

"This …" Liu Rufeng muttered to himself. Li Yuehua did not dare interrupt, and kept on making hand signals, meaning that if you agreed, then it was still not enough. Liu Rufeng pretended not to see it, his expression did not change, as if nothing had happened.

"You think it's too little?" Li Hongde smacked his lips and said: "Ten million annual salary, what do you think?"

Liu Rufeng smiled and said: "It is not a matter of money."

"What about 30 million? "You have your own tasks to attend to, so I won't restrict your freedom …" Li Hongde made up his mind: Back then, Liu Bei still wanted to invite Zhuge Liang over. With this young lad's skills, spending more was worth it.

Thirty million, what sort of concept was that? That meant that from now on, he would not have to do anything. It would be enough for an average family to live with for the rest of their lives. When he said these words, Li Yuehua was so shocked that his mouth dropped wide open. He thought to himself: "Isn't this going up too fast? I only earn 4 or 5 thousand every month, 30 million is more than enough for me to earn for a few lifetimes."

Liu Rufeng's expression became serious, "Li Jong, I didn't say it was about money … Fine, 30 million then. "

Liu Rufeng's words were forced and he cursed in his heart: "You're still saying it's not about the money, why did you agree so readily?"

Li Hongde then took out a card and handed it over: "There's fifteen million here. You can use it first, come look for me when there's not enough."

"Thirty million?" You earned it so easily? " The nanny beside him was also stunned by what he had heard. Her eyes were filled with envy.

Liu Rufeng accepted the money quickly. He felt that for a boss as big as Li Hongde, this number was not a lot.

Since the cooperation was successful, Li Hongde was naturally very happy. He hurriedly went to arrange a room for Liu Rufeng. Nanny Li Yuehua came over and whispered: "Little brother, are you really International Mercenaries? It's easy for you to earn money since you already got a 30 million commission. "

Liu Rufeng knew that for normal people like them, thirty million was definitely an astronomical figure. It was enough for them to win a few big prizes. People who were used to living a life of hardship tended to have a greater desire for money.

He smiled and said, "That's still not enough."

"What?" This is still not enough? " Li Yuehua opened her mouth wide in shock, she could not believe the truth.

At night, Li Hongde specially arranged for a table full of dishes to be served at the biggest hotel in the city. Liu Rufeng saw that the dishes ordered were really particular, it was not just two to three times more extravagant than the meal he had with Hu Meier.

The security guards already treated Liu Rufeng as a god and started to toast him. He could not help but say, "Great Hero Liu is a good man. You are the first in the entire S City …"

Liu Rufeng did not stand on ceremony, and heartily gorged himself. He even told them his glorious past, causing Li Hongde and the security guards to feel nervous and excited.

Liu Rufeng's alcohol tolerance was also shocking. From five in the evening to around eight in the evening, he drank a total of two to three catties of white spirit, but could not detect any signs of drunkenness at all.

"Mr. Liu, I have something to tell you." Seeing that there were only two people left, Li Hongde felt that they could now be considered to be serious.

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