Folk Psychic/C42 Huang lao er
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Folk Psychic/C42 Huang lao er
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C42 Huang lao er

Even if his master died, he would not dare to say that person's name, and that person would probably cause people to be very afraid of him.

I didn't know what kind of person he was, so even though I was wary of the people around me, I was still confused about this mysterious person.

Although Master's matter had come to an end, our lives were still not peaceful. Ever since that weasel broke into my house a few years ago, our lives have deviated from their original trajectory.

"Bang, bang, bang …" "Bang, bang, bang …" Originally, my master had the foresight to make this law work. Unfortunately, I have not completely learnt it yet, but I have the book my master left me. It should be enough for me to become a qualified Yin Yang Master.

Originally, weasels and mice couldn't even touch this protective cover, but due to a weasel leading them, it broke through some of the core formations of this array, catching me off guard.

Fortunately, they were only able to crack it. The only way to touch the protective cover was to be covered in water, so they could get close to the protective cover without suffering any pain from being electrocuted. However, the protective cover Formation that was laid for us by this master when he was alive prevented them from entering.

"Smash! Smash him to death! I don't believe that this protective cover is so tough!" This was the sound of a weasel baring its teeth. Its face was filled with resentment.

This weasel's hair was slightly gray, and he looked to be middle-aged. His eyes were filled with ruthlessness, and he was even wearing a set of clothes. He could have taken human form, but he did not do so when dealing with us.

"Huang Lao Er, you won't be able to bump into it. Just give up!" legume fructus sat on the protective cover with a leisurely expression.

"Humph, regardless of whether I can hit them or not, today I will order them to keep hitting them until they break through!" Huang Lao Er said angrily.

The Huang Lao Er was the leader of these weasels, and all the weasels listened to him. In front of the Huang Lao Er, there was naturally a big boss Huang, but he rarely appeared, and whether it was in communication or battle, the Huang Lao Er was in command.

The weasel that we killed at home was the great-grandson of the Huang Lao Er. The Huang Lao Er held great hope for his great-grandson and usually, the one he doted on the most would be his great-grandson, but who would have thought that his great-grandson would leave after going out to train for a while and never return. The Huang Lao Er, who was extremely grieved for him, would naturally remember to seek revenge.

"Sigh, there's no need for that. It's best that you do not run into them. Your subordinates are already in a miserable state." legume fructus was still acting as a lobbyist.

In fact, even though the legume fructus said it easily, it's actually not safe for us inside the protective cover. There were several times when the protective cover swayed, making people feel like it was about to split.

Every night, I would stealthily strengthen the protective cover and prevent the weasels from finding out what I was doing. I was hoping that the weasel would have an illusion that the protective cover could not be broken and thus give up on our protective cover.

After a few days and nights, he knew that it wouldn't work anymore. The protective cover were becoming more and more fragile, but Wang Lao San still hadn't given up on attacking us.

"Huang Lao Er, what exactly do you want? Just state your conditions, as long as you leave, it's fine. You come here every day, so we can't leave, but you can't enter either.

At this time, legume fructus was still sitting on the protective cover with his legs crossed and a lazy look on his face. He even yawned at the same time because he saw that the weasels had used their bodies to attack the protective cover from morning till night.

The rest of the items were similar to wood and stone. In fact, they could also easily throw them in, but the things that the weasels threw in didn't do any damage to us. However, if they used magic to reinforce something, it would bounce back and easily injure them.

The weasel has thought of many ways to obtain this protective cover, but to no avail. The surface of this protective cover is a spherical shape, so even if we let the weasel, they wouldn't be able to fly across the sky to come to us.

And I can't break through the ground of this protective cover, because the entire body of the protective cover is spherical, and the remaining half ball is underground. These weasels have already suffered a great loss from digging underground to get to us, a long time ago.

When their first shovel touched the protective cover, they were very happy. They thought that they could pass through the protective cover.

In order to be more efficient, there were more weasels digging in the tunnels. One of them ran into the protective cover, while the other one placed his hand on top of the other one's body. There were other people beside the other one, and in the end, all of them turned into dust.

legume fructus used a spell to open up the hole in the ground and saw the miserable state they were in. The powder that they had turned into was the shape of their bones, so we were able to see what exactly had happened in front of them.

"Humph, I want you to pay with your lives for my great-grandchildren, are you willing? As soon as you do, I'll order them to stop. " Huang Lao Er was currently outside of the protective cover. A gentle breeze blew against its fur, making it look old and aged. Its gray fur seemed to be out of place against the green grass beneath its feet.

But thinking about it, the Huang Lao Er is also quite pitiful. Its most beloved great-grandson, the one it wanted to nurture the most has been killed by us.

Even though four years had passed, there was no one more outstanding than his great-grandson among his descendants. The weasel was a vengeful being, and their hatred would not fade over time, but as time passed, their hatred would increase. Until now, the Huang Lao Er had come looking for them.

"Your request is impossible. How could we agree? We are already dead, so how can we exterminate the demons and exorcise the devils? Especially a scourge like you, it's all the more appropriate for us to punish you!" I spoke with a sense of justice and a helpless look on my face.

"Ha!" "Then you all go accompany my great-grandchildren. I've asked them to find trash like them so many times, but none of them managed to kill you all. Furthermore, I have to personally come here." Huang Lao Er looked at his subordinates in disappointment.

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