Forensic Doctor's Record/C25 Red wedding dress
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Forensic Doctor's Record/C25 Red wedding dress
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C25 Red wedding dress

The next time I saw Han Yu was on the day of Song Chi's wedding. I had already not seen him for an entire day, and the last time I saw Han Yu was on the night of Song Chi's wedding rehearsal. He had brought along his bridesmaid, who he had only known for a few hours, to the bar.

When Han Yu stood in front of me, he was still flirting with that bridesmaid. I didn't even need him to admit that I knew what had happened.

The wedding ceremony was so arranged that it was shocking. Even the fresh flowers were flown in directly, not to mention the decorations at the scene. It was likely that even the unmarried men in the Bureau were jealous to death.

The female Fang family was rich, and their network was wide. There were a lot of people at the wedding site, Song Chi was afraid that he had neglected the people from the Bureau, so he specially arranged a guest area for them.

As I sat down, I happened to pass the butcher, whom I hadn't seen for almost a week. The butcher had made himself look young today, and at least I saw the smile on his face that I hadn't seen for a long time.

"Hmm, she looks like a dog when she's dressed up like this. Not bad, hehe, not bad."

The butcher looked at me as if he was joking. I stood dumbly on the spot. I had never had such experience communicating with him like this. For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

"This is not lecturer Han." The butcher immediately recognized Han Yu and took the initiative to greet him. What? You are also Song Chi's best man? "

Han Yu could not help but nod his head and did not reply, afraid that he would say too much. After exchanging greetings, he found a place to sit down, as the mood of the butcher seemed especially good.

The wedding was arranged on the lawn of a high-end clubhouse. I went to find something to drink, and my throat was smoking all morning. In the food area, when I was about to reach for some mineral water, my other hand took it away first. I looked up and saw that it was the crown prince.

It seems like the relationship between the father of this woman is really a mix of dragons and snakes. Even the crown prince is here. When he sees that my expression is still as calm as water, I don't know what he is thinking, whether she is happy or sad.

"The groom is a police officer today, so I don't need to know your identity. Most of the people here are police officers. Do you think it's appropriate for you to attend such a wedding?" I picked up another bottle of water and said coldly.

"Is the necklace you were wearing yours the last time I saw you?" The Crown Prince ignored my sarcasm and asked with interest.

I was stunned as I looked down at my chest. The necklace seemed to have been worn since birth, so it wasn't anything precious. However, I remembered that my mother had instructed me to keep it with me all the time, so I didn't understand why the crown prince suddenly asked about it.

"I've never broken the law, so I naturally won't take any of it. Since I'm wearing it, of course it's mine."

"Oh …" "Yes." The Crown Prince nodded thoughtfully. That would be interesting. "

"What do you mean?" "I looked at the Crown Prince in confusion. From the looks of it, he didn't seem to have any intention of answering me, so I said coldly." Aren't you a disciple of the buddhist faith? If the buddhist faith wants to cut off all worldly affairs, why did you come here to meddle in mundane matters like marriage? "

You've had too many grievances, and have always been prejudiced against others. "The expression on the crown prince's face didn't change at all, as if nothing I could say could irritate him." "It seems to you that this is a mundane matter, because you are still a mortal person. Buddha is in my heart, everything is Buddha."

"You …"

I wanted to say something, but the Crown Prince ignored me and walked into the crowd, leaving me standing there indignantly. The more I thought about it, the more useless I became.

Originally, Song Chi was overjoyed at being married, so he wanted to be overjoyed. He didn't expect that wherever he went, he would meet the person I didn't want to meet the most. He was sulking at the moment, when the wedding host announced the start of the ceremony.

The butcher spoke on behalf of Song Chi, making Song Chi sound as if there was nothing in the sky. He was simply a role model for all ten great young men, he only knew that the butcher was protecting the young man, and treated everyone in the department well, but he did not expect it to get to this extent, Song Chi stood at the side and was so moved that he almost cried out loud. I felt that the person mentioned by the butcher was not Song Chi, but this guy still had a shameless smile on his face.

As the groomsman, Han Yu and I have always been standing on stage with nothing to do, so we deeply understood what it meant to be a foil. Today, Song Chi can be considered to be in the limelight, and it took us quite a bit of effort to endure until the end of the wedding.

This was what the bride talked about previously, having no morals and no bottom line. No one knew how Song Chi and she planned things, but looking at how they laughed, it was probably not a good thing.

Song Chi took out a pack of poker cards, chose twenty of them, and then placed them in the King and Queen cards. There were exactly twenty-two of them, and after he shuffled the cards among the people on the stage, he pressed the button for the bridesmaids and grooms on the stage.

The rules of the game were very simple, the people who got the King and Little Wang stood up.

I looked at the poker card that Song Chi had given me, which had a black and white clown on it. I turned the card over, and Song Chi smiled sinisterly as he waved me over, signalling me to stand in front.

"Your Majesty, who is your Majesty?" Song Chi happily looked at the others and said in high spirits. If you have the King's, then step forward. "

Yun Duruo moved forward hesitantly, the card in her hand flipped over.

A colored clown.

Yun Duruo looked a little nervous as she stood by my side.

Song Chi took the host's microphone and pushed Yun Duruo and I forward. As he stood on the stage and swept his gaze across the crowd, he saw that I was standing there unperturbed and calm, and that the crown prince was obviously not used to such a situation. Yun Duruo's body was a little stiff and unnatural.

