Folk Psychic/C27 Looking for goddess
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Folk Psychic/C27 Looking for goddess
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C27 Looking for goddess

Since the legume fructus could fly, its speed was very fast. In less than a quarter of an hour, it was back.

He was carrying a lot of things in his hand. As he carried them, he shouted out in a slurred voice, "Come and help me, I can't even carry them anymore."

legume fructus's current appearance was really funny. Because he bought a lot of food and drinks, his hands were full with stuff and his mouth was still holding onto something wrapped in oily paper tied with a string.

Hu Half Immortal brought me to use a lightness technique and arrived in front of Old lady's house not long after. I was carried around by my master until I nearly vomited.

The Hu Half Immortal knocked on the Old lady's door very politely.

"Knock …" Knock, knock, knock … "Knock."

Knocking twice, pausing for a moment, knocking three times, then pausing again, knocking twice. This could be a secret signal between them, indicating that their master had come, and not just anyone else.

"Heh, don't tell me you had something with this Old lady before!" The legume fructus teased.

Just then, the door opened, revealing Old lady's aged face. Her face was covered in wrinkles and her pitch black eyes shot towards legume fructus. Most probably because Old lady heard what Hu Half Immortal said, he was unhappy.

"Uh, um, I didn't mean to. It was just a joke. Don't mind it." The legume fructus explained awkwardly.

At this time, the Hu Half Immortal stated his purpose for coming here, "This is my disciple Hu Yan." Hu Half Immortal pointed at me and introduced.

Old lady looked at me, then nodded at me, and said to Hu Half Immortal: "You did find a good disciple."

"This is my disciple's brother, the legume fructus. Because of an accident, he became a ghost." The Hu Half Immortal pointed to the legume fructus on the other side.

Old lady looked at legume fructus again, and then looked at me. "It's a contract, no wonder."

I didn't understand Old lady's words and was confused by her words. But, I still obediently followed my master into Old lady's house.

Old lady's house was a little dark. The house was made of mud bricks, and the wooden door creaked as it opened and closed.

Inside, there was only a table, two benches, a table lit with candles, a bed, and a stove. Under the stove, there was a bonfire, and above the stove, there was a chimney leading outside. The rest were a few doors.

"Speak, why are you looking for me?" Because we were here, the Old lady went to turn it on. The lights in the room lit up in an instant.

"Hehe, it's not a big deal. I brought you some meat and wine, as well as your favorite mustard." Saying that, Hu Half Immortal indicated for me to give the thing in my hand to him.

I passed the things to the Hu Half Immortal, and then carried them to the table for lunch and sat down on the bench.

When Old lady heard Hu Half Immortal say that he brought meat and wine for Old lady, his deep eyes lit up and he quickly took off the packaging of the items on the table.

"Hmph, I actually bought this." legume fructus said, unconvinced.

"Yes, yes. You bought them." "No," I said.

After drinking the wine and eating the meat, Hu Half Immortal started to talk, "Recently, we've met with a little trouble," Hu Half Immortal said as he took another bite of the chicken drumstick and stuffed it into his mouth.

"What trouble?" Could it be that even you, the half-immortal, cannot handle it? " The Old lady took a big gulp of wine and stuffed the chicken wings into her mouth. I watched in panic.

"We've offended the Huang family, and they're now looking for trouble with us. Their disciples' wives and children have all been captured by them. The last time they went to save my disciples' wives and children, they almost fell for their trap." Hu Half Immortal said with an indignant expression.

"Oh, I was wondering why you would think of me, an old granny. So that's how it is, why did you ask me to go to the Serpent Empress to ask for help!" Old lady said to Hu Half Immortal in a sour tone, and even put down the mustard chicken wings in his hands.

"No need, I just miss you too. I haven't gone to reminisce about old times with you for a long time." I even specially brought you food, but you're still not thanking me. " The Hu Half Immortal said.

「 Alright, alright, alright. We're already old friends. Let me help you out this time.」 The Old lady said somewhat helplessly.

"That's great. Thank you, old friend." I heard the words from the Old lady at the side. She was also overjoyed, she did not expect that it would be so easy, so quickly, Old lady agreed to it.

Old lady took out a piece of red-hot charcoal from the bonfire under the stove. She then took out a bowl and placed it on the stove, and only then did I realize that there was a black and white portrait of a snake hanging on the wall of the stove. On the portrait, there were some words that I could not understand.

Old lady twisted her old body and started to dance lightly. Her dancing posture was like a water snake, and there were some chants from her mouth.

"Mighty and brilliant Serpent Empress above... I hope that Serpent Empress can appear and witness the elegance of this Serpent Empress … " Not long after, a blurry figure appeared from within the green smoke. This figure became more and more clear, until we could finally see her face.

However, when the Hu Half Immortal saw it, his body froze for a moment.

"I didn't expect to see you again after so many years in such a situation." Hu Half Immortal shook his head helplessly.

"Hehe, I also didn't expect that the Old lady would summon me here for you." This figure had already revealed her physical form. She slowly walked out from the green smoke. She was dressed like an ancient beauty. Her hair was elegantly tied up and an ancient hairpin was stuck on her hair. She wore a white dress, making her look like a fairy.

Hu Half Immortal stared blankly at her picturesque face, and said: "Dozens of years have passed, and your appearance is still the same, and you still look to be in your early twenties. On the other hand, I myself am already old and decrepit, and have long since reached the prime of my life."

"You … Are you all right? I know I shouldn't have asked her that, but I couldn't help it. " Looking at my Master's expression, I was a little moved. I wondered if this was my Master's former lover.

"Hu!" Wen! "Go!" she said through gritted teeth.

Do you have another one who asked me how I was doing? Back then, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be like this! " He looked at Hu Half Immortal and said, "You heartless man, if it wasn't for you, my child wouldn't have died, but to be honest, I would have to thank you. Without you, I wouldn't have been able to reach my current status."

"You … Now you are their leader? " Hu Half Immortal asked.

The leader her master spoke of was naturally the matter of her becoming a Serpent Empress.

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