Folk Psychic/C21 Baby birth
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Folk Psychic/C21 Baby birth
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C21 Baby birth

The thought of being a father soon made him both nervous and excited. He felt like he was a child, and now that he had a child, would he be able to take care of it in the future?

"Wa, wa, wa …" The door to the delivery room opened, and the baby's crying came to my ears, coming closer and closer, and a nurse held the baby in front of me.

"You must be a pregnant woman's relative. Congratulations, you are a boy!" Mother and son are safe. " the nurse reported to me.

"Thank you!" I thanked the nurse.

I took the baby that was crying in my hands. It was small and soft, and this was my own child. I felt that my love for A Su had crystallized.

I didn't have to hold him for long before the nurse said, "Sir, please give me your child for the time being. I need to carry him for physical examination in all aspects."

Hearing the nurse say that, I immediately let the child be carried by her. Of course, in order to avoid any accidents, I indicated the legume fructus to follow us in the dark.

Only then did I rush into the ward to look at A Su. A Su was sweating profusely and her clothes were drenched, I held onto A Su's hand.

"Child …" When A Su saw me, she felt a lot more at ease, and said dispiritedly.

"Don't worry, the child is very well, he has been carried by the nurse to be examined," I looked to the side and saw that the doctors were all quite a distance away from me, so I said softly, "I told the legume fructus to follow him secretly, it will be fine."

"Yes, yes." Hearing my words, A Su calmed down.

After all, the children are not in our hands, so whatever that happens when we kidnap and sell the children in the hospital, it would happen even if we carry them wrongly. So, A Su and I are a bit worried, but this time, the legume fructus is letting us see it, so we are a lot more relieved.

"The child is healthy. Although he is a premature baby, the other indicators are the same as a normal child. The adult only needs to recuperate." The doctor came in tonight to announce the results of the examination.

After a few days, A Su will be discharged from the hospital. After a woman gives birth, she will have to sit in a chair for a long time, so it isn't convenient for me to bring A Su and the children back together.

Hu Half Immortal had naturally come when he heard my request, and he also hoped that his disciple would be born soon so that he could meet his disciple quickly.

So on the way back, we rode on a bus. Although we tried our best to make A Su sit on a chair in a comfortable manner, the shaking and shaking along the way made A Su uncomfortable, and at this time, I hated myself for not being able to earn more money. I wanted to buy a car for my family so that A Su would not have to suffer so much.

But something was wrong with my expression. A Su held onto my hand and said, "I'm fine. You don't have to worry."

A Su's face was still a little pale. I really feel sorry for such a A Su.

The Hu Half Immortal and the legume fructus were playing with our children.

"I've already thought about it, our child's name is Er Dan, after all, a lowly name is easy to support! The child's name shall be Hu Xiaoxi, and shall not be confused when he grows up. " I said to A Su.

"Mm, I'll listen to you." A Su said.

Scabbers listened to the conversation between A Su and I, and then said to our children, "Er Dan, from now on you are called Er Dan, are you happy?" The pockmark pinched Er Dan's face, and saw that Er Dan was actually smiling at the pockmark.

He realised that Er Dan's eyeballs would turn according to the movements of the pockmarked hand.

"Hey, look, Er Dan can see me!" Ma Zizi, who came to such a conclusion, was very happy. Now, there was another person who could see him, which made him feel a bit less lonely.

"Isn't this nonsense!?" A child's eyes are the purest. Right now, he can see a lot of things that no one else can see, so it's normal that he can see you. However, in a few more years, he won't be able to see you. " Hu Half Immortal said straightforwardly.

legume fructus was instantly a little disappointed. He said with disappointment: "So he couldn't have looked at me forever."

"Sigh!" "Then we'll be destined to be lonely again." Ma Zi helplessly shook his head and said.

"But it doesn't matter, I can do that. I can also cast a spell on Er Dan at that time, so he can see you again." The Hu Half Immortal said casually.

"Good, you dog, you lied to my feelings again!" As he said that, he smacked Hu Half Immortal once.

"That's because you're stupid. Besides, when did you and I ever have a relationship!?" The Hu Half Immortal said.

At this time, legume fructus started humming a small tune happily.

"Master, Er Dan is a premature baby. Although the hospital's examination results show that she is no different from a normal child, but will this have any effect on the child? I'm afraid that there might be something wrong with him in the future. " I asked my master.

"What's wrong with the baby?" Hu Half Immortal asked.

A Su thought for a moment, then replied: "Yes, from the time I was going to give birth until the time I was born, when you gave me the Bodhi seed, it had been glowing, I thought it was strange, the doctor thought that I was wearing a fluorescent substance on my neck, and advised me to take it off, this is not good for the child."

Hu Half Immortal looked at the child and said, "It's nothing important, it should be because Bodhi seed changed the child's physique, which allowed the child to be born earlier. If Bodhi seed was to continue wearing, I will also prepare other gifts for the child, don't worry!"

"Alright, I believe everything Master says!" My master is very good to all of us, and I trust him very much. If my master were not here, my family would have long since died in the hands of that weasel, let alone the fact that a child could still be born now.

I carried A Su back home after getting off the bus, and then carefully carried A Su onto the bed. Of course, all of this, was with the help of the and the pockmarks, otherwise it would have taken us more than an hour to get there.

The child was very quiet. He had to either sleep or drink milk when he woke up, and because A Su did not have enough milk, he had to buy some milk for him to drink.

Now, Master, Ma Zi, A Su and I are all surrounding him, afraid that we won't be able to serve him well, he is going to cry again.

He had not eaten since coming back from the hospital. He had told stories about feeding his children, giving them powdered milk and changing his diapers.

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