Today is my day of great joy, and you are all my wife's and my friends. As I told everyone in advance, the last part has no moral integrity, and the two people chosen must listen to my wife. My wife will make you do one thing, and in front of everyone here today, whatever my wife says, you must do. Song Chi shouted excitedly.

When everyone heard this, they all clapped. They all knew that what happened during the wedding was basically a fun thing to do, so Yun Duruo's face turned white. She pursed her lips and sneaked a peek at the bride beside Song Chi, his eyes filled with embarrassment and pleading.

Obviously, the bride had no intention of letting us go. She took the microphone and walked to our side, looked at us meaningfully for a long time, then turned around with a smile and asked everyone below the stage.

"They are all my friends. Are you going to let them off?"


Almost in unison.

"Everyone, don't blame me for my request." The bride turned to us, grinning.

A hint of panic and helplessness flashed past the corner of Yun Duruo's eyes. She wanted to quietly say something, but the result should be her begging for mercy, but the effect wasn't too obvious. The bride didn't even give her the chance to compromise.

"In front of the family and friends who have come today, kiss me!"

The moment the bride's casual words left her mouth, the crowd below the stage burst into cheers, the atmosphere became a little out of control. I glanced over and saw that the Crown Prince was still looking at me calmly and motionlessly, and Yun Duruo obviously did not expect her childhood friend to ask for such a request, causing her to immediately blush like a ripe apple.

Even the butcher, who usually didn't laugh, was clapping and cheering from below. The sounds of people asking for kisses echoed from below the stage, and from the chaos that began until now, only deafening cheers could be heard throughout the wedding ceremony.

Kissing! Kissing!

Yun Duruo and I stood on the stage at a loss. For a moment, we were at a loss on what to do.

"Regarding the matter of the kiss, since you're not taking the initiative, could it be that you're counting on my Du Ruo to take the initiative?" The bride avoided Yun Duruo's gaze and jeered at me.

Song Chi immediately pushed me behind me, and I bumped into Yun Duruo. She took a few steps back cautiously, and it seemed that I wouldn't be able to dodge it today, so I gritted my teeth and took the opportunity to hug Yun Duruo's waist, pulling her back forcefully. Her body was tightly pressed against my body, and he looked at me nervously with eyes filled with fear.

Yun Duruo instinctively wanted to struggle free, but since there were so many people on the stage, her movements and strength were not that big. My palms were supporting her body, so I have never seen her face to face at this distance.

Yun Duruo's breathing was a little heavy. The distance between the two of them was too close, to the point that her long eyelashes gently swayed under my breathing. There was an embarrassed and reserved expression on her face, and her lips were as bright as cherry blossoms.

For a moment I was fascinated, and then, with an evil smile she did not know about, I took her provocative red lips in a quick, stubborn, overbearing way.

Yun Duruo seemed to have not expected that I would actually kiss her under the watchful gaze of everyone present. Her gentle and beautiful body trembled for a moment, as she widened her eyes in panic.

I didn't even have any intention of letting go. I didn't even close my eyes to look from between Yun Duruo's hair, and just happened to meet with the Crown Prince's gaze, a type of provocation that was overflowing from her words. I was like a victor declaring my sovereignty over him, so Yun Duruo probably noticed my strange gaze, and along with me, saw the Crown Prince.

I held her so tightly that even the butchers could not bear the hubbub from below the stage.

"Rong Yan, you brat, enough. Today is the day of Song Chi's grand wedding, what kind of limelight are you going to steal? If you have the ability, go find one yourself, hahaha."

I let go of Yun Duruo and kissed her too hard, to the point that my breathing was heavier than hers.

"Are you trying to provoke the Crown Prince, or do you really want to kiss me?"

"I don't even want the red packet that Song Chi gave me, do you think I'm real?" I still haven't released Yun Duruo as she gasped for breath and laughed.

It was only until now did Yun Duruo realize that all of this had been arranged beforehand. The matter I asked Song Chi to help me with was precisely that Yun Duruo and I had drawn up large and small kings.

Song Chi and the bride were extremely pleased with themselves. Yun Duruo was furious, she looked like they had been betrayed.

"Let me go." Yun Duruo pursed her lips and whispered to me.

Instead, I hugged her even more tightly. Yun Duruo squeezed and shoved in my embrace with all his strength, looking like he was truly angry, but even so, I remained indifferent.

"Enough, enough, taking advantage of my marriage to play is enough. You actually took it seriously?" Song Chi was probably afraid that I would lose control, with so many people watching below the stage, they came over to pull me.

I slowly lifted the back of Yun Duruo's white dress and gently rubbed it with my hands. Suddenly, as if I had lost control of myself, I rushed to the bottom of the stage, picked up a piece of roast steak and a knife in the food area, and ran back to the counter. Everyone was bewitched by my strange actions, causing the wedding scene to slowly quieten down.

Yun Duruo didn't understand what I was doing. I walked to her side, picked up my knife and cut open the bottom of her beautiful long skirt, then wrapped the steak inside.

The sudden turn of events caused the wedding to be weird. People below the stage were already talking about it, and the butcher was loudly shouting below.

"Rong Yan, what is wrong with you?"

I ignored him and gripped the steak tightly in my hand. Blood oozed out of the cooked steak under the pressure of my palm, staining the white fabric. I slowly raised it above my head to the sunlight.

"This is the cloth that is used to wrap the nameless female corpse!" I raised my hand and answered seriously.

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