Folk Psychic/C25 Walking out of the misty forest
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Folk Psychic/C25 Walking out of the misty forest
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C25 Walking out of the misty forest

"Stop shouting, it's useless. He can't hear you, and he can't see you, either. This is a large foggy formation set up by our ancestor, only our weasel race can control it."

"Despicable …" Without waiting for A Su to finish speaking, the weasel grabbed the rope and carried her away.

The fight between Hu Half Immortal and the weasel was almost over, but when the weasel saw that he was at a disadvantage and the Hu Half Immortal was about to take him in, it quickly used a Golden Cicada to remove its shell, releasing green smoke at the location of the weasel. The only thing left behind at the place where the weasel was standing was a leather bag, but the Hu Half Immortal did not expect for the weasel to have other means to survive in the face of danger, so he was careless and allowed the weasel to escape from his hands.

Hu Half Immortal puffed up his beard and glared, he was a little angry, "Hmph! Next time don't let me see you again, or you won't be able to run away so easily. "

"Master, that's alright. There will be a chance to catch it next time," I comforted her before saying, "Right, A Su." When he turned around to look behind him, he realized that there was nothing behind him.

I just realized that A Su is gone, and was so anxious that I didn't know what to do. I quickly fumbled my way through the dense fog, "A Su, A Su, where are you? His son had just been lost and his wife had disappeared.

This caused me, a seven foot tall man, to feel frustrated. I felt that I was useless, that even my son and wife couldn't protect me.

Hu Half Immortal had also noticed A Su's disappearance, but he was very calm. He took out his compass and started to calculate the direction in which A Su had left in.

legume fructus is currently in a fog and he doesn't know what to do. The son of his good brother and his wife are both missing, so he doesn't know how to comfort me.

"This way." Hu Half Immortal pointed at a direction with the compass in his hand, then pointed at a direction and said.

At this moment, I was still immersed in the pain of my wife's disappearance and had yet to recover from it. When Hu Half Immortal saw my dejected look, his anger rose.

Hu Half Immortal walked to my side and kicked me, "Hurry up and come with me to save your wife and son. What are you standing there for?

After hearing Hu Half Immortal say that, I came back to reality and immediately tried to clear my head, "Thank you master, disciple understands!"

"That's more like it." The Hu Half Immortal said as he led me and the rest on their journey.

Hu Half Immortal took the compass and looked around. Finally, after walking for a while, we saw that in front of us was an area without fog. We finally found the way out of the Misty Forest.

"Old Hu, how did you find the way out? Tell me!" legume fructus floated in mid air, his hands on his waist as he asked.

"Do you really think I can't beat that weasel? "I intentionally let it run. I secretly plucked out its fur. After I put its fur into the compass, I could easily deduce its direction." The Hu Half Immortal said, with a complacent look on his face.

"Alright, Old Hu, let's go. Don't waste time, just sister-in-law and children are more important." The legume fructus said.

"Where is this? Why did you bring me here?" The weasel had already brought A Su to their destination. The weasel was not able to get close to A Su now, because the Bodhi seed that A Su was wearing would definitely burn the weasel. Therefore, the weasel had been forced to take A Su to the place where the child was imprisoned.

"Where is this place?" "You don't have to worry about that. You just have to stay here and listen to me!" The weasel said somewhat angrily because of the Bodhi seed in A Su's body.

A Su was very afraid. She did not know where she was, it was pitch black around her, only that there were torches faintly emitting light not far away, and the sound of children crying faintly could be heard. There was also the sound of weasels shouting, they used that unique voice to make those children behave themselves.

Under the dim light, A Su saw a large area of short heads around him.

A Su thought that the kidnapping of children had something to do with the weasel. Those children could be the ones who were kidnapped and sold by the weasel, which meant that his own children were probably inside.

"Er Dan, Er Dan..." A Su hurriedly yelled out the child's name, but it was useless as there were too many noises around him, so A Su's voice was drowned out by the crowd.

A Su didn't know what to do now. She obviously had her child by her side, but she couldn't find it.

At this time, perhaps Bodhi seed had sensed A Su's emotions, and the Bodhi seed started to emit light, floating in the air, bringing A Su to the vicinity of a child.

The child had his head lowered and was hugging a little girl in his arms. It seemed as if he was comforting the girl in his arms.

"Isn't this child my, Er Dan? Isn't the little girl in his arms Ah Hua? The two of them lost it together, but who would have thought that they were both here. That's great, all the children have found it! " A Su said softly.

"Er Dan, your mother is here. She has made you suffer!" A Su ran over to hug Er Dan and said.

When Er Dan heard his mother's voice, he jumped in joy, "Mom, why are you here?"

"I've come to find you, child. Don't be afraid, your mother is coming to accompany you!" A Su said happily, her eyes filled with tears.

As if knowing that his mother was about to cry, Er Dan comforted her. "Mom, don't cry, I'm fine, I can take care of myself, and I'm even taking care of Sister Ah Hua next door!"

Only then did A Su let go of Er Dan, and only then did Ah Hua come forward, "Hello, Auntie." He greeted A Su very politely.

"Good Ah Hua, let's stay here for now and wait for uncle to save us." A Su said as she rubbed Ah Hua's head.

"En, alright. Ah Hua, be good." Ah Hua said.

As for Hu Half Immortal and I, even though we had walked out of the Misty Forest, we didn't manage to use the Hu Half Immortal's Compass. The tracking spell Hu Half Immortal used on Er Dan was also sealed by some unknown thing, so we still couldn't find where A Su and the rest were.

At this time, on the road, we met the weasel, and this weasel was even more powerful than before. The Hu Half Immortal was also somewhat inferior, but in the end, we joined forces with the legume fructus and I to subdue it.

We went on, and the farther we went, the more dangerous it became. They had already met several weasels, though they had all won the fight without any danger.

At last they came to a gorge, beneath which ran a swift river. There was no road ahead of them, and they were on their way back, but they did not expect that there were a few weasels blocking their way.

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