Folk Psychic/C12 Night pickers
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Folk Psychic/C12 Night pickers
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C12 Night pickers

Although there were very few girls in the village who wore makeup, because she was the only daughter of her family, her father Wu Long especially doted on her and gave her everything. Moreover, her father and mother both worked outside, so even though they couldn't bring their daughters to their side, their wages were quite high.

Xiao Cui used to call me big brother, sweet but sweet, and she even liked to play behind my butt. But now, she has grown up, and normally would just laugh it off when I see him.

Just as I was about to step forward to greet Xiao Cui, I accidentally overheard Xiao Cui and the other girl, Xiao Mei's private conversation.

I didn't want to eavesdrop. After struggling internally for a long time, I still chose to eavesdrop through the wall.

For the past few days, I've been dreaming about a man who was especially good to me, sending me flowers and food. In my dream, we sat together on the grass and watched the fireflies, climbed up the mountain to look at the stars, and we even watched the sea that I've never seen before. Xiao Cui's voice was a little hurried, causing me to unconsciously think about it.

"Hehe, Xiao Cui, you can't be dreaming right?" Lil Mei teased.

"Aiya, don't laugh. I dreamt it, but when I woke up, I could only remember that there was a person in my dream who did all those things with me. However, I can't remember that man's face at all." Xiao Cui's voice sounded a little unhappy.

I was a little surprised as I squatted in the corner. I shook my head as I thought that a child this young already understood all of this.

When I heard that Xiao Cui had been having nightmares and was dreaming that she was being played by a man, I didn't know why, but I followed him to study.

When we arrived at Xiao Cui's house, the sky wasn't completely dark yet, but Xiao Cui was already lying on the bed, arguing with her grandmother because she was sleeping.

"Cui, what's wrong with you these days? It wasn't dark yet, and he was about to go to bed. He even knew to take the initiative to help his grandma cook dinner. Didn't he want to play on his phone until one or two in the morning in the past? But now, I can't even sleep like thunder. Her granny reached out her hands to touch Xiao Cui's forehead, then placed her hands back on her forehead, "There's no fever!" her grandmother said to herself.

"Aiya, Grandma, you don't need to worry about that. Getting to sleep early and getting up late will help you grow taller. Hurry up and go to sleep!" Xiao Cui urged his grandmother, as if she was extremely anxious to sleep.

"This child, it wasn't like this before! Why do you keep sleeping? " Grandma Xiao Cui was very worried, and hoped that Master could help her family's Xiao Cui.

I heard from others that after Xiao Cui went missing for an entire night, she was discovered by Yang Min who went to the grave.

Yang Min's grandfather's tomb happened to be near the unmarked cemetery. When she passed by the unmarked grave, she looked in the direction of the unmarked grave, and saw Xiao Cui at the entrance of the unmarked grave.

When he was discovered, Xiao Cui's clothes were disheveled, her hair was in a mess, and she had a look of being insulted. Furthermore, she had been unconscious this entire time, so Yang Min had helped her put on her own clothes and then carried her down the mountain.

When her grandmother found out that Xiao Cui had disappeared in the morning, she was so anxious that she was about to go crazy. After searching everywhere, when Yang Min was carried back by her grandmother, her grandmother even misunderstood him and almost beat Yang Min up with a broom.

Fortunately, Yang Min was constantly explaining, and with the help of the people around him, she said, "Grandma Wu, Little Min is not such a person. She has been tormented for more than ten years, don't you understand his personality?!" Only then did Xiao Cui's grandmother put down the broom in her hand.

Everyone was saying that Xiao Cui was definitely not sick, but that she had been possessed. Otherwise, why would she run to the cemetery in the middle of the night to do such a stupid thing?

I once heard from an older generation in the village that this cemetery was not a simple place.

From the time of the Qing Dynasty, this place was used to deal with the corpses of headless prisoners. Later on, because of the invasion of Japanese devils, they used human bodies as experiments, the martyrs that were killed by them, and the people who died from doing experiments were also piled up here.

During the day, when a grown man like me passed by the cemetery, I was so terrified that I almost panicked. When Xiao Cui's grandmother heard about this evil thing, she quickly went to find my master, hoping that he would be able to help Xiao Cui.

"Great deity, please save my granddaughter! Come and see what happened to my granddaughter!" Xiao Cui's grandmother gestured to invite them in and brought us into Xiao Cui's room. A thin and weak girl laid on his bed, with a pale face.

"She hasn't had anything to eat or drink for two days!" Her grandmother said somewhat helplessly while wiping away her tears.

Hu Half Immortal looked at it intently, then made a diagnosis, "This, my granddaughter was hooked by the Flower Harvester, and has three souls and seven souls. Her three souls are currently not returning, and that is the reason why she is unconscious."

"Great deity, then look, what method is there to save my granddaughter? I'm willing to pay any price!" She pleaded with a sobbing tone of voice to the Hu Half Immortal.

"Don't worry, she will definitely save you. I just don't know where her parents are right now." Hu Half Immortal asked.

"Oh, her parents are far away now, Master. What's the matter?" Grandma Wu asked.

"Also, her parents are working together to save her. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. His parents would have to rush back within three days. Otherwise, their daughter would starve to death." The Hu Half Immortal said.

"This... Great deity, to tell you the truth, they will only be able to return after four days by car. Look, how about this, you first give my daughter some nutrition liquid, then get his parents to come and cooperate with you. " said her grandmother.

"Mm, that's fine too." The Hu Half Immortal replied.

Xiao Cui, who was lying on the sickbed, was breathing slowly. Although she had suspended the nutrient solution, her body couldn't move at all, and she couldn't get enough exercise. Just looking at her made my heart ache.

Her parents had finally returned on the fourth day.

My master and I had always been beside Xiao Cui's bed, afraid that something would happen to Xiao Cui. Once Xiao Cui's parents rushed back, they would immediately run over to Xiao Cui's bed. I know it's you

"Cui, ah, how can you be like this? Can you bear to leave mom and dad alone in the world?" When her mother saw Xiao Cui's appearance, she shouted in heartache.

I'm watching Atrei's mother cry, and I'm a little sad for her. Her parents are away all year long, and only her grandmother is with her.

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