Folk Psychic/C31 Strange coffin
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Folk Psychic/C31 Strange coffin
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C31 Strange coffin

These are all the eyes of the weasel, and our eyes do not glow at all. Fortunately, Master discovered this problem in advance and applied a kind of medicine to all of our eyes, after which they glowed with a green light, just like the eyes of the weasel.

We went on deeper into the cave, where there were usually several forks, and when you passed through a hole, the next hole, it had a fork, and even for someone who wasn't in the mood to walk, you'd have to get lost.

Fortunately, Master has his own ways. Master is indeed omnipotent. Looks like I won't have to bring anything else when I go out later on, but this Master, I sighed.

Not long after, we entered an open space, "Yes, this is the entrance to the altar." His Master said with a face full of certainty.

"Master, how did you know?" I asked doubtfully.

"Nonsense, didn't you see what it said!?" His Master knocked on his head.

At this time, I looked towards the direction that my master was pointing at. The words "Altar" were written on it in Chinese characters.

"Strange, aren't the weasels animals? Why do they know how to write human language? " I asked.

"This means that the Sacrificial Arts that Weasel and the others learned should be learned from humans. After all, the higher level monsters can live amongst humans without being discovered." The Hu Half Immortal replied.

"Oh, so that's how it is. It has grown in knowledge!" I regret not bringing legume fructus along. If this were the case, legume fructus and Master would only have quarreled, and Master wouldn't have had the time to scold me. But that's just my way of thinking.

Now this entrance is found, but we can't get in because there's a door in the way. Moreover, this door seemed to be of a very high grade and needed to be unlocked using a password. However, I didn't know anything about this, so I didn't know how to unlock it.

"Unlocking it is very simple. Start it and let me pass." I watched from the side. When Master leaned against the door, he signaled me not to make a sound, so I didn't dare to breathe too loudly. I envied him in my heart, why would the bridge be opened when there was a movie going on?

However, he was somewhat disappointed. Master, after leaning against the door for a while, he got up again. He didn't have any intention of unlocking it.

"Master, what's wrong? Is it too difficult for you? " Although I know that there's still another way for Master to go about it, I purposely asked in order to provoke Master.

Master glanced at me and said, "It blew up! Why would I need to unlock it? "

"But Master, if we blow it up, there will be a sound. Doesn't this attract everyone's attention?!" "No," I said.

"Are you stupid? If your master were to bomb, would it be an ordinary bomb?"

"Then Master, what method do you use?" I scratched my head, puzzled.

"Of course, in a way that they can't hear."

"Could it be that there are people in this world who use explosives and get to the sound?" If there's no sound, why are you not shouting out? " I said to myself.

Master took out an object the size of a pill and stuffed it into the gap between the door and door. Master gestured for me to walk a little further away, and then he also retreated. In the end, Master cast a spell.

"Come, let's go in and take a look." The master said.

Thus, I followed him into the hole. The moment we entered, we were immediately blinded by the items inside. The outside was pitch black and looked shabby. This was a huge contrast against the splendor of gold and jade inside.

This altar was supported by twelve pillars, and each pillar was as thick as two people holding each other's arms.

The pillars were golden in color with golden dragons coiled around them. The golden dragons on top of each pillar were different. Some bared their fangs and brandished their claws, while others spoke with reluctance.

At the top, there was a large hole, it was already night, revealing the sky filled with stars. We were at a position that was a hundred meters away from the top, and I guessed that we were at the bottom of a mountain.

Below was a large square table with incense burners and incense on it. These incense burners were all larger than the size of a person, and the cylinder covered an area that was at least two stories high, allowing several hundred people to stand there without feeling crowded.

"Master, did the weasels build these themselves? How much time will that take? " I said, surprised.

"Impossible, many of these designs are humanized. Some things are only suitable for humans and not weasels, just like the doorknob when we entered. At such a high altitude, weasels are relatively short so they don't need it at all." Hu Half Immortal said with a look of certainty.

"Then how do they make it their own altar?" I wondered.

"We'll know when we get there!" Hu Half Immortal led me forward.

Only then did I realize that the inside of the cylinder was empty and that there was a window leading inside.

The window was very small, and we barely managed to get in through the disguise of the weasel's petite body.

I wanted to light up the lighter in my hand to take a look at my surroundings, but was stopped by my master. I felt that every time I tried to do something small, it wouldn't escape my master's eyes.

"Master, are your eyes able to see things at night, or do you have eyes on the back of your head?" Master, are your eyes able to see things at night, or do you have eyes on the back of your head? I said, curling my lips.

"This... This... You know Master I know how to count, what eyes do you have? " Master was stuttering when I asked him about it. Then, Master knocked on my head again.

His Master took out a glowing pearl from her bosom.

"Wow, Night Pearl!" Master, why do you have all kinds of treasures? "

"Nonsense, I'm your master, how can I not have some treasures?"

We walked on toward the altar, surrounded by the ghostly light of the Night Pearls.

"This might have been the tomb of an ancient emperor, and then the weasel found it when he was digging. That's why he set up the altar here." The Hu Half Immortal analyzed.

"What about the Monarch? Where are the treasures? Aren't there usually a lot of burial objects in the tomb chamber? How come I didn't see any? " I muttered.

"If you could have seen it, it would have been a mess. It must have been moved a long time ago." Master Hu Half Immortal said.

However, he slapped his face, "Aiyo!" His Master's head hit something, causing his Master to immediately cry out in pain. I was glad that I didn't walk in front of my Master, otherwise the person who got hit on the head would be me.

We looked up. It was the coffin hanging above us, and the two of them together, both dragged by a few planks of wood. There was a rope over the coffin, but there was a large hole in the air, and we didn't know where it was tied.

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