Folk Psychic/C37 Dreamland
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Folk Psychic/C37 Dreamland
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C37 Dreamland

The surrounding area was very noisy, filled with the sounds of love between men and women. At this moment, I suddenly heard a different voice, "Daddy! Daddy! I'm here!" It's Er Dan, but I'm familiar with his voice, and we're here to save him.

At this moment, I really wanted to tear off the black cloth that was on my eyes, but Master said that no matter what sounds I hear, there should not be any reaction, it's the same as the situation with the weasel set A Su, so I'm currently unmoved.

In my ears, Er Dan's voice was getting louder and louder, "Father, father, look at me, look, I am really your Er Dan!" I pulled at my master's sleeve, but I did not know what my master was doing. He did not pay attention to me, while Er Dan was still crying, and I really wanted to console him. In the end, I could not hold back and pulled off the black cloth on my face.

As soon as I pulled it apart, the previous scene went dark. After a while, a scene appeared in front of me, along with my master and legume fructus. I was the only one standing here.

There was nothing outside the door but the fog of confusion and I, who was standing in the fog, feeling confused. I was very puzzled, so I opened the door and the scene before me was A Su's parents. I saw A Su's mother holding Er Dan and my uncle's father talking about something.

I walked over to greet A Su's parents.

"Dad, mom, why are you guys here?" I asked.

"Hey, we were just thinking about you guys, so we came to see you guys." A Su's father turned her head around, and didn't look at me.

"Oh, so that's how it is. Mom, wasn't Er Dan kidnapped by the Snake Demon? Why are you here? " I just remembered, but I was kidnapped by the Snake Demon. I was just saying that A Su's parents are an illusion?

That's right, just like that! Finally, I returned back to my real life. In fact, I couldn't tell if this was reality or not, because at this moment, I was in an empty space with my master and the legume fructus. There was mud under my feet, and not a single blade of grass growing.

His master had her eyes closed, and it was unknown what she was thinking.

"Have you seen an illusion, pockmarked?" I asked.

Of course there is. What I met was Lil 'Red, and with its figure, it is really Lil' Red. Sigh, but this Lil 'Red is too fake, Lil' Red never seduced me like this before. I wish that Lil 'Red did this. The legume fructus shrugged and said disdainfully.

"Then continue with your fantasy. Don't you like Little Red?" I winked at legume fructus.

"Am I such a person? "Because I usually say bad things, but I also never do such a thing!" After the legume fructus heard what I said, he began to reason with me.

"Yes, pockmarked person, you are not such a person. I believe in you." I smiled apologetically.

"Right, what did you encounter?" legume fructus asked curiously.

"Me? In a small courtyard, I met Er Dan, and he was even hugged by his parents. Er Dan was in the hands of the Snake Demon, how could he be in A Su's parents? I said lightly.

When I mentioned about A Su's parents, a trace of an unnoticeable light flashed through the pockmarks' eyes.

"I don't know what's wrong with Old Hu, she might still be in his illusion. It's been so long, but she still hasn't woken up." We have always been waiting here for Master to open his eyes, but Master has always been closed and has not opened his eyes.

After all, he had a relationship with the snake demon, so his illusion must be related to the snake demon. And the snake demon knows him, so even if Master is powerful, he is trapped in the illusion. I sat on the floor, analyzing.

The pockmark glanced at his master and said, "I feel that the two of them are pitiful people. They clearly love each other, but because of the difference in status, they can't be together. I'm worried about the future of Xiao Hong and myself."

"What are you worried about? When the time comes, you just need to properly cultivate. Once you have a solid form, you will be able to be together with Little Red forever!" "No," I said.

"En, brother, you're right, I will work hard!" The pockmark suddenly brightened up when I said that.

"I wonder what Master is doing in the illusion world with the snake demon." I said doubtfully.

"Hehe, I think so too. Who knows what he did to the snake demon in the illusion!" The corners of legume fructus's mouth flashed with a malicious smile.

"Forget it, don't think about this. We should just sit here and wait for Master to wake up. Hopefully, he will wake up quickly. This way, we can save Er Dan earlier!" "No," I said.

However, even after several hours had passed, Master still hasn't shown any signs of waking up. This made both legume fructus and I anxious.

If you looked further into the distance, you would only be able to see the ethereal fog. This place seemed very big, so big that you didn't even know where you were, or wherever you were going, you would feel like you were in the same place.

"Master, please wake up. The yellow flower has turned cold …" Master, when will you wake up? Er Dan is still waiting for you to save him … Master, the snake demon is here. You are in an illusion now, so you can't trust the snake demon in the illusion. " I squatted on the ground and kept talking to Master, but Master couldn't hear me.

legume fructus was annoyed by my nagging. "Aiya, stop for a moment. My ears are about to get calluses."

"But Master hasn't woken up yet, what should we do?" I put my hands on my cheeks.

"What should we do? What else could he do? "Serve it up!" legume fructus's answer made me even more worried.

"However, I've heard that sprinkling water on unconscious people can wake them up. We can give it a try!" The legume fructus said.

"If that's the case, then that's great!" I quickly took out the water bottle and tried out the method legume fructus said.

Icy cold water was sprinkled onto my master's face. I just don't know if master will scold me, after all, this water has my saliva on it.

"Aiya, who is it!" Master opened his eyes and immediately saw that I was getting water from him and almost kicked me flying.

"You two brats, you're getting more and more outrageous. You're still splashing water on me. You must be tired of living!" His Master said.

"Aiya, I was wrong Master. Your number said that sprinkling water on the unconscious person will wake him up. So, I saw that you haven't woken up for a long time, so I used this method to try it out." I quickly explained.

"Heh, boy, you actually dare to sell me out!" Lianzi said angrily when he saw me saying his name in front of my master.

"I saw that you guys were not listening to me, so I took off the black cloth covering my eyes. I knew that you guys would enter into the illusion world, so I wanted to take advantage of this time to get a good night's sleep. I didn't expect you guys to wake me up like this, it really pisses me off!" His Master said.

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