Folk Psychic/C32 Secret passage
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Folk Psychic/C32 Secret passage
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C32 Secret passage

"Master, this should be the Emperor's coffin." After all, this was the first time I had seen the Monarch's coffin.

"I'm not sure, but it's possible."

"Then let's hurry and open it. What other treasures are there inside!?" I rolled up my sleeves and started to climb up.

"We're not here to rob a tomb. Aren't you afraid that the rope will hang and the coffin will fall?!" The Hu Half Immortal said.

"Then Master, what should we do?" I asked.

"It's very simple. Since you're so curious, let's open it and take a look." His Master took out a small knife and cut the rope without a sound. With a "peng" sound, the coffin naturally fell to the ground.

He saw his Master slowly digging at the coffin's crack. It seemed that in order to keep the inside of the coffin dry, he had put a layer of wax on the outside of the coffin. Therefore, his Master was slowly taking this off.

After a while, the wax was finally taken down by my master. I carefully opened the coffin.

To my disappointment, it was not an emperor, but a weasel in a dragon robe.

"Is this the ancestor in their eyes?" I asked. The weasel in the middle had yellow and orange fur, and it looked very good. Its dragon robe should have been made for it, giving it a domineering feeling.

"That must be it. They must be trying to use some ancient technique to awaken their Patriarch. Now that we've opened their coffin, this weasel will rot very quickly." The Hu Half Immortal said.

"Does their rapid decay mean they won't be able to wake up? That would be great! "Hey, isn't the other coffin the wife of their Weasel Ancestor?" I pointed to the other coffin on the ground that Master had cut off the rope and placed on the ground.

"It's possible. Let's open it and take a look!" His master's heart stirred as he said.

"The moment I pushed the coffin away, under the light of the Night Pearls, I saw a pale face inside the coffin.

I was so scared that I sat down on the ground. The pale face of this person still echoes in my mind.

Seeing that something was wrong, his Master also hurriedly looked into the coffin and was greatly shocked.

I sat on the ground to rest. "Master, this … she's an emperor right? Why has it been so long? This person is still the same as when he died, his skin is still elastic."

"This, should have been done using a rather powerful preservative, like Qin Shi Huang. His tomb was filled with mercury, and no one could get close to it." His Master said slowly.

I stood up from the cold ground and looked at the emperor.

He was dressed in a dragon robe, with both hands placed on his stomach. This dragon robe was the enlarged version of the one worn by the weasel, with a white jade belt and golden boots.

"What are these weasels doing? Why did you put him with the weasel? " I asked doubtfully.

His Master thought for a moment and said, "I remember that in the past, there was a record that the weasels could dig out the heart and lungs of a human, and then drill into the human body to control the body. But since it was a corpse, it would quickly rot, but if the person they chose could die without rotting, then they could always stay in this body."

"Then what does this have to do with anything?" I asked.

They must be trying to revive their ancestor into the body of the emperor. That way, their ancestor won't need to change his body, but that's only my guess. The Master replied.

"Shouldn't we destroy these two bodies now? In case this weasel revives and comes to harm us! " I gritted my teeth.

"No rush, let me do it." As he spoke, his Master took out a small bottle from her bosom. With a single glance, he could tell that it wasn't anything good.

"This is the Corpse Devouring Powder. Killing someone to keep their mouth shut, it is a good medicine that must be prepared during travel." As he spoke, his Master carefully sprinkled the powder on the weasel, afraid that he would get close to it.

Under the stimulation of the medicinal powder, the weasel's flesh immediately turned into a mess. I watched as the weasel's flesh slowly disappeared, allowing me to soak into its depths. I quickly moved away from the coffin so that I wouldn't run into it.

Not long after, the weasel was left with a puddle of pus. The smell of barra wafted over, and I started retching.

"If you become like this with such a small matter, how can I help you become a big shot in the future!" His Master sighed.

"Master, I didn't say that. This smell, it's really too unpleasant."

"How do you think Master will react?" "As a person, you should be like me …"

"Master, you must not have smelled this …" I interrupted my master, and before I could finish, I heard a "wow" sound.

His Master spat it out on the side and finally felt better. She muttered, "Damn, what's this smell? I almost vomited out all the instant noodles I ate last year!"

Face smacking... Watching this scene, I wanted to laugh, but I was afraid that my master would hit me, so I held back.

Master looked at me, then covered up, "I'm having a stomach upset."

"Yes, yes. Master really has a stomach upset, hahaha …" I couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out laughing.

"Stinking brat, shut up." As he said that, Master wanted to bend down and take off his shoes, ready to hit me, then he realized that we were two female weasels without shoes, and then Master became confused in the wind.

In the end, we stopped fooling around. After all, what was important was that this monarch's body. Out of respect, we didn't touch him.

Master and I continued to search around here, but we didn't find anything new.

"Master, should we leave now? "After all, we don't have much time left." There was still about an hour before we would return to our original state, so I urged my master.

"Mm, I'll be going back immediately."

We were about to head back when we heard a crunch. I don't know what I stepped on.

"Don't move." Master reacted first, telling me to stand still.

I seemed to have stepped on some sort of trap. If this trap was activated, it would cause someone to die, or something like that. Thinking of this, cold sweat started to form on my forehead.

"Master, do you have any way to break it?" I asked anxiously. I had to turn to my master, who was the only one who knew what I should do.

"Don't say anything, let me think about it." His Master said.

I was afraid that my legs would tremble, so I activated the mechanism.

At this moment, Master walked to a nearby rock. He picked it up and started to walk towards me. I guessed that Master wanted to use this stone to block this mechanism. Then, we were saved.

Then, just when Master was replacing my foot with a rock, an accident happened.

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