Folk Psychic/C3 Body search
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Folk Psychic/C3 Body search
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C3 Body search

"It is unlucky for a dead person to enter the house while the Yellow Monster is causing trouble. My dear son, you have encountered a big problem."

After Hu Half Immortal finished drawing the runes, he added a few big seals and said, "Luckily your wife is still alive and new, so she saved your life. Otherwise, your He family would have already been destroyed, and you would have lost your life."

Hearing this, I was scared to the point of breaking out in cold sweat, and pulled Hu Half Immortal along, begging his: "Daoist Immortal is strong, I hope immortal can save my family. It's fine if I die, but my wife is still pregnant, I can't let the fire in Old He go."

Hu Half Immortal nodded his head, and said: "Your He family should be struck with calamity, I can save them, but this matter is rather troublesome. I can save you for a while, but I can't save you for a long time, I still need to think of a long-term plan."

I had a face full of black lines. I was very puzzled and asked, "What do you mean by 'deity'?"

"Fox, Yellow, Willow, White, Gray, Five Earth Immortals. You offended the Huang Family, so this Huang Family is very powerful and has targeted your He Family. I am strong for a time, but I am still one person. "What I mean is that if you want to protect yourself, you might as well come out and learn Tao techniques from me. You can protect the He family without any worries."

After hearing this, I was conflicted. After a long time, I said, "To be able to become a disciple of an immortal, that's what I wish for. But my wife is still pregnant. I don't dare agree to that immediately!"

"No worries, as long as you agree to this matter, we can discuss it in the future. What do you think?"

In the end, I promised Hu Half Immortal that when Xiao Su has children and they become older, I will learn from him. In the future, I will also take a child to learn this skill.

Seeing that I had agreed, Hu Half Immortal pursed his lips and smiled. His smile was a little strange, and had a feeling that his conspiracy had succeeded.

Afraid that I had suspected something, Hu Half Immortal immediately retracted his mouth and handed the charms he had just drawn back to me. He said, "Take this charm back and wear it with your wife.

I nodded and kept the rune, then Hu Half Immortal said, "Today, when you go back, get a mason to mold you into a clay figurine, put it on white paper, draw it into your appearance and place it at the entrance. After three days and three nights, burn it, then come back to me.

After memorizing the instructions from the Hu Half Immortal, I didn't dare delay for even a second. When I returned home, I immediately got the village masons to mold a clay figurine for me and stood at the entrance like I was instructed by the Hu Half Immortal.

Sure enough, the three days after the clay figure was set up, nothing happened at home. There was neither the sound of someone knocking on the door or the sound of an animal talking.

But the strange thing was, every day after he woke up, the clay figure would change.

The clay figure's eyes were gone on the first day, and its mouth and nose were gone on the second. By the third day, the clay figure was no longer the same face, only a layer of white paper stuck to it.

I looked at the mud man and felt my hairs stand on end. I hurriedly followed Hu Half Immortal's instructions and burned the mud man three kilometers away, going back to Hu Half Immortal's house.

"The mud man died for you once, but it could only fool him for a short while. The Huang Family is powerful and powerful, so you have to be careful in the future. If you see a weasel, step back."

I just opened the door and entered, the Hu Half Immortal instructed.

After being tortured quite a bit during this period of time, I naturally listened to Hu Half Immortal's words and nodded in agreement, thinking that this matter had been settled.

Unexpectedly, Hu Half Immortal said: "The Huang Family has deceived them, but that fugitive is a problem."

I thought it was just the weasel, but I didn't expect there to be a fugitive.

"Daoist Immortal, are you talking about the dead man in my home?"

The fugitive was eaten by the weasel and became a ghost. A few days ago, the weasel came to cause trouble for you and he didn't come, but now that the problem has passed, I'm afraid he won't let you go.

After hearing that, I was so scared that my legs were trembling. I anxiously said, "Then what should we do? I hope that the deities can save my He family. My ancestors have lived in this village for generations. Where can I go?"

The Hu Half Immortal nodded and said: "That thing must have some sort of motive for it to be able to hide for so many days without making a move. "How about this, tonight you take me to find the corpse, bury him first and see if I can resolve some of the anger. As for the matter of moving house, we'll talk about it later."

At night, I brought Hu Half Immortal to the mountain to search for the body of the fugitive.

"Could he have been taken away by a wolf?"

I scratched my head, wondering.

Hu Half Immortal squinted his eyes and asked: "If it really was a wolf that ate a human, then that would be bad. Are you sure it is this place?"

I nodded my head with certainty. legume fructus and I had left the corpse under the pine tree, but there was no trace of it at all.

Unable to find the corpse, Hu Half Immortal had no choice but to think of another way to prevent the fugitive from returning for revenge after returning home.

However, after we walked for a while, we mysteriously returned to the pine tree. When I saw this scene, I asked, "Daoist Immortal, why have we returned?"

Hu Half Immortal looked around him with a serious expression and said solemnly: "Follow me in a while. No matter what you see or hear, as long as you feel that something is amiss, don't believe me."

I followed behind Hu Half Immortal. Not long after, I saw legume fructus carrying a bundle of firewood over, and asked me: "Old He, where are you going? Why aren't you accompanying your wife in the snowy weather? Why are you wandering around blindly?"

legume fructus is already dead, why are you still talking to me. I thought back to what Hu Half Immortal said just now, and knew that this legume fructus wasn't human, so I didn't dare to reply.

"Hey, Old He, what are you doing? It's like you saw a ghost, why are you running?"

legume fructus shouted from the back, but I couldn't care less, all I could do was bury my head and run.

But with this run, I actually lost my way with the Hu Half Immortal, and didn't have a way to go there, this time I was really worried, I shouted all the way, and kept looking for the Hu Half Immortal.

"Heh, Old He, why are you back?"

After searching for it, I met the legume fructus again. This time, the legume fructus was holding onto an old ox as he looked at me with a strange expression. It was the same expression as when he looked at me in my courtyard.

I didn't dare to reply him. I turned around and quickly left, avoiding the legume fructus.

But strangely, no matter how I tried to avoid the legume fructus, I couldn't avoid him. Sometimes he would chop firewood, and sometimes he would chop grass, but the way he greeted me didn't change at all.

He had been smiling with narrowed eyes the entire time. His smile was extremely strange.

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