Full-time Soldier King/C11 Theoretical Physics
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Full-time Soldier King/C11 Theoretical Physics
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C11 Theoretical Physics

Ever since the day that Ren Ziling and Jiang Baili had come to visit, old master Hua had told his son that he was free to move about as he wished since the end of his introspection. However, Hua Bicheng did not come out. Other than eating, no one else felt like they were sitting in their own room, writing furiously. After a month of uninterrupted writing, Hua Bicheng finally finished, or rather copied, his masterpiece on theoretical physics, "A Brief History of Time". Although there were some concepts in Hawking's black hole theory and the Big Bang theory in his previous life that Hua Bicheng had only vaguely understood, that did not stop him, a physicist, from reciting the book backwards. However, what was more difficult was that Hua Bicheng had written English and Chinese versions. Fortunately, in his previous life, he had gone through all sorts of tests and baptisms of English, so he was just a bit tired.

In June 1932, the English version of Hua Bicheng's "A Brief History of Time" came into being at the same time, but for a long time after its publication, almost no one read it. Perhaps his theory was too advanced. After all, theoretical and physical science was too far away from the lives of ordinary people, and there weren't many people who cared about it. Besides, although the people of the Republic lived in deep waters, there were many masters, so who would care about the academic works of a colonel at home. In order to publish the book, Hua Picheng had spent all the money he had spent on The Theory of National Defense last time. In regards to this, old man Hua didn't say anything. Writing a book was always better than running around the countryside like he used to.

Albert Einstein, Professor of Physics, Princeton University, United States, September 1932.

The famous theoretical physicist Einstein was flipping through Hua Bicheng's Brief History of Time. He frowned and laughed like a child. Finally, he used a thousand-dollar cheque as a bookmark, put it away, closed the book, and stood up.

Einstein walked straight to the principal's office and entered without knocking.

The principal noticed that Einstein was baffled. He had never been to the school administration department before. He stood up and politely asked, "Dear Albert, how come you are free to come to my place today?"

"Mr. President, I just read a book called A Brief History of Time. I think the university should at all costs invite the author of this book to our school to be a professor of physics."

"Who is it?" for our Albert to give such a high evaluation. " The principal adjusted his glasses.

"I'm sorry, sir. I was too busy reading to remember the author's name." "However, he is definitely a genius in theoretical physics. His book has allowed theoretical physics to progress for at least thirty years."

"Could his book surpass your theory of relativity?" the principal asked.

"As a matter of fact, sir, that's how it is. In his book he corrected some of the shortcomings of my theory. " "My biggest wish now is to have a chance to have a face-to-face conversation with him," Einstein said seriously. I would like to recommend him for next year's Nobel Prize in physics. "

"I'm afraid the author of this book would be displeased if he knew that you don't even know his name." The principal teased the maverick physics professor, "Dear Albert, as the previous winner of the award, you naturally have the right to recommend it. But the Nobel Prize was awarded only to technological inventions related to practice. This book you're talking about seems to be purely theoretical. "

"Well, that's a pity." It occurred to Einstein that he had won the Nobel Prize not for purely theoretical relativity but for discovering the applied photoelectric effect, but then he said urgently, "Mr Headmaster, this must be done quickly. I don't want other schools to beat me to it. "

"Okay, I'll call my secretary right away." The headmaster believed Einstein's views on physics, and since he gave the author such a high opinion, the school naturally had to actively invite the author.

Soon after Einstein left, the headmaster's secretary sent him a copy of A Brief History of Time and a copy of the author, Hua Bicheng. " What? A Chinese soldier. " The principal nearly jumped up, "Oh! God, it was incredible. There is such an excellent physicist in that backward, poor country. "

However, the board of directors of Princeton University agreed to hire Hua Bicheng. The professor had absolute authority in the field of scientific research, not to mention the person recommended by Einstein. The school sent an invitation to Hua Bicheng through the Ministry of Education of China.

A few days later, Minister of Education Zhu Jihua was sitting in his office in Jinling, holding a letter of invitation from Princeton University. He was praising the fact that, at the age of 23, he would receive an offer to hire a student at Princeton University. Soon, this matter was known by the entire country. Although not many people in the country could understand it, whether it was a scholar professor, an elegant government official family, or a large number of students, all of them had to buy a book to fill the gap. Moreover, the book was well-received by the famous physicist Einstein. At the same time, this matter also attracted the attention of various famous universities in the country. The principals of each school wrote to invite Hua Bicheng to teach, and in the letter they sincerely said that the country was at a time of hiring. Hua Bicheng was a talent who should stay in the country to promote the development of national education and improve national quality.

At home, Hua Bicheng was reading Einstein's letter to him:

Darling, Hua:

I dare say you're the greatest physicist in the world, and I'd be happy to work with a genius like you. If I could discuss some theoretical physics with you, it would be an indescribably wonderful and happy thing for me. The school has already sent you an invitation to teach and a letter of appointment. I am really looking forward to your arrival. I also sincerely invite you to come. I'm looking forward to our meeting.

Yours, Albert Einstein

After reading Einstein's letter, Hua Bicheng let out a long sigh and said, "Sigh, if there were no Chinese, maybe I would have taught at Princeton University without hesitation." Hua Picheng wrote back to Princeton and Einstein. Many years later, Einstein said it was the most disappointing letter he had ever received in his life. Hua Bicheng's reason was very simple. His homeland was still under the threat of the Pharisees' iron hooves. As a soldier, he could not hide in school until his homeland completely defeated him. After the end of the war, he could consider becoming a teacher. Princeton University was extremely depressed. This seemed to be the first time in its history that someone had refused to become a professor at the university.

Hua Picheng's reply to Princeton University, which appeared in the Xi'an Evening News, attracted praise from all sides. Some likened Hua Bicheng to the Han Dynasty abandoning literature and joining the armed forces to run the western region's class; others said that with such a pillar, China could be revived; others suggested that Hua Bicheng should be allowed to work in the foreign ministry and take advantage of his current standing in the United States, which should make it easier to enlist US assistance. There were also a few people who attacked Hua Bicheng's refusal to go to the United States as a way to gain fame, but they were quickly drowned out by the waves of criticism from Hua Bicheng's fans. The headmasters of the various universities in the country, after reading the letter in the newspaper, except admiring this learned hero of resistance to Japan: "The Huns are still alive, how can they be at home?" He didn't want to hire Ye Xiao anymore. After all, such a talent should be able to accomplish great things in the war against Japan.

Old man Hua's current life was very comfortable. His son had brought him quite a bit of face in these past few days. A few days ago, his old boss, Yu Ding Ren, called him again and asked how he had been educated since he was young, to see if he had any experience, he could get the Ministry of Education to advertise it throughout the country. Old Man Hua could only courteously say that Hua Bicheng was still young, and it was still too early to tell if he had succeeded or not. This made his old superior very unhappy, thinking that Hua Kexin was holding back and didn't want to reveal the secrets of his godson. After the old officer angrily hung up the phone, Grandpa Hua could only bitterly smile.

Old Man Hua, who was resting on the Eight Immortals' chair, began to believe that his son had indeed done the Japanese army's surprise attack on the armory. It seemed that his son had truly been wronged by those bastards from the Military Law Department. He had to find a way to get a job in the army for his son as soon as possible.

"Master, General Yang Hu Cheng, the commander of the 17th Route Army and chairman of the Shanxi National Government requests an audience!" Uncle Bai's words caused old man Hua to open his eyes abruptly.

"Please come in quickly!" Old man Hua stood up and said, "Forget it, I'll go welcome him myself!"

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