Folk Psychic/C22 Stealing children
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Folk Psychic/C22 Stealing children
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C22 Stealing children

"Er Dan, slow down. You just learned how to walk!" I followed behind Er Dan and hurriedly shouted.

"Yiyayaya …" Er Dan was only half a year old, yet he had already learned how to walk. It was truly heaven defying, being like other people's children, who had only just learnt how to crawl, in addition, he could already call out father and mother.

However, children were usually more energetic than adults. Plus, adults couldn't be as carefree as children, as adults still needed to work during the day and earn money to support their families. So taking care of a child really needed a lot of energy.

Er Dan, also known as Hu Xiaoxi, played around in the courtyard with his bare feet. The smell of flowers and grass mixed with the smell of earth.

Er Dan would occasionally see a butterfly running towards him with its meaty claws extended, or a dragonfly. As a result, Er Dan, who was chasing the butterfly, shifted his attention and ran towards the dragonfly again.

There were only soft soil and all sorts of wild flowers in the courtyard. I had already picked out the stones inside one by one, leaving only a small amount of sand. Although it was a bit painful, it was still a form of training for children.

A Su had recovered very well, to the point that she didn't look like she had a baby at all. A Su leaned on the side of the door, looking at me helplessly chasing after Er Dan who was running around everywhere, he smiled happily.

The legume fructus floated in the air, teasing the dog. Everyone in the house smiled happily under the sunlight.

I thought how good it would be to go on like this forever! I hope nothing else happens.

Hu Half Immortal also frequently came to my house to eat, and using the reason of checking my progress as well, he played with Er Dan.

Unknowingly, days like this slowly passed. Three years had passed.

foxtail, have you heard? Recently, there have been many children missing in the nearby villages, and that Yang Fu in the countryside has lost his son, and I heard that those missing children are all three years old, know whether it's a trafficker or something. I heard that there seems to be weasels appearing in the vicinity recently, aren't we, Er Dan, only three years old? legume fructus had already become a messenger. As it was convenient for others to not see this, he had to know many secrets that others did not know.

When I heard about Er Dan, I became nervous again. "What's the relationship between the traffickers and the weasel?

"I also often see weasels running away the moment they see me. I suspect that it was weasel who stole the child!" The legume fructus said.

"What?" "Weasel, stealing a child, why would he do that!" I'm surprised that weasels eat people, so that they usually look for adults. Do they think that adults, weasels can't beat three-year-olds, but there are children who are bigger or younger than three years old. Why haven't they looked for them?

"foxtail, I'm not sure about that either. I once saw a weasel approaching a three-year-old child, and that was because he ran away as fast as he could after seeing me. That's why I had such suspicions." The legume fructus said.

"There's actually such a thing? No way, I have to quickly find my master and ask him about the situation!" And Er Dan, we can't let him run around randomly recently, he's too naughty, it's all your fault, I can't even control him! " Thinking about how Er Dan would stop me from punishing my children every time he makes a mistake, even though it was a sign that I love my child, it wouldn't help my child establish the correct view of life.

"Hehe!" The pockmark scratched his head in embarrassment when I said that.

I walked out of the house and found Er Dan, who dirtied all of his clothes, he was playing with the older children and could not compare to them in terms of strength, he had quarreled with them over nothing, and started fighting with them just like that. There were already a few times where he acted like this, but A Su had already concealed it from me, but I actually still knew about it, and pretended that I didn't know. And now that I've caught him red-handed, I definitely have to spank him.

Er Dan saw that I was walking towards him and quickly ran away. Since he was only a child with short legs, I caught up to him in just two steps. It was inevitable that he would eat bamboo shoot fried meat.

I lifted him up and angrily said, "Er Dan, Er Dan,, this time you've gotten into trouble, and you're finally being held by me. Let's see where you can run off to this time, it's not like your mother is here to help you." Ye Zichen looked at him with a hint of schadenfreude. That scene felt like his father was bullying his son. Fine, it wasn't bullying, but teaching him a lesson!

"I was wrong, I was wrong! Dad, don't hit me, I'm very obedient! " When he saw that he couldn't escape me, he hurriedly admitted his wrongs with a good attitude.

I helplessly touched my forehead. If only he had the understanding towards the matter that he normally spoke of.

"Just tell me how many times you've said that to me, but have you done it? "Ah, you made your parents worry so much for you!" I was about to raise my hand and hit him in the ass when the pockmarked man came over.

"Uncle Ma, save me! My dad is going to beat me to death!" Er Dan said in a sobbing voice.

"Hey, you little bastard, what do you mean I want to beat you to death? It's just that you didn't get beaten up; your skin is itchy!" Hearing Er Dan's words, I became extremely angry, but Er Dan completely didn't know, because with a single sentence, he had called me over as his butt. I gave him an even heavier slap.

"Clap clap!" After a few blows, Er Dan started crying. Seeing that he was in pain, Er Dan quickly said: "foxtail, just hit him a few times, the children can teach him a lesson, it's enough now!" The pockmark held onto my hand that was just about to raise its head towards Er Dan's butt again.

I couldn't bear to hit my child, so I stopped, which was a little bit of a lesson for him.

In an angle that I couldn't see, Er Dan faced the pock with tears streaming down his face as he raised up a smile.

"Kid, you're not at ease either!" Ma Zi said to Er Dan.

"Don't go out and play around these few days, just let your mother deal with the wounds on your face. Your child is young and it's just a small fight, I don't care, as long as nothing big happens." I don't know if it was a knock or a scratch on Er Dan's face.

"On what basis? What right do you have to not let me go out and play! " Er Dan said angrily after hearing that I didn't allow him to go out to play.

Just based on the fact that I'm your father, if you run around without us protecting you, the weasels will eat you up. They will eat you up until nothing is left of you. I threatened him.

"Eat it then eat it, hmph, when the time comes you'll be like Uncle pockmarked, able to fly!" Er Dan said with an unconvinced expression.

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