Folk Psychic/C16 Weasel again
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Folk Psychic/C16 Weasel again
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C16 Weasel again

As Yang Min is one of the few friends that I have, A Su and I are invited as well.

At this moment, Yang Min was wearing a red flower on her chest, her face covered by a veil, and I think it was because something like this happened, that Xiao Cui did not want to reveal her true face to others. Although she did not need to wash her face with tears right now, this matter still left an indelible shadow in her heart, sigh!

When their elders announced their marriage at the wedding banquet, we all gave them our warmest applause, offered our most sincere blessings and sincerely felt happy for them.

However, just as everyone was immersed in the joy of the engagement banquet, a rumbling sound suddenly rang out in the cloudless sky. The guests all thought that it was going to rain and hurriedly stood up, it seemed like they were running home.

I also don't understand how the weather changed, so I was still thinking about the confiscated clothes at home.

As his master, he was the first to notice the change in the situation. He stood up, knowing where the problem was, and shouted towards the sky, "Insolent weasel, you dare to come here and behave atrociously. I haven't even gone to find you, yet you've already come to find me!" The Hu Half Immortal said.

We all felt incredulous when we heard his words. Could a weasel fly?

Who would've thought that at this time, two weasels would actually descend from the sky? Every time his master saw them coming with such accuracy, he would be able to predict their arrival.

"It's you," said one of the younger weasels. "The ghost that made me summon it with great difficulty lost most of my vitality, right? Since you've killed them, then I'll take your life, take revenge for them, give me your life! "Aooo!" The weasel let out a loud cry and rushed forward to kill.

"Humph, you're overestimating yourself. If you want to defeat me, you'll have to go back and practice for several decades!" The Hu Half Immortal mocked.

"Ah …" The weasel was furious and cried out, "I am a genius of the Huang family! You've never had anything like this before, but no one has ever dared to look down on me. Today, I'll let you have a taste of my power!"

I watched my Master fight with the weasels and cheered for my Master. Due to the arrival of these weasels, all of the guests had left the engagement banquet, leaving Xiao Cui's family, me and my Master behind.

When Xiao Cui found out that all those ghosts were brought over by the weasel, she realized that they looked like the weasel with a look of hatred. Of course, Xiao Cui was not the only one who hated them.

Xiao Cui's mother stood out and said to the weasels, "If it wasn't for you weasels, we would not have been betrothed to Xiao Cui this early. We are also worried that Xiao Cui would not be able to get married!"

The battle between master and weasel was very intense, and a yellow figure was constantly clashing with a black figure in the air. That yellow figure was naturally the weasel, and my master was that black figure. In the beginning, my master was at a disadvantage, but not long after, the situation reversed and my master gained the upper hand.

After a while, the other weasel saw that his companion couldn't hold on any longer and was about to lose, so he too flew forward and circled around to his master, wanting to ambush him.

Despicable, those are the thoughts of everyone here.

"Master, be careful, there's a weasel behind you …" Looking at this scene, I hastily shouted towards my master who was in midair.

Before I could finish, my Master immediately turned around and sent a palm strike towards the other weasel. This weasel might be old, so he didn't react and got hit by my Master's palm and spat out blood.

"Dammit. You dare to treat my Second Uncle like this? I will make all of you pay the price you deserve." said the other young weasel, fiercely, when his hair exploded.

"Ha!" Not only will I treat your second uncle like this, I will also treat you like this. " His master was his master, and his words were so domineering.

When the Universal Eight Treasures Mirror in his master's Hu Half Immortal's hands fell on the young weasel, it immediately made the young weasel cry out in pain.

Why didn't Hu Half Immortal bring out this mirror before? I then realized that the Hu Half Immortal had used the time before to set up a formation. Only by doing so could the power of the mirror be maximized.

As for the older weasel, it was also trapped within the formation and was unable to leave. After a while, the two weasels were exhausted and collapsed within the formation.

I saw that Master had finally subdued the weasel and was very happy. I immediately shouted, "Master, half-immortal Huang, seeing them acting this way, is still a little worried. He was afraid that they might have faked their deaths, thus he pasted two more talismans on them.

"Ah …" The two weasels screeched like ghostly animals, and then stood up as if twitching.

After a short while, they were injured by the talisman. Then, they laid back down on the ground and struggled to their deaths.

"Heh, I knew you guys wouldn't die that easily. You've indeed made a good guess. Now, you guys have been exposed right? You've finally been captured by me." The Hu Half Immortal laughed out loud.

"Old thing, just you wait. I won't let you off!" Before he died, the weasel roared.

However, its roar is useless. Master Hu Half Immortal has already used our Yin Yang Sect's unique spell to turn the two weasels into dust. As for their vicious curses, they also dissipated into the air.

"Master, are they really dead this time? Will it come back to life again? " I asked, puzzled.

"Yes, the weasels have been removed. Now, the most important thing is to uncover these evil spirits as well. This way, our village will be at peace."

"Great deity, thank you!" "Now that these two evil spirits are dead, I feel at ease." Ah Cui's parents said, kneeling and bowing to Hu Half Immortal.

"You guys have harmed countless people. Today, I can be considered to be acting on behalf of the heavens." The Hu Half Immortal muttered to himself.

"Then great deity, what should we do next time if something comes to harass us?" Xiao Cui's grandmother said worriedly.

"I have a few spell papers in my hand, you guys stick them on the wall in the room, this way, you won't be afraid of the weasels coming to find you, but remember that if anyone lures you guys in the future, you all shouldn't believe it, because it's very likely that the weasels are disguising themselves." The Hu Half Immortal said.

"Yes, great deity, we'll remember this!" They said this to the Hu Half Immortal gratefully.

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