Folk Psychic/C2 Plastic clay man
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Folk Psychic/C2 Plastic clay man
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C2 Plastic clay man

The whole thing happened so fast that I didn't even have time to think about it. I rested with legume fructus for a long time before we discussed how to deal with the corpse.

If we call the police, it won't work. With the body in my house, would the police believe us?

In the end, we decided to take advantage of the darkness of the night to throw the second brother and the weasel into the mountains.

However, after that, something big happened …

Only two days after this incident, legume fructus suddenly died in a strange manner, his death was extremely tragic, with blood flowing from his seven orifices, his face was terrified, his eyes bulged out with veins, his tongue extended, he strangled himself.

Xiao Su and I were so frightened by this matter that we spent our days in a panic. Every single night we slept with nightmares about legume fructus's miserable death and were afraid that we would meet the same fate as him.

And trouble had finally arrived …

It was the seventh day since the legume fructus died, and when I was chopping firewood at the door, he actually saw the legume fructus coming over while treading on snow. His body was crooked, and his walking posture was like that of a handicapped person with cerebral palsy.

The snow on the ground cracked as he stepped on it, as if he was stepping on a person's bones, causing his scalp to tingle.

legume fructus is already dead, he definitely isn't human. When I saw this scene, I couldn't help but scream in fear, then turned and ran back inside the house.

But legume fructus laughed: "Why are you running, you can't run. The next one is you, your entire family can't run, it won't let you go."

When I heard this, I immediately stopped and asked with narrowed eyes, "What did you say? Who is it? Who exactly is it? "

I kept asking about the legume fructus, but the legume fructus didn't say anything, he just pursed his lips and smiled, his smile was extremely strange and cold, and he just stared at me while laughing.

That smile was as though he was looking at my end.

After this incident, every day, I would have nightmares, do things in a bad way, and always encounter some strange things.

One day when I came back from the fields, for example, I heard the rooster say that I was going to die; another day when the black dog said that my family was going to be in trouble; at mealtime I saw the rats rolling around on the stove, and I couldn't get rid of them; and then there were the pigs and sheep in the circle, screaming like they were going to die.

Chicken dogs speak human language? Mouse was not afraid of people? Bullshit!

This was really weird, it caused me to be in a daze all day, and although I told Xiao Su a few times, Xiao Su thought that I was hearing things, and was worried that it might be caused by them.

However, there was something that happened afterwards that made Xiao Su feel that a great trouble had really come.

One day, when I came home from the fields, I saw a weasel blocking the doorway, staring at me as if he were going to eat me.

And this weasel was the one that had crawled out of Lao Er's stomach.

When Xiao Su saw that I had returned and came out of the house, the weasel shifted his gaze towards Xiao Su, staring at his stomach without blinking.

I am full of doubts. Didn't this weasel already die?

Looking at its dead eyes on Xiao Su's stomach, I remembered that it was this weasel and that fugitive who had caused this to happen.

However, the weasel was confused. When I smashed down with my hoe, it did not even dodge, but stared straight at Xiao Su.

Seeing that the hoe didn't kill it, I cursed and sent the hoe flying again.

The weasel still did not dodge, and got hit by the hoe. Initially, it looked like its body had already flattened, but after recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, it stared straight at Xiao Su.

I panicked and started cursing at the weasel one after another. The hoe in my hand continued to smash onto the weasel until it turned into a pile of meat paste after an unknown amount of smashing. Only then did I stop.

However, even until death, the weasel's eyes were still staring straight at Xiao Su, their eyes were filled with passion, as though it wanted to burrow into Xiao Su's stomach. However, there was still a hint of killing intent in them.

After killing the weasel, I thought it was over, but that night, something happened at home.

That night, as I was sleeping, I suddenly heard the sound of tiles on the roof, as if someone was walking on the roof.

I secretly cursed in my heart. I thought it was the accomplice of the fugitive from before who came for revenge. I picked up my knife and dashed out. However, after circling around outside for a bit, I was unable to find him.

But as soon as he got back to the house, there was the sound of shingles on the roof again, louder than before, as if someone were unshedding shingles.

One night, I kept going out with a sharp knife, but as soon as I went out, the sound stopped. The moment I returned, the sound of ripping off the roof rang out again.

And in the next few days, as soon as night fell, there would be unceasing sounds of tiles on the roof. There were even knocks on the door, causing Xiao Su and I to be unable to sleep at night and be unable to rest at ease.

Xiao Su is pregnant, I can't stand days like these, so she asked me to ask the Hu Half Immortal in the group village for help.

The Hu Half Immortal was the famous Mr. Yin Yang, he was called Hu Wensheng. He was around 60 years old and had a very well-known reputation in a few miles radius.

However, his personality was a bit strange. There were three ways to not save him.

It was to not save those who committed evil deeds, to not save those who had no virtue, and to not save those who did not have a large sum of money!

I have some knowledge about this Hu Half Immortal, so I know that he has good wine, prepared a good wine, and brought some money with him. Just as I was about to push open the door and enter, I heard the Hu Half Immortal berating me.

"You still want to enter my house after following me all the way?"

Hu Half Immortal's tone was cold, causing me to be at a loss. I thought that Hu Half Immortal was not going to help and hastily begged, "Hu Xian Jia, I'm He Gui from Yang Village. I'm here to ask Immortal to save me …"

Before I could finish my words, Hu Half Immortal interrupted me. "Old He, I was cursing at the thing that followed you here, I didn't say anything."

Hearing this, I looked back, but there was nothing behind me. On the other side, a big black dog kept barking at the willow tree in front of the dam, as if there was something there.

"Push the door open, take one step to the left and three steps to the left, and then walk straight to the left."

When the Hu Half Immortal spoke again, I nodded my head. The moment I pushed open the door, the ceiling bell chimed with a jingling sound. The willow tree in front of the dam also shook in the absence of wind.

The big black dog barked like it was about to lose its life. Its eyes were bloodshot and it had a fiendish look.

I was so scared that cold sweat broke out on my back. I followed Hu Half Immortal's instructions and quickly entered the house.

Hu Half Immortal was drawing talismans at the side room. I walked over and put the things down, then took out the money and placed it on the table. Just as I was about to explain the reason, Hu Half Immortal waved his hand and said: "I know what you're here for.

I was secretly surprised, I didn't even say anything, and this Hu Half Immortal already knew about it?

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