Folk Psychic/C46 Weasel nesting
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Folk Psychic/C46 Weasel nesting
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C46 Weasel nesting

After being narcissistic for a while, my soul is about to rise. However, I can't let others see me. If they were to see me, how awkward would that be?

So A Su was still taking care of me by the side. A Ning and Er Dan were playing with me, and with the two of them here, no matter how boring and boring my days were, my life would be ruined by them.

We were also given a temporary residence by the Great Deity Snake and moved into the house we rented. This house looks very simple on the surface, so it should have been built a long time ago, but its materials should be very sturdy. After all, it has been eroded by the wind and rain for so long, it is still possible to live in here.

It can be seen that the previous owner of this house was a rather wealthy family. When I first entered this house, dust fell from the door. I couldn't help but cough a few times due to the dust.

The cobwebs were everywhere, and the bugs could be seen from time to time. The tables, chairs, and stools were all arranged randomly. It seemed that no one had come to stay for a long time.

legume fructus's face was also filled with pain, because many times, legume fructus would be the leader of the labourers.

He came back with a face full of disappointment. His wife did not expect that his husband would return so quickly, so when the Elementary Scholar returned, he saw that his elder brother was with his wife …

The Elementary Scholar felt that the Heavens were particularly unfair to him. His brother was already a High Scholar and was already in front of him; he refused to admit defeat and continued to take the exam to prove that he was not inferior to his brother.

His brother's wife died two years ago. Unexpectedly, his brother got together with his wife so quickly. Could it be that not only was his studies bad, but in that aspect as well? And so he broke down.

He wrote articles attacking his society at the time, threatening his wife and his brother, accusing the world of being unfair to him, and finally hanging himself.

The end of a good life like this, so pathetic and lamentable!

"The rats this year are getting really serious. It's all because of the scoundrel, the weasel, allowing the rats to eat the crops. It seems it's time to clean them up." I was sitting in my chair, reflecting on this sad story, when the Great Deity Snake came over.

In the past few days, he had come to my house often. She was wearing a simple dress with a bun on her head, her unique hairpin stuck to the back of her head, making her look even more enchanting. Her face had a hint of anger, and her expression was extremely beautiful, causing people to not hate her, even A Ning and Er Dan would always see her coming and would stick to her.

"Oh, it's here again!" Come over and sit! " legume fructus greeted Great Deity Snake and quickly let her sit down.

The Great Immortal Snake nodded before sitting down on a nearby stool. Her sitting posture was elegant, and she had an air of immortality about her.

I heard from the villagers here that Great Deity Snake received human favors when he was young. Back then, when he was just a little snake, he was almost bitten by an eagle. At this time, a human child saved him.

When the great deity had wanted to repay the child back then, he had already turned into a pile of bones. It could be said that without the help of the humans from back then, there would be no such child as he was now. Therefore, the great deity had always been very protective of humans, and it was impossible for other demoness to bully humans.

"Great deity, you are the natural enemy of the weasel, so I'll leave the matter of eliminating the weasel to you!" I said sincerely.

"Naturally, I can't stand watching these weasels act like this for a long time. Unfortunately, I can't find their lair. However, since you've already been there, you won't have to put in much effort!" The great Immortal Snake said.

"Then, thank you, great deity. I'll definitely bring great deity to their lair. When are we leaving?" I asked excitedly.

"You don't have to call me great deity, we've been together for a while. Call me Qing Shi, Qing Shi Li is my name." The great Immortal Snake said.

"Qing Shi, Qing Shi, what a good name!" I read it twice in my mouth and then praised it.

"You are the only one who knows how to flatter. Be careful that your sister-in-law might listen in!" The pockmark heavily patted my shoulder as I spoke.

"Heh, brat, you must be tired of living. I'll let you have a taste of my strength …" I have recently developed a spell that can bring the superpower of fire to its peak. As long as I use my will to control it, I don't need to use my hands. I can use the flame wherever I want.

Although legume fructus is a ghost, my flames are also not ordinary, so it can deal some damage to legume fructus. However, I always have a sense of propriety, so nothing will happen to legume fructus, I just have a burning sensation. Thus, I will spar with legume fructus and my brother.

The pockmark was burnt by my flames to the point of begging for forgiveness, "Brother, I was wrong, I was wrong, alright? Just how are you going to let me go?! "

"Hehe, little boy, sing 'Conquer' for me!" I said smugly.

"Bro, don't play like this!" legume fructus had a bitter look.

"Are you singing, or aren't you singing? If you don't, then I'm bringing this over …"

"Right here?" Qing Shi, the Great Deity Snake asked.

"Yes." I answered briefly.

The wind lifted up our clothes, and Qing Shi's long hair swayed in the wind. In front of us, there was a cave filled with weeds, which were used to hide the weasel's cave entrance. When we went to save A Su and Er Dan back then, we had entered through this cave entrance.

"Let's go in!" Qing Shi waved her hand and took the lead to enter. legume fructus and I followed closely behind.

The low and short entrance of the cave made me feel very uncomfortable. Furthermore, without master's luminous pearl this time, I couldn't see anything clearly, and crashed into the cave wall quite a few times. It was all thanks to legume fructus's reminder, that I could stay here safe and sound, so as to avoid crashing into the wall and dying.

"Bro, there's a rock up ahead, stop …" The legume fructus didn't even have time to remind me before I rammed into him again with a 'bang'.

"Aiyo!" "It hurts so bad!" I rubbed my nose with my hand, whimpering, and I burst into tears.

"How can you see it?" I curled my lips in dissatisfaction.

"Why can't I see it? "I am a ghost," legume fructus pointed at himself. Even though I couldn't clearly see his hand, I could vaguely see it shaking.

The legume fructus continued to speak, "We usually come out at night to scare people. If I can't see anything at night, how would I scare people? And I'm not just any ghost. I can live in the sun. " legume fructus said in a somewhat proud tone.

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