Folk Psychic/C44 Poisoning
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Folk Psychic/C44 Poisoning
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C44 Poisoning

Pain, indescribable pain. My entire scalp tingled with numbness. I felt that my head wasn't mine anymore. In my memory, there was only pain. I didn't feel anything else.

Finally, one day, my head no longer hurt, I feel the whole world is clear.

"Celestial, is there any other problem with my husband?" It's A Su's voice, I heard A Su's voice in my head.

"I just took his pulse. There's nothing wrong with his body. As long as he takes the medicine I gave him on time, he'll be full of energy in less than two days." Responding to A Su was a gentle and mature female voice.

At this moment, I slowly opened my eyes. What entered my sight was an unfamiliar environment. At this moment, I was stupefied. To my surprise, there was a feeling. Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do? Psychology.

"In that case, I'll thank the deities." A Su said, her tone carrying a sense of security.

"No need to thank me. If you want to thank him, thank him. He is the descendant of the Yin Yang Sect. I have already returned the favor I owed that old man. He is already awake, go take a look at him." The person that A Su called a deity said.

It was probably because A Su heard this deity's words that he hurried over to my side. Looking at A Su's familiar face, I finally felt a sense of relief.

"A Su, where am I? How did I end up like this? " I sat up in bed and scratched my head.

A Su held my hand and gently said: "This place is the home of that Snake Immortal, that Snake Immortal is a good person and legume fructus was obtained from your master's mouth in the past. In this place, there is also the existence of a snake vein, but because your master was young and reckless, and had some emotional conflicts with this Snake Immortal, he had only gone to Old lady to invite Serpent Empress back then, and did not come here."

"But this time, we really have nowhere to go. We have no choice, we only found this place with great difficulty for the legume fructus, and it wasn't easy for us to bring you here, and it was to send you here to treat your illness." After saying all that, A Su's eyes moistened.

I also could tell that it was extremely difficult for them to do this for me back then. I didn't know what to do to comfort A Su, so I could only gently hold her hand.

I seem to remember that time, it was Huang Lao Er who secretly gave me something, and I have been struggling in pain ever since, until now, when A Su took me everywhere to seek medical treatment to cure my headache.

"Abominable Huang Lao Er!" My hands hit the table so hard that it was about to shatter.

"It's all in the past now. Don't think about it anymore." A Su comforted me.

"Right, where are the pockmarks and the others?" I hadn't seen them since I woke up, so I asked.

That's right, I forgot to tell you. A Ning has learnt to walk now, and she feels novel about everything, so she wants to try everything. That's why she cried and fought over it, wanting to purchase medicinal ingredients with her Uncle pockmarked! Saying this, a trace of a smile appeared on A Su's face. Of course, A Su was mainly trying to change the topic so that I could be happy.

When I heard A Su's words, my face also filled with gratitude. After all, we have treated A Ning as our own daughter.

"That's good then. A Ning, when he grows up, I can also enjoy the blessings." I said to A Su.

"Our Er Dan has also grown up. He knew that you were injured so he kept saying that he was a man who wanted to protect A Ning and me from harm." A Su's smile became even wider.

The leisurely time will always pass by very quickly. Unknowingly, they had already arrived from the morning to the afternoon, and legume fructus and the rest who went to purchase items on the streets had almost returned. They did not know what kind of surprise and joy my awakening would bring them.

"Aiya, foxtail, you're finally awake!" legume fructus's personality is anxious, he saw me sitting on the chair, thinking about something, so he hurriedly asked.

"Daddy, Daddy …" When the A Ning and Er Dan saw that I had finally sat up, they hurriedly jumped into my embrace.

I was holding a child in one hand, my face was full of happiness, but Er Dan was already four years old, so it was quite difficult for me to carry him, even with his small and strong body.

"I just woke up this morning. Oh right, what happened when I was unconscious? How did I get here? How did you escape the pursuit of the Huang Lao Er back then? " I asked.

Hearing me ask that, legume fructus had a bitter face, then said: "You don't know, what the hell do you think you know, Huang Lao Er brought some of his subordinates over the day you fainted, just so that he could catch us all and take revenge for his great-grandson. I am bringing A Su and the others to quickly escape, but there are so many weasels, we can't even win against them."

"And then? How are you guys? " legume fructus paused as he spoke, so I asked somewhat anxiously.

But just at this moment, the Bodhi seed, that Old Hu left for my sister-in-law, started glowing. This Bodhi seed floated up in the air, and shot out a piercing light, blocking the attack of the weasel, and even heavily injuring it. These weasels ran away in a sorry state, and thus we were saved! This is just like a TV show. When a male lead is in danger, there will always be someone who can save him, "legume fructus said as he shook off his hair.

"Bodhi seed?" Does it even have a function? A Su did indeed mention to me that she was kidnapped because of this Bodhi seed. " I nodded my head. Although I despised legume fructus for his shameless behavior, I still praised this Bodhi seed.

"Hey, brother, here's another surprise for you!" Hearing legume fructus's words, I turned my head and looked at him suspiciously.

"I heard from this immortal snake fairy that this Bodhi seed is very likely to have Awakened!" Then, there will be one more thing that can protect sister-in-law. " The legume fructus said.

"What!?" Become a spirit? That's all right? "Nonsense, if even a small item could turn into a spirit, then wouldn't all the tables and chairs we make now turn into a spirit?" I said, looking surprised.

"Yes, I was puzzled at the time as well. However, the Snake Immortal said that the Bodhi seed had a buddhist nature, and was then brought by a kind-hearted person. In addition, with sister-in-law's yin constitution, it could nurture this Bodhi seed, so the chances of this Bodhi seed becoming essence is very high." legume fructus said happily, the wrinkles on his face were all rising.

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