Folk Psychic/C43 Special ability
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Folk Psychic/C43 Special ability
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C43 Special ability

Its subordinates all lowered their heads, not daring to look at Huang Lao Er. It was probably because they were afraid that Huang Lao Er would punish them when the time came. After all, Huang Lao Er was clearly not a good person.

"Hualala …" It was the sound of the protective cover shattering. There was a protective cover that protected us for a month, and finally, it couldn't take it anymore.

"F * ck, you guys really broke it." The Er Mazi spat and flew to my side. He had just slept on the protective cover, and since it could float in the air, he could sleep anywhere, and furthermore, the ghosts did not need to rest either. The sound of the protective cover shattering nearly caused the legume fructus's soul to disappear.

"Hempless, get ready, we are going to fight with them!" I said to legume fructus seriously.

"Children and women, don't come out of the house right now!" The legume fructus said.

A Su really wanted to help us, but she didn't have the power to help us, so she brought A Ning and Er Dan to hide in the hut and secretly observed our situation.

With A Ning in A Su's arms, Er Dan was very curious about our battle. From time to time, he would poke his head out the window, wanting to see the story that his Uncle pockmarked had told him about the fight between the two of us.

Although I don't want to see legume fructus's arrogant look, but he has established a image of me as a great father in my son's heart, so I didn't say anything.

A Su pressed Er Dan's head down, afraid that Er Dan would be implicated, and I also glared at Er Dan. Only then, did Er Dan obediently not stick his head out.

"Huang Lao Er, what do you think you can do to me? I just didn't make a move." I threatened Huang Lao Er.

"Hehe, what can you do to me? Back then, when I had your master, he might have threatened me, but now that that bullsh * t master of yours is dead, you don't have to struggle anymore. Huang Lao Er extended its sharp claws, revealing its mouthful of sharp teeth, and said sinisterly.

"Humph, you just haven't seen my brother's strength, that's all. I can't even beat my brother, and now with my brother's ability, he's definitely more powerful than his cheap master!" legume fructus's face was filled with anger, as he explained.

"Bullshit master? He is my master, I will not allow others to belittle him like this. Huang Lao Er, I will make you pay the price for saying those words! " My face was filled with rage, and even my face had become distorted. Huang Lao Er had said this, and the weight that Master held in my heart was simply too heavy.

After saying that, even the expression in my eyes changed. My pupils turned from black to red and even my hair stood on end. I rushed towards Second Brother Huang.

Seeing me rush over, Huang Long had a look of disdain on his face. After all, Huang Lao Er has been learning more magic than me, so normally, his spells wouldn't be able to compare to mine, which means that Huang Lao Er has underestimated me after a few years. He stood there with his hands behind his back, allowing me to rush over, but he didn't do so.

A group of subordinates follow behind Huang Lao Er. His subordinates are easy to deal with, so I decided to get rid of his subordinates first.

At some point in time, a ball of fire had appeared on my hands. I used my left hand as a flame to burn his underling behind him, and at the same time struck the flame on my right hand directly towards Huang Lao Er's chest.

As the fire in my hands was too sudden, Huang Lao Er was unable to react in time. Thus, he was tricked, along with his subordinates, some of their dead and some injured, they were not spared by my fire. Furthermore, even those who were injured, there were still legume fructus who would take care of them.

"Puff …"

The weasel was knocked a dozen or so meters away, and even rolled on the ground a few times before stopping. It spat out a mouthful of blood, and its clothes were burnt beyond recognition, and the hair on its chest was charred as well. With a miserable look, I stood right where Huang Lao Er was, looking down at him from above.

After a few seconds, Huang Lao Er shakily stood up. It seemed that this attack was not light, and at this moment, he took out a pill from his bosom and ate it.

"Damn it, I underestimated my opponent. What ability is this, he can even use his hand to receive fire!" Huang Lao Er asked with a different expression.

"You don't need to know what ability it is. What you need to know is that you can now die in peace." I said with a cold smile.

"Do you think you can do anything to me just because I've suffered a small injury like that?" Huang Lao Er said with disdain. Even though it was battered and exhausted, with wounds all over its body, it was still an arrogant weasel.

"Is that so? "Let's give it a try!" My hands can not only create flames, you can also materialize the flame and throw it out. I believe in this skill, 'Fire Ball'. Although the name is a bit vulgar, it's easy to remember.

The fire ball in my hand continued to be thrown. Huang Lao Er's agility, as well as my lack of familiarity in controlling the fire ball allowed him to dodge it, and as I looked at the Huang Lao Er who was jumping around in front of me the whole time without being able to hit me, I was enraged. The fire ball in my hand flew faster and faster.

I don't know if the weasel was looking for an opportunity to strike back, but he didn't. On impulse, I started to think about it. After all, the cunning of the weasel was obvious to all.

Then, he came closer and closer to me. I didn't know what he wanted to do, so I quickly retreated, because I only had one flame ball that I could use, and the spell Master gave me was still in the elementary level, so I couldn't do much to Huang Lao Er.

"Swish …" With a 'bang', the weasel somehow landed something on my body. My head suddenly felt dizzy, and I hurriedly retreated a few steps back. Unknowingly, I bumped into a tree behind me, before I lay on the ground and stopped.

You can enjoy it slowly, but we, the weasels, have no antidote, and we only use it to punish our disobedient subordinates. This will be enough to make you wish you were dead. This Huang Lao Er said shamelessly.

"foxtail, brother, wake up, wake up, this dog, the weasel, has run away …" At this moment, I had already closed my eyes and heard the legume fructus's voice calling me, but after that, my consciousness had completely sunk into a splitting headache, and I didn't hear anything.

